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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. This is my thought. I wouldn't trade him unless the return is right. He'd be a good mentor for younger players coming up. Learning how to play the right way as they say.
  2. I can't remember the play, but during the playoffs, a goalie made a save on suzuki and gave him a look. The very next play, he did it again and scored. Cheeky. Last night the goal was called back. Cheeky Suzuki scored the exact same goal. I love that competitive gene in him.
  3. Kulak was also very noticeable live. After seeing Lehkonen play last night, I don't see why you trade home for a 2nd round pick. Will you get a 1st for him? Do you want to gamble that that 1st will be better than him? If he makes 3 to 3.5, I don't see why you don't just keep him. His speed, defensive prowess and fierce forechecking are too good in my view. I says keep him.
  4. My take from tonight. Lehkonen is a fierce forechecker. I do not want him traded. Period. Slick nick was fantastic tonight. Nice bounce back game for Monty. Dauphin is a legit 4th liner. That 1st line. Some bad calls by the 4efs tonight. Mike smith sucks
  5. I will be at this one. Hopefully matumbo has a descent game
  6. Big bird was definitely most common. I don't recall hearing bird.
  7. This was about what I was thinking. 2.5 to 3
  8. If the return isn't solid, I don't see the point in trading Lehkonen. He's a strong checker. In all areas of the ice. He's young and fast and defensively strong. How much do you pay a guy like him with his inconsistent numbers? Can't be that much can it?
  9. I like Dauphin tonight. Is Montembault an NHL backup?
  10. Suzuki takes a high stick and a slash right in front of refs. Play on!
  11. They've had a lot of injuries this season. Possibly his role changed slightly during Backstroms absence?
  12. That was a better effort than I've seen in a while. Still haven't watched q full game this year
  13. I tuned in halfway through the second. Entertaining game. Sucked seeing my cousins kid take the penalty on kulak and laviolette shaking his head. Back to Hershey I reckon. CC looked good. Anderson and Suzuki looked good
  14. I agree. I was disappointed to see them. More disappointed to listen
  15. I decided to watch a game. Haven't watched a complete game all year. 3-0. Guess today isn't the day I watch a full one
  16. I took French until grade 11 in Northern bc. Wasn't around it for many years. I can't understand a thing french Canadians say. I worked with a group from France, and could follow 25 to 50 percent of the conversation. Quebecois speak way too fast with much different accent and vocabulary from what we are taught in school.
  17. Gorton already fired him once. I wonder what their relationship is like.
  18. Didn't Gorton fire Vigneault once already? Or would that have been Sather.
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