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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/11 in all areas

  1. Lol. Nice observation. Give us da win or ya sleep wit da fishes.
    2 points
  2. Yeah, we should be realistic about Markov. The guy has hardly played in two years. He's mortal; he wil need to be eased in, and it wouldn't surprise me if it takes long enough for him to round into form that fans will start griping about his being 'damaged goods' and 'washed up' - which of course will lead immediately to the usual strident demands for the firing of Martin and Gauthier and cries for the team to Tank and get a high pick. Indeed, I expect the Habs to struggle for a few games upon his return, because that's a frequent scenario when a star player comes back. And then, after several games of struggles and hysteria, the Markov Machine will gradually begin firing on all cylanders and the Habs will suddenly start looking better. The fire-them-now crowd will grow more subdued...until we suffer our next batch cataclysmic injuries, or until we are eliminated in the playoffs, in which case even a loss in the Finals will be taken as resounding proof of JM's or the organization's utter incompetence.
    1 point
  3. Well it's obvious i know nothing about hockey .
    1 point
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