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REV-G last won the day on March 23

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About REV-G

  • Birthday 11/24/1952

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    Jean Beliveau, John Ferguson, Henri Richard, Yvon Cournoyer, Larry Robinson, Serge Savard, Guy Lapointe, Carey Price, Brendan Gallagher, Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield.

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  1. I didn't know that. I thought it was going to be like the covid style draft. I still think the present format is better and more of a spectacular event, as last nights was.
  2. I think the NHL has made a big mistake. Where and how? By changing their draft day format starting next year. Many of you may not agree with me on this next statement, but I haven't watched an all star game for many many years. I think they're a waste of fan's time. But that's just my opinion. However I have watched every draft for many years and I thought last night's draft at The Sphere rivalled any draft from any sport that I've watched. I'm biased but I think Montreal hit a home run with what they did and how they did it. I'm sure the draft had many many of their fans watching to see if there would be trades, any teams moving up or down and who would get what players, and there were many surprises, starting with who Montreal introduced to announce their first pick. Brilliant! Everyone loved it. I remember watching Juri Slafkovsky's shocked face last year, and his family's, when he was drafted first by us and the uncomfortable situation with Shane Wright. But it's why we watch. It's real, human emotion with both excitement and disappointment. I had to laugh last night when they showed the shocked looks on the faces of Beckett Sennecke and his family when he was selected #3. And what a touching story with our 2nd pick Michale Hage. All of that was shown and filmed because everyone was together and celebrating in one place, once a year. To lose all that, and to show what I think will be a sterile war room with a bunch of people sitting around a table, that's what they think is going to be better?? I think last night's draft coverage was one of the highlights of the year for many fans and last night was a home run. The publicity for the NHL has to be over the top. They did it very well. And they think shutting all of that down will be better?? What a big mistake, in my mind anyway. What do you think? Agree or disagree?
  3. Pierre Luc Dubois traded to Washington for Darcy Kuemperr. Wow. I guess LA was telling the truth when they said they wouldn't buy out PLD, but I don't think anyone could have predicted trading him for a goalie who didn't have a great year. Charlie Lindgren was starting over Kuemper this past year at times. It had to have been a bite the bullet and get that salty cap hit back. LA obviously did not like what they saw in PLD and that he could turn things around next season. They gave up a lot to get him. I presume LA must have checked with Montreal to see if they would pony up and give more. After his year in LA did Montreal say no, a year after trying to get him? A very strange situation with who was once a very coveted player.
  4. I just read that Pierre Luc Dubois may be a serious buyout candidate. If they buy him out now they would only have to pay 1/3 of his remaining salary (something like a million or so a year for about 14 years) versus waiting until his next birthday when they will have to pay 2/3 of his salary for a buyout, if I have it right. Even though at end of season interviews LA said they would not be buying him out, you have to wonder if paying a million or so a year for an extended time, when the cap will be going up, would be the better way to get out of something that could be a huge drag on their salary structure for quite a few years. If they buy him out Montreal would seem like a place he would want to go based on what he said before he went to LA. Do you think we'd be interested in him again, based on what happened in LA? If so at what price? Because of what happened this year would he bet on himself and sign a one year "show me" deal and then cash in?? What are your thoughts?
  5. I don't follow the junior or NCAA leagues except reading updates about our own draft picks. I read that Stephane Gonzales from BPM Sports, reported that the Canadiens are quite interested in 2024 top prospect Tij Iginla. If he falls to us is he a player we would want....would he be a good pick?
  6. David Reinbacher's first game: A month or so again my wife and I and another couple decided we'd drive the hour to Belleville and watch Laval play the Bellville Senators. Last night was the night we bought tickets for and it also happened to be the first game for David Reinbachers so we were all interested to see him play. I expected to see him struggle with the speed and the smaller rink but other than a few isolated moments he looked totally at ease and I thought he played very well and fit in seamlessly. The only time I saw him confused, to me at least, was when they put him out towards the end of overtime, three on three, and I assume they were playing man on man and he probably had never played three on three before. His man took the puck and retreated out towards centre ice and DR looked to the bench, seemingly unsure if he should follow him or stay put. But other than that I thought he did very well. He is a very good and fast skater and was physical, not overly, but definitely used his size at time to his benefit. His teammates huddled with him before every face-off and they seemed to be discussing responsibilities and who should be where. On top of it all he used his skating and hockey smarts to pick off a pass, picked up a loose puck and skated in with another Laval player as a decoy and sniped a nice goal to the far side. His teammates mobbed him and it was definitely a great moment for him and the team. He also was named third star of the game by whoever picks the stars in Belleville. So if this was his first real game in North America on a smaller rink and a faster pace, I thought he did extremely well and I think he's going to as advertised, a very good skating, solid defence man who can carry the puck out of his end and make plays. A very good first game, IMHO!
  7. Even though they are at different levels and age, do you think it is fair to compare Lane Hutson with Quinn Hughes, when Hughes was Hutson's age? Are they in the same conversation?
  8. I just read an article stating that New Jersey will likely trade 22 year old Alex Holtz. They said he's a 22-year-old sniper who hasn’t gotten quite enough opportunity with the Devils. The former seventh-overall pick has 13 goals and 24 points playing mostly in a bottom six role. Are any of you familiar with him and do you think we're interested in him? It sounds like he's the type of player Kent Hughes would be interested in. Thoughts??
  9. I think it's absolutely foolish to draft a player like Guhle, develop him and see the potential of a top 2 or 3 defenceman and then trade him?? I would only include him in a trade if you were getting back a Dylan Larkin or a top level player that you will have for years and who will be a key member of your team. To me a player like Guhle on the back end is equivalent or close to a Suzuki or Caufield on the front end. I would, for the right player, include a Jordan Harris or a Barron with some other pieces, but for me, Guhle would not be a player I would want to move.
  10. I think there are some interesting things happening around CC this year. At the halfway point this season he has played 41 games, scored 11 goals and 17 assists for 28 points and is -3. He's on pace for 22 goals and 56 points. Last season he played 46 games and had 26 goals and 10 assists for 36 points and was -10. He was on pace for around 40 goals and 15 assists for 55 points. So points wise he's on par with last season but I think we all expected him to score between 35-45 goals, which he's quite far behind that pace, goals wise. So what's up? I think there could be a few things happening. Some have suggested that after surgery he has lost something on his shot. For me that's unlikely because nowadays rehab is so good and other players who have had the same surgery have returned to their normal way of playing and shooting. However I do I think that injuries to some of his teammates have affected him in a few ways. I think losing Kirby Dach really affected the top line. When Dach was moved up to their line last year they saw immediate improvement in almost every area. They were a threat. And when Alex Newhook got hurt they lost another player who could possibly help them offensively, although the sample size was pretty small. In reality I think teams are putting more effort on covering CC because you can see that he is getting that clear one-timer far less often than he did last year. It also appears that goalies are keying on him more because they seem to already be in position to stop him by being over and covering that side of the net as or before he shoots. Last year he seemed to have more of an open side of the net as he was shooting his one-timer. Last year, with Dach on their line, the scoring was more spread out and CC's one timer seemed to happen much more often. Due to a lack of genuine scoring threats from a depleted lineup other teams seem to be covering him much closer. You can see that on the pp when he gets the puck there is always someone on him, which wasn't often the case last year. Last year he always seemed to have room to maneuver and either shoot or pass. This year there seems to often be only the option to pass. The positive outcome for me is two-fold. First it has given Slafkovsky an opportunity to break out and I we're seeing the breakthrough with him that we were all hoping for. I think with the opportunity he's had this year, and the one-on-one coaching, he's breaking through that barrier and I think he is simply going to get better and better. He is still only 19 for another month, so he has so much room to still grow and develop. Second, next year we will have Dach & Newhook back (this year) and Slafkovsky that much better. I assume a few guys will be traded and we should have some exciting new players coming up. I think CC will be fine and will get back to scoring between 30-40 goals and overall as a team I think we have a very bright future.
  11. If Savard is moved, what do you think a reasonable return would be? A 1st? 2nd? Or a decent prospect??
  12. I have to admit I was fairly, and pleasantly, surprised by CP performance Thursday night against Vegas. For most of the game I thought he played extremely well. He did not have a lot of help and Vegas seemed to control most of the game with many high danger chances. You normally would not say that a goalie played well after letting in 6 goals, but it could easily have been a blow-out before the first period was over. At 24 he seems to be right at the point where many NHL goalies begin to establish themselves. He's had lots of experience in the AHL and a little in the NHL, but I have had thoughts lately that made me wonder if he was being fed to the wolves. He played against a very good New Jersey team and then his next start is against Vegas. They are certainly not protecting him and I have questioned why they're giving him those kind of starts. Since we are at a point where one goalie is going to have to go, I wonder if trading Jake Allen and keeping the two younger guys is the way to go? Has CP earned a shot at playing a number of games so we can see where's he's at in his development? Due to the sample size of goalies blossoming a bit later I think we need to take a closer and longer look at what he can do now and not rely upon past years. For the entire first period I thought he looked very impressive and sharp. You could clearly see Vegas gaining momentum throughout the game and it seemed only a matter of time before they scored because they were getting so many quality scoring chances. If we saw a glimpse of what 24 year old CP is becoming maybe we shouldn't be too quick to trade him away. Give him a more games to play over the next two months and let's see what we really have. If last night was the exception rather than the rule then proceed with giving him a fresh start somewhere else. However we better be sure we know what we have before we make that move.
  13. Personally given their age, I would trade Jake Allen and keep the two younger guys. I think this may be our close to last opportunity to get something for him. He's still playing well but age and injuries are certainly in play here. Why trade a younger guy when they seem to be able to do the job right now, although Primeau still has a pretty small sample size. He may be ready to blossom. But with goalies, you never know.
  14. No attempt on my part to connect the two as being related. Just used the upended societal norms around the world as an intro to some crazy hockey developments that none of us saw coming. Very good comment on the very disappointing early Boston success!! Can it last??
  15. This is a hockey blog so I won't talk about the absolute upside down state our world seems to be in. Countries, leaders and society seem like they've been injected with something that has turned logical, rational, moral thinking into something nobody understands. The hockey world, specifically the NHL, in a different sort of way also seems to have been turned upside down since the start of the season. Here are just a few of the things that are the exact opposite of what many players, fans and reporters expected. 1. The Boston Bruins. Who would have ever thought that an aging team that lost some key players in the offseason would be dominating and at the top of the league. 2. Toronto Maple Leafs. Again?? Are they cursed?? I'm obviously not a fan, and things could turn around, but they seem to be heading for another huge disappointment with the team they have assembled. It's the same story that just keeps repeating. Strong forward core of 4-5 but a weak defence and suspect goaltending. For a team that was expected to be a serious contender, they could be fighting for a playoff spot if things don't start improving. 3. The Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames, Ottawa Senators, Pittsburgh Penguins??? Yikes. What's happened to these teams that were supposed to be much improved? At the moment they're awful, the opposite of what they should be, compared to the expectations many had for them. 4. Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl, Jonathan Huberdeau, Nazem Kadri?? Really good players not playing anywhere near their expectations. I have never seen, in my lifetime, so much chaos, shock, uncaring and lack of respect for humans than I'm seeing in all areas of society throughout the world. We are living in perilous times!! What do you think?
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