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Everything posted by DON

  1. Just FYI: Mock draft link http://dcprosportsreport.com/NHLMocks.htm
  2. Pribyl gets 2 goals and assist in Czech U20 playoff game today.
  3. i see Eller and Plekanec running into each on the ice over and over and just dont see moving a natural centre to the wing as the easy solution. And both Plekanec and Desharnais are signed to very fair contracts and are just about the most attractable and tradable players they got, if going for an upgrade to an All-Star calibre forward on July 1st. If San Jose misses playoffs, Getzlaf may be a swap to make, or as i have said before Stastny, would be a swap i would also consider. On the backend, i, myself, would leave as it is, but Habs will likely will sign 1 more, and i like Bryan Allen or Shane OBrien (or the like type of d-man). So maybe swap Plekanec/Weber and X for Stastny and Obrien?
  4. Trading Plekanec or Desharnais is a painful but required move sometime.
  5. Galchenyuk gets the nod from me, primarily because of KHL fear and no negative reports on attitude.
  6. OK, i stand corrected, but still think would not be best move, but would be the total opposite of Martin and make for some fun interviews/press conferences, but i am sure Molson has his choice(s) already made. I heard Martin was at a game yesterday (Ducks/Bruins) and is still scouting for Habs, a high paid one but i had thought he was gone.
  7. Has any junior coach ever done well, going straight to head coach of a NHL team (let alone within an organization like the Habs)? Never has happened that i can recall? so why would it work now, especially given Roy's temperment? For sure it would be entertaining, in a Tortarella sort of way, but not a smart move most likely. Be as crazy as having Don Cherry coach the leafs.
  8. OIlers are up 5-2 today, so in less than an hour will be sittin in 29th spot. And if can start resting some players that would be nice and finish the last 6 going 2-3-1 or something like that should clinch at minimum a top 3 pick. But puttin cart before horse.
  9. I love Gallagher's play as well and hope he lights up the AHL next year; but, i was just wondering out loud what kind of kooky package the #1 overall pick would cost the Habs. Which for a conservative organization like the Habs, will never happen, but what if? And whether having 2 of top 3 picks would be worth the cost? Also Columbus must be a bit leery of drafting any more Russians, given their track record and trading down for roster players to rebuild quicker might be more appealing to them?
  10. It is an option for sure and if the right asset was offered, never say never. But i would bet a lot that Yakupov is all the scouts say he is and is the complete package, while Grigorenko does have the "Russian Questionmark" for sure, but he aslo could be a Malkin and not a Yashin/Radulov? Only time will tell. Which is why i would likely skip him for Galchenyuk or maybe Forsberg. Becasue when you look at reports, both Galchenyuk and Forsberg have "hard-Working" as a prime character trait, which is what separates many prospects who do make it from those who dont, and Grigorenko is not noted to be hard-working (or at least is not one of his best attributes, unlike the other 2).
  11. Interesting that Gauthier (as well as Burke and other GMs) was at this Sania game checking out the 2 prospects. I wonder what it would take to get Columbus's/Oilers pick, if the Habs kept their first also? Next year's first, a 2nd, Kristo, Gallagher and Eller, or some crazy package like that? I cant remember what Mr. Giant Ego (Burke) traded to get Danial and Henrik at #2 and #3, whatever it was it was worth it.
  12. Nattenin is unlikely ever to be top-6 and is strictly a defensive forward i think. Pribyl isnt even playing full time in Czech elitle league yet i dont think? Still very early to predict much, but even Plekanec put in over 200 games in the AHL before making it, so we can hope for the best and Pribyl coming over after 2012-13 season and then see how he does in AHL, love his size at least.
  13. Watched Kamloops game and that Swiss guy, Tim Bozon had hat trick; he is slotted right around where Habs should have 2nd pick 33rd-35th. He is also up for WHL rookie of year, would be another quality choice. And of course Gallagher and Holland has a few assists each. So Pateryn could play a few games with Bulldogs if signed and chose to? Maxim Trunev's KHL contract is up the end of April, already has 151 KHL games under his belt and is only 21, i wonder if he might be looking to give North America a try? A surprise signing maybe, he could take Avtsin's spot?
  14. good to see him get the call, i like his play and unles they plan on keeping Campoli, i would play St.Denis instead.
  15. No, not Moore! really? Could be worse i suppose, but i would rather see a bigger young guy at a low salary get the job for once.
  16. Havent had too many get away that are even worth talking about, a couple digruntled eatern europeans who got a wake up call when each were traded for a bag of pucks and picked up their game when the KHL or flippin burgers at McDonalds were their only other options.
  17. yes Plekanec is a top 6 and neither Darche nor White are, but tis just practice so try em all, who really cares at this point.
  18. I hope Gauthier is kept on, but very unlikely. Campoli is weak but an OK 6th or 7th d-man the Finn is disposable but fine as a 8 minute a night guy on 4th line. And i disagree with the 2 others and Kaberle and Bourque will be fine additions and most wanted to turf Cole after his start as a Hab as well, but Bourque is a big body and a proven 20-27 goal scorer who can skate very well for a bigger guy, not sure who you want to replace him at his salary? i would be curious to hear options.
  19. some other dude managed both, Randy Gregg i think was an oiler and doc wasnt he? Anyways, a good sized shot blocking defensive d-man like Pateryn could fit in nicely a year or 2 down the road next to Tinordi or Beaulieu.
  20. Why arnt they playing Palushaj and Blunden more minutes? Shouldnt this be perfect opportunity to see what they can do with a regular shift vs NHL competition if given 15+minutes? And Engqvist should be a perfect 4th line centre, if he was just a bit better on faceoffs, which is fixable? but love his size and defensive smarts and am friggin tired of every year rotating in a new smallish 4th line centre like Moore/Halpern/the Finn etc . Engqvist offense has even ramped way up in just his 2nd pro year, not sure why he wouldnt fit in that 8-10 minute role and PK duty? But if he goes back to Sweden, so be it and i gues the next one i maybe will pull for to develop will be Nattenin i guess. But Bournival or White will likely step into that 4th line centre role quickly enough.
  21. thanks, i thought there was some need to be 20 in AHL if a Canadian. I saw somewhere that Pateryn, is considering going on to Med school? So maybe he wont be a Bulldog next year like i thought?
  22. Too bad they wont play Leblanc, Palushaj and Blunden on a regular shift. It is just practice games happening now (or a very very early pre-seaon) and might as well see what they can do if given a regular shift. Even the top line and Plekanec are just going through the motions. But nice loss none the less.
  23. well written sir. Even with injuries ignored, i think the lack of many top forwards gives the perception of weaker class maybe? Because there just wont be a Couturier type forward available at 8th for example. But the injury to Reilly is a perfect example of what you wrote about, he was described in the fall as the most game controlling d-man and now he is a bit of question mark due to knee, still a top ten now but likely to slip out of top ten on draft day i bet.
  24. well, the trading away of 2nd round picks and the 1st in 2008 (my biggest beef with Gauthier-Gainey, cept Ranger trade of course), as well as making the playoffs, put the odds of high end talent at very slim.
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