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Everything posted by DON

  1. Bergevin said today about hires; "they just happen to be french, as well as good hockey people." I think i can safely call BS on that one and again Bergevin seems to be blowing smoke.... for no reason, cause aint foolin no one. Just have the balls to admit one of requirements is language, he shouldnt try and duck the truth and spin it. Not a good sign, to talk/act like a Brian Burke so early on.
  2. you may be correct, but like the hire as much as Crazy Mike taking over behind bench, mediocre and only hired cause he is french, which is lame; but maybe all will go fine, hope so.
  3. yah seems odd to keep the lowest pick almost possible?
  4. Dont mind the Lefebvre nor Lapoint hirings one bit, but Brisbois one not a fan at all, he was a cull on the ice and doubt he can offer much sage advice
  5. they are listed as 9th and 12th rated Euro skaters, but i wouldnt waste a pick on a Russian playing in Russia and Lindell is a d-man, who may go in 2nd/3rd round, but i would prefer to see Timmins restock forward group, not that he would pass up Lindell if he was a clear BPA on his list. Simply could use more skilled and gritty forwards and already have a bit of logjam on d (not that would be same roster situation at all in 3 years when Lindell is NHL ready but...)
  6. Hope you are correct; but, enough of that positive stuff! this is a negative topic thread. haha
  7. Ya, why i didnt mention Sabres helping out Habs, like u say unlikely for them to offer up a nice pick and help out Habs Even one of us couldnt screw up too badly this year with 4 picks in top 63.
  8. I think any prospect is in Hab range, except Yakupov or 2nd pick. Several teams have 2 first round picks and Habs could likely squeeze one from Yzerman or Caps given the right package (2013 1st round and 2012 2nd round picks) and a Timmins favorite looking to fall into their slot? BUt more than likely trying to keep all options open?
  9. 2009 Leblanc was fairly obvious at 17th (with Louis ranked 18th and draft being held in Montreal), 2010 Tinordi was a surprise and i had pulled for big centres Charlie Coyle or Brock Nelson. 2011 Beaulieu once fallin to 17th was a no-brainer, but i had originally hoped for 1 of 2 centres to still be available at 17 in Marks Shiefele or McNeill. Maybe this year, will finally get a highly skilled centre or 2, a skilled winger and a Ryan White type with better hands. But however turns out should be a super restocking. But overall you are correct and draft is a big crapshoot; but early next week JugHead Bob McKenzie will put out his (TSN's) final ranking and he has correctly named the #3 pick for 5 years running and if you had to wager, it would had to bet against him (he had Ryan Murray at #3 in Feb)
  10. For me it is just Martin II and i hope the team wins despite a mediocre coach; but, i have set the bar low for expectations and another top pick, in a good looking 2013 draft class, may still be in the works and be good in long run?
  11. I see some super prospects are in Montreal today for Combine. Great to see Lukas Sutter, Stepan Matteau, Dumba , Slater KoekKoek are all at combine. Was either Tim Bozon or Henrik Samuelsson invited i wonder? Will the full list of 40 invitees be released? Are the real player sizes measured at NHL combine ever released?
  12. He also has zero coaching experiance on resume does he? But he has been on RDS, so qualifies him to take on mentoring Tinordi, Beaulieu, Ellis, Pateryn etc in Hamilton eh? Sounds like a winning plan. May work, but i have reservations, id take a Rick Green, Ludwig or any of a 1000 other d-men who actually could play the position, long before this guy. If he had coaching experiance i would have a bit more comfort. But seems just like a political appointment, you aint really qualified at all, but you have connections, job is yours.
  13. Hopefully Bennett has been chosen to attend the 2nd camp? Only have 8 d attending this camp, seems low? Dell was offered contract last year wasnt he? and turned it down to play 1 more year in NCAA He will also attend other NHL camps before deciding where to sign, and i would think Price may be a big factor (obstacle) in getting him signed? But would be sweet if he would sign and save a draft pick likely? I wonder how Nattinen will do, now with 1 pro year under his belt? Maybe he will be that defensive centreman the Habs cant seem to find or develop. Avtsin, Lefebvre, Cichy and Berger will likley never make the grade.
  14. Sure and maybe Wilson will turn out as good as a 1st rounder should, but i would take a Matteau/Samuelsson/Bozon in that range instead. Do you see Timmins/Bergevin making moves (picks/players) on draft day? Moving up to grab a player in second 1/2 of 1st round maybe (Samuelsson)? or Trading down with pick #50 to add later picks? Or will Bergevin be looking more to July 1st to put his stamp on team and stick with slots they have now (i know is somewhat dependant on Timmins favorites players sliding or not)?
  15. But would you rather have the Big Bird or Brisbois tutorin a bunch of young d-men. I dont say need a former all-star d-man as coach, but come on Brisbois could easily corrupt em and be in way over his head? Could they maybe get Denis Potvin to coach the d? And Gallant would be a good choice as forward coach i think? But i am a bit biased and always pull for Maritimers. McTavish is off the list for as a Muller replacement, good move for Oilers and unlikely McTavish would be considered by RDS Habs for employment anyways.
  16. Brisbois had little hockey sense on the ice, so just dont see him being any use whatsoever, cept negatively, but who knows.
  17. Kaberle trade was a good, if not a very good and smart one, so it would be hard to attribute to Pearn, but is just good he is gone and wont be running MAB out there for a regular shift ever again.
  18. He could be a super pick with Habs 63rd slot, and i thought he stood out at the U18s and i think you are correct and Wilson should be slotted much closer to Troock than 20-35th and Troock actually seems more of a player than Wilson to me, but really havent seen much of either.
  19. Grigorenko or one of other 4 logical choices at #3 are all very promising prospects, so 100% chance of getting a super looking kid. And if Timmins/Bergevin has determined Grigorenko worthy, that is good by me and he will end up being a big boy, not sure if Gaborick/Kovalchuk big, but quite similar no doubt 6'3" 220lbs?
  20. wouldnt touch with ten foot pole, nor Radulov.
  21. i have known (thought) this for a long time, but never had real stats, cept when noticed that the Big Bad Bruins and Small speedy Habs were identical average size 6'0" and bout 200lbs, but facts are boring, stay with old stereotypes pushed by Cherry the Clown. And also shows why i wouldnt pick a Tom Wilson till 3rd round, even if they were 6'6" and 260lbs, The type, like Boogards are pretty useless overall and tons of Penner sized prospects just flop, but size numbers really jump out on paper and many still think bigger is always better for some reason? I would bet an "undersized" prospect like Mike Winther will end up being better NHLer in long run than Wilson. Even Lucic looks clumbsy and lost most of time on ice, till he gets into the slot where he shines, and this is the role i could see a Lukas Sutter playing/filling for Habs, a slightly more skilled Ryan White.
  22. thanks, my french is poor and just pick up bits/pieces and dont watch antichamber.Kaberle is criticized by many (which i dont understand) and he would likely admit he isnt the most physical d-man, and unlike Cammalleri Kaberle is a team player who wouldnt ever whine.
  23. How many players on current roster had Crazy Mike harshly criticized on RDS shows, not expecting to ever be their coach?
  24. I would say Zero is not realistic; as we can exclude Yakupov we have 3 top forwards and 2 top d-men as options for #3 pick; so i would peg it at 40% of taking a d-man. If Dumba is taken, both Markov and Kaberle will be gone after 2013- 2014, before Dumba is likely even in NHL (fall 2014), so current roster is irrelevant; but if happen to pick Murray, then will likely see room made for him, on July 1st at the #6 d-spot. A deal of Diaz and Beaulieu to Oilers, or something of the like, could be easily done for picks-forward prospect. I expect Bergevin to make some deals to put his stamp on team on draft day/July 1st.
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