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Everything posted by DON

  1. Unless Bergevin still not done, i am surprised Weber is still not moved, i thought maybe draft day and July 1 st at latest, i know "Can never have too many d-men" but he would be a cheap pick-up for some team and he is just screwed with a 1-way contract and being surrounded by a bunch of better d-men. I think he might be able to make top 6 in Edmonton maybe?
  2. I know Roloson/and crazy -guy Thomas are rare, just wouldnt toss on scapeheap quite yet. And i am excited because goaltending was a big weakness in Hamilton last year (i think?) and a solid tender can only help Tinordi and all the rest play with more confidence. And here's hopeing Lefebvre is a better developer of prospects than that last guy, who seemed to be a terrible coach with zero improvement in any player on that roster? Surprising he got promoted? But what do i really know maybe he is an OK hockey guy.
  3. 6 years is as long as any smart contract should be. Great to see recognition of franchise player and both sides must be pretty happy with deal.
  4. He is only 2 years and 1 month older than Price. He seems to do super in AHL and stood on head when last with Hamilton. Also Roloson did dick-all till he was 30, so who knows what future holds? Not sure why you wouldnt like signing? Has that Aaron Dell signed with any team yet?
  5. I aint a Flame hater, even with Cammalleri, but i think they are digging a hole and will cost em more down the road. Just great that the college kid Shultz wanted to sign in Edmonton, and not with Leafs/Rangers. Good for them, now they only need 3 more good d-men and a goalie.
  6. I dont know if a Semin or Jagr would be worth signing? very risky but will see wherer those 2 go?
  7. Another dandy signing, a bit high salary/term; but that was cost to get him in a Hab jersey no doubt. Now he, Eller, White and Moan can eat up more PK time to spell off Plekanec. seems just another in series of smart moves/plays.
  8. Well, he should be a motivated player, if he cant stay healthy, career could be done before he is 30. $1m is expendable in worst case. I think this could be a big steal, low risk/possible high reward signing, i like it. Again i say; Bergevin and co. deserve good marks for sure.
  9. assumed it would happen and great to have him on a 2 year deal.
  10. seems many arnt comfortable with Yemelin, i am fine with it, he had a bad +/- but was a "rookie" and didnt have a Markov to carry him (as 79 did for years with a #8). So i really dont see a sophmore slump for him neither.' And aint set in stone, as Diaz/Weber are a year older and more experianced as well, so maybe go with the ol 7 man d-core? Anyways, was always a big fan of Bouillon and is one gritty small d-man who always seemed to work hard. No one can be too diappointed with signings/hirings.
  11. Love the signings and is good to see a good goalie come back, will help for sure; and i was a Blunden fan, much better at everything compared to Darche is, and was surprised he went unsigned earlier, i thoufght he earned a bottom six spot till injured.but, he will help in Hamilton as well. Bergevin and co. are doing very well.
  12. agree 100%, he is an honest player and is great to have him resign.
  13. Can he coach, I aint got a clue, i liked him as a player; but i think he should do fine and seems another good hire?
  14. You guys and your negativity (you may be correct to worry?)! I say, Yemelin's rookie +/- and Markov's knee issue are history and like i said, I aint quite as worried and dont see as that big a deal. Just me with rose-coloured glasses on. Now, upgrading the offense up front and find a Mara to fill in for a year, is what needs doing. Oh and deal with Gomer. See how she goes on sunday.
  15. I dont see it so bleak, especially not double major weakness! Again i say the 45 goals from $30,000,000 worth of top players last year was killer. Need to put puck in net more. Markov Subban Gorges and Yemelin are a fine top 4, i know i know you will cry Yemelin cant play 20 minutes and is due for sophmore slump; but i would be willing to test that theory, as he is older, strictly defensive d-man and "Battle tested". And just have a cheap Hannan/Aucoin play with Kaberle. Better than committing $3-3.5/for several years to Allen maybe? But Allen still seems a nice fit. Do you think Bergevin will look to trade with the Hawks? Rumour (i am starting) is that we will go after Kane/Hjalmarsson?
  16. I am not of opinion the gritty d-man need to be top 4 at all, you know a top 4 tough guy will cost big bucks and want term and will most likely only need for 1 year, so wouldnt go overboard. If you forget your need for 20minute/top 4, it opens up for more options.
  17. Pacioretty-Stastney(Marleau)-Cole Bourque-Desharnais-Gionta Eller-Leblanc-Gallagher Moan-the Finn-White
  18. I would overpay for Doan, but RW not a real weakness/need.
  19. I could be top face off man with the current group at centre. Is great Nash gets signed, he could be an early injury call-up.
  20. not with ten foot pole, unless a 2 way contract and small salary.
  21. Hope is a 2 way contract, but an easily expendable contract anyways.
  22. Allen only worthwhile one (Suter too expensive) Garrison is one hit wonder looking to cash in, Souray was a pylon 10 years ago, Salo is made of glass and rest aint got enough grit; need more a Hannan/Aucoin/Sarich/Salvador type.
  23. Is bottom six already more or less set? with this group of 7? Leblanc-Eller-Palushaj Moan-White-Staubitz-Geoffrion? Or will Moan and/or Staubitz be sent packing in Bergevin housecleaning? If Gallgher were to shine in fall and make roster, would he likely be slotted on Eller line? Might Shultz get a crack at goon/ 4th line role (still not likely able?)?
  24. Loved Darche's effort, but time for a younger grinder (which i thought Blunden would fit), but maybe Moan and Staubitz will be rersigned?
  25. I see Flames seem to be selling future and have given 2013 5th round pick for Dennis Wideman? and Habs hold their 2nd pick, i guess they think they can squeek into playoffs/contend this coming year eh? Wideman is a good d-man, but $5+/year? So i doubt Iginla will be available for trade. Oh well, Habs should end up with a fairly high 2nd rounder next June.
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