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Jerry Falwell, dead

Pierre the Great

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Some of his quotes:

About September 11, 2001

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals."

AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers . . . AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

He supported racial segregation during the 60's.

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Unfortunately some things that may have started out with good intentions all too often go bad. Falwell probably falls into that category. In the end ego, vanity, politics and greed came into play far too much in this situation, which is nothing new though? And more damage than good is done in the long run!

Unfortunately much of the face of real Christianity has unfairly become to be known and associated with religious zealots like Falwell - how sad that is because nothing should be further from the truth than that.

His death is sad, but it will not change anything when it comes to the overly self-righteous.... no matter what their beliefs may be!

Edited by beliveau1
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He was a vehicle of hate. And its sad that he had such huge political power in this country.

People like him, have pushed me away from religion.

Christianity is so hateful now here, its unbearable.

That's sad to hear PTG - but I would say that people who express such extreme beliefs don't truly represent the truth. They have perverted for it their own reasons, whatever that may be? Falwell became an easy target - he was a self righteous and overly zealous bigot. Not a true image of what we should be..... it's not Christianity that is hateful itself, just misinformed individuals?

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The problem is his views have become accepted in the mainstream churches.

And people are growing up with this hate, instead of love.

I keep telling my catholic friend that the archbishop here is going down a dangerous path doing slash and burn religion, with us or against us mentality.

The thing that has made america work for religions is that we don't push religion on people or oppress people with not being able to explore religion.

If you move to the pushing religion in a total warfare, slash and burn style way, you only will get one result. A Quebec and Europe.

People like Falwell, Dobson, Archbishop Raymond Burke, Robertson and so on are disrupting that balance and it will only lead to bad things.

I personally left due to my split lutheran family. One side is in the hard line crazy church of Missouri-Synod and I'm in the church that split from them and is more liberal and has women pastors.

Missouri Synod hates women, catholics, gays, liberals and they preach it.

Last time I went to church was at my great uncles funeral. He was Missouri Synod Lutheran while his wife and 3 daughters are catholic. For the entire service the pastor railed against catholics, right in front of my great aunt and second cousins.

Then my mother grew up was baptized, first communion, confirmation and married at her church growing up. She is banned from taking communion at her church because she's in the ELCA.

Then I left my church after my pastor had an affair with the secretary.

I went to a Missouri Synod high school, the pastor railed against anyone who wasn't missouri synod saying they are going to hell. The school practiced racism in the name of God. And I had enough.

My Uncle is a pastor in the Missouri Synod, in the inner cities of Kansas City Kansas. He was about to be excommunicated for being too liberal as deemed by the church officials before the president at the time died.

So much hate, I had to leave. The true teachings I was taught are still with me but I'm done with religion at this time. Too much hate is going on and I'm at peace for the first time in my life by not partaking in the I'm better then you rants I hear on a daily basis on tv.

I probably could go back to my church, the new pastor she's really nice but I can't do it anymore.

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I was taught in a christian left view point. Tommy Douglas would be a family hero if my parents knew about him.

Those basic teachings of love, respect, and a calling to help the poor and make the world a better place haven't left me.

That explains my political view point I guess.

In other words I was taught to rise above.

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I feel bad for those that think they know, yet do not know, and die as ignorant fools.

Too bad he used the message to make TV church so successful $$$ yet hardened the hearts of those that were supposed to be true believers. The message that he was supposed to send was to find persoanl faith, not personal hate.

In my heart I wish his family the best as personal loss is very hard.

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...Those basic teachings of love, respect, and a calling to help the poor and make the world a better place haven't left me....

....I was taught to rise above.

Indeed - noble thoughts and precepts to indeed live by......

Unfortunately the Falwell's of this world have sunk well below the bar of what Christianity is all about!

They have left those of us who believe painted black with the tar of their poison.

I was taught to hate the sin, but still love the sinner no matter what - they have managed to do both and made it seem as if that is the truth.....

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