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Zednik going to Arbitration...


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Nobody mentioned it yet (I guess because its not really big news) but Zednik has filed for arbitration. An arbitrator will decide on how much Zednik is worth on a one year deal..


At least he will be under contract 100% for the start of next season, thats some good news.

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Sad to hear, because arbitration is always hard on the players, as the management have to say a lot of stuff that wouldn't usually be said in order to save money.

How much do you think he's worth? (open ended question for all readers)

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He made 1.85M last year... I'd say about 2M-2.3M

The arbitration process will be weird since they will compare to existing contracts (old CBA)... so the players should be advantaged.

Those without arbitration rights will have to conform to the new realities of the freshly signed CBA right away.

Frankly 50pts a year isn't that much bargaining power, he simply isn't that good.

Btw we presently have 31.5M already commited in salaries for next year... and we have yet to sign Bonk, Hainsey, Hossa (signed but terms not released so I can't add his salary), Huet, Kovalev, Ryder, Souray, Zednik.

I assume Hainsey & Hossa will get the minimum, around 1.2M, Bonk 3.5M, Zednik 2.2M, Huet 500k, we offered Kovy 4.25M apparently, Ryder should get similar to Ribeiro's 1.55M. Souray let's say 2M.

That's an extra 14.4M... if nobody else is signed.

So we're talking about a 45.9M payroll, and the league is apparently fighting for a 30-35M salary cap.

Am I the only one who sees that something doesn't jive here? And they're going to miss a whole year only to figure out that they can't even respect the cap they were fighting for all along?


And that's not even including the tons of bonus clauses.

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Originally posted by Habs77

So we're talking about a 45.9M payroll, and the league is apparently fighting for a 30-35M salary cap.

Am I the only one who sees that something doesn't jive here? And they're going to miss a whole year only to figure out that they can't even respect the cap they were fighting for all along?


And that's not even including the tons of bonus clauses.

The thing is though that the league wouldn't institute the cap with immediate penalties...there would likely be a 3 year grace period which would allow teams and salaries to gradually get under control.

So a number of salaries would be off the books by then.

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such a severe salary cap will be difficult to impliment no matter how long they delay. They will need to do a progressive salary cap if they want a chance. Make the first year almost meaningless except to the top couple of teams - 65 mil or something. Then bring it down the next year to 50, etc.. You need to have a system where teams have places to unload their cap burdens. Really they should have a severe soft cap, that would make more sense.

The best system would be revenue sharing, but the greedy owners will never go for it, because they dont really want cost certainty. They want cheap players, they want weak unions, they want to pocket the money that hockey players earn and give a swift kick to every fan and expect them to thank them for it. Players are not bad for wanting as much as the market will bear. Fans are not bad for wanting to pay less for tickets, owners are vile for tricking fans into hating the players that entertain and amaze them. Owners are vile for union breaking. Owners are vile for lying and lying about finances and economics and "the glory" of taking it in the ass for the team.

It should be noted that these systems do not really benefit montreal all that much, they are in the upper third of salaries. Most likely they will have to cut payroll.

Edited for spelling

[Edited on 2004/7/16 by simonus]

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I was actually going to ask about the cap, but Zowpeb and Simonus answered my question. Thanks :/)

Dykhuis is expensive for the player he is ($1.7 million), but it's pointless buying him out now. We'd pay something like $1.1 million just to get him off our hands - not worth it.

In Hamilton, he provides a solid defensive effort night after night, and gives a guiding influence to our younger players. For another year (if we have that year), his part in Hamilton will be greatly appreciated. We haven't heard him complain once.

I don't like his salary, but what he's doing for the team at the moment will prove to be quite beneficial in the long run.

In the meantime, let's see what we can do about Brisebois and Rivet's salaries...

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I agree with what you said about Dyhuis helping out, but its a high price to pay, i mean... 1.7 million.

I'm a fan of Rivet's... as he shows up game in and game out as well, and I hate to see the fans get on him about it. He is getting paid rather too much for a player who isn't able to put up that many points.

And, Don't get me started on Brisebois... but lets just say, I know that next year, the habs got an option to buy him out at 1 million instead of paying him 4 million to stick around... lol...

Don't get me wrong, i know his heart is in the right place and all, but, He just tends to make some of the weirdest decisions on the ice... :wall:

[Edited on 17/7/04 by Macaskill]

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while worth nowhere near 4 mil, brisebois had a pretty solid year last year and earned the right to escape much of the bashing that has dogged him for the last little while.

This said, if we can buy him out at 1 mil, save three mil and in the best of all worlds throw hainsey in his place - do it.

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I agree, Brisebois did have a solid year, as he focused on defense, not offense. His production totals suffered, but we benefited, and, in a team first policy, it's something to appreciate.

I'd be keen to buy him out at 1 million, and resign him at 1.5. Hainsey doesn't have to replace him to play with the team:




That is, of course, without Bouillion, but who knows if and when he'll be back? And whether Beauchemin will challenge for a spot?

[Edited on 2004/7/17 by TheAussiePosse]

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a brisebois-hainsey line could be an interesting way for brisebois to pass on his experience to a likeminded defenseman... hopefully he can transfer only his good habits.

I really hope beauchemin challenges, I've always thought of him as an incredibly interesting experiment.

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Originally posted by simonus

a brisebois-hainsey line could be an interesting way for brisebois to pass on his experience to a likeminded defenseman... hopefully he can transfer only his good habits.

Geez, that's scary thought!!! Hainsey & Brisebois together on D. There is only enough room on the Habs for one of them, let alone pair them together!!!

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Geez, that's scary thought!!! Hainsey & Brisebois together on D. There is only enough room on the Habs for one of them, let alone pair them together!!!

Heh... I thought they kicked ass together at the start of last season. I'd love to see them back together. It's Hollywood and Paris :).

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Brisebois could show Hainsey how to let players slip by him, and, get a good plus minus by gettin off the ice just b4 a goal is scored against you. He could also teach him how to get injured, and collect pay. :idea:

lol, all joking aside though, anyone ever read Jack Todd's collums in the Gazette?... he's definitly my fav sports writter :clap::P... and we all kno he luvs brisebois. (aka... broken wood)

Anywayz, its true though, Brisebois has been around the league quite awhile, and could probably teach Hainsey some things, but I'd rather not see them paired together... lol, put hainsey with souray, as he has lost his partner Quintal.

(might have to check which way they shoot tho... lol)

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