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RIP Tories Clean Air Act

Pierre the Great

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It appears that the Conservative government's vaunted clean air act is dead.

Environmentalists say Environment Minister John Baird told them in a private meeting that he will abandon the bill because he can't accept sweeping amendments put forward by the opposition. The clean air act was the centrepiece of the Conservative environmental agenda but the opposition parties drastically changed it during committee study to incorporate the targets of the Kyoto Protocol.

In Friday's meeting, Baird reportedly described the rewritten legislation as a Liberal bill and said he would never bring it forward, said John Bennett of ClimateforChange.


So much for being 'green' Mr. Harper. lol

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Actions speak louder than words and our lifestyle is in direct opposition to climate control. People say they care but when the jobs are lost and you can't buy beer and burgers, when there are job losses the environment will be moot.

You spend alot of time on the computer - kiss that goodbye along with many other things. "Caring" is lip service.

Kyoto signed on March 15, 1999. Eight years later what's changed? The idea and the word Kyoto are very "warm and fuzzy"

Does the environmentalist use toilet paper?

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and cities will have to be moved because of high seas.

I don't buy that 'jobs will be lost' baloney. Its the deniers that are in the wrong on this and sadly most will be dead by the time doomsday will come. I'm sick and tired of ######ing 60 and 70 year olds telling me nothing is wrong with the Earth. They won't be breathing at 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050. I will, this head in the sands mentality is sick and inhumane.

So when Montreal and Vancouver floods. And Calgary runs out of water because no more snows in the mountains which is there water source. Don't come crying.

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...Don't come crying.

I'm not saying that at all but it is A MATTER OF FACT that until we change our thinking nothing will happen. Running around proclaiming a good environment does nothing to solve it's destruction.

The human race NEEDS to change. We aren't and the environment shall go as we go...which is nowhere.

Pierre, you know as well as I do that what the earth needs is only/probably 5% achievable based on our desired standard of living. RIGHT NOW - we need to stop driving. RIGHT NOW we need to....infinity.


PS. This isn't an attack on you. We actually are not disagreeing. You're engaging the poli and I'm talking philosophy.

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I know but we can't go it alone. Politicians control everything. Not one person can truly change the storm that's coming. Its coming, but we can make it weaker.

My defeatism isn't meant as giving up. It's the philosophy that we as a species have to realize that we are doomed. We may not be but we'd better THINK THAT WAY so we wake up

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I don't drive a car, don't eat meat, I'm an Eco Hero!

But try telling Joe Normal they should give up their SUV or cheeseburgers in the interest of fighting global warming for our childrens' tomorrow, and you see how self-serving capitalism makes people, how stubborn with their denials and creative with their rationalizations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When the weather starts costing Western Civizations $billions of dollars then they will care. Until then we will drive our cars, overuse natural resources and live like fatcats until everything is used up. How many people will give up air conitioning?

Climate change will rectify itself once nature rectifies US!

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global warming and cheesburgers ??? BBQ's ??? maybe i'm a Joe Normal , but the last thing on Earth i will stop is cooking cheesburgerrs on my bbq. Sorry guys.

Edited by JoeLassister
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"Baird's speech came as Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn announced the government would ban the sale of inefficient light bulbs by 2012."

LOL you could ban those tomorrow. Australia did. Why 2012?

Banning this technology completely will ultimately serve the greater good but there are applications where incandescent lamps are a necessity. These applications are ignored and it WILL cause issues for people.

I see WAY too many stupid things being pushed by governments looking for votes from the environmental sect.

A few examples I can claim to be an expert on:

1) Light fixtures must have "full cut-off". The goal: light that enters the sky is "light pollution" and wasted energy. A great concept with good intentions...and a myth by uneducated politicians, and government officials, who know NOTHING about lighting an area. This will mean more light poles and fixtures with light directed straight down. Thus more light will reflect off the ground and create even more "light pollution" in the sky and drive up energy costs. Not to mention the additional concrete bases and steel in the additional poles and fixtures. BUT, who cares about reality...it makes "sense" so it will mean people will believe and vote for it...

2) Offering rebates per efficient ballast. Instead of offering a fixture with 1 ballast operating 4 fluorecent tubes companies now offer 2-3 ballasts per fixture because the rebates are actually higher then the cost of a ballast.

3) Offering rebates based on ballasts and lamps as opposed to actual energy consumption savings ignores the efficiency of the fixture they are in. If a fixture does not effectively get light to the area it's intended(has a poor reflector, refractor, poor materials, etc) then changing the ballast and lamp could actually mean people are not maximizing their savings and many may not actually be saving anything at all.

4) Trying to use LED technology in streetlighting when it's not yet efficient enough...so how do they get the "energy savings" they drop the light levels, safety standards, security standards, etc. If you don't hold levels constant the savings are really bogus...if you don't care about the standards then just turn the lights off and save 100% of the streetlighting.

I could go on for a couple hours on the topic of lighting, energy and stupid government initiatives.

Yes, they need to definitely FORCE the issue on the topic of energy savings because people continue to use obsolete technologies but the policies/legislations/rebates are so ridiculous they're often hurting the cause they're trying to support.

I'm sure many of you tuned this out before the end of my rant. LOL.

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