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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. The timing of this clip was horrible, but don't over react. It was not intentional. It was a terrible over sight as they said. Let's not get crazy.
  2. I noticed that too. Makes you wonder .He shows great leadership with his actions on the ice.
  3. Wow give up on the whole Koivu-Kovalev scenario. The only way they will play together is special teams and when we are desparate for a goal. If they play together, they will both play against the best Defensive players on the other team and get shut down a lot of the time. They are better off separate. That is why I like the 3rd line right now. It's hard to cover 3 powerful lines.
  4. Bad idea. Having all your power on one line makes it easy to defend against. Especially with teams that have a good shut down line. Spread the strength out and wear down the "D" with 3 powerful lines.
  5. A week and a half ago the talk was Ryder and Sammy. I don't see anyone trashtalking Ryder now. Things change
  6. Sammy on a checking line. (Yikes) I like the line up. The checking line will be defensively responsible yet fast as hell. Look for some explosive offense on the 3rd line. Again I will gloat. Did I call that or what.
  7. That's awesome. I haven't heard that one before. That name is friggen perfect
  8. Wow CJAD is slow. You guys are posting about 5 minutes before I hear it. Kind of ruins it for me.
  9. Sammy on a checking line. (Yikes) I like the line up. The checking line will be defensively responsible yet fast as hell. Look for some explosive offense on the 3rd line. Did I call that or what.
  10. I hope Downy one punches Eager tonight like he did against that Carilina guy.
  11. Clarke: Desjardins a classy player as Flyers set to honour former blue-liner He is a class act. I was very disappointed when they announced that trade. As for Perez. Just look at his plus minus. I doubt he's being scratched to shake him up. Carbo sends him out against the best players to do a job, and he does it very well. Helps shut down the big line. I'd say he needs a rest or has personal issues or maybe he is being traded.
  12. Who were New Jersey's #2 centres during their 2 stanley cup wins?
  13. I'd love to see him do that with a Habs jersey on.
  14. I now refuse to say 'Habs' as long as it is not capitalized I agree. Just as I would not use the name of one of the greatest Habs like say....oh...I don't know Beliveau1 without capitalizing it! :?-
  15. Sammy on a checking line. (Yikes) I like the line up. The checking line will be defensively responsible yet fast as hell. Look for some explosive offense on the 3rd line. Also, I agree that having Lappiere on the 2nd could be what they need. Some toughness and defensive responsibilty. I wish Begin and Bonk would come back. Check the Win Loss column. Is it a coincidence that the team won way more when Begin was healthy?
  16. I don't know why you guys keep bringing this line configuration up. Having Kovy on the 2nd line is what has helped this team win this year. Sounds stupid, but I believe this to be true. Kovy frustrates defense often. Coaches don't want to put all of their defensive talent against Koivu, so they have to cover Kovy on the 2nd line. This wears down the "D" and they make a mistake and someone capitalizes. You could try putting Sammy on the first line, but not Kovy. I would only put Kovy on the first as a quick move to try to get a quick goal. I like the idea of trying Higgins as 2nd line centre though. He played centre in University.
  17. He had a good debut. I would expect to see him called up before Kostitsyn (spelling) in the future.
  18. Samsanov and Ryder are both very disapointing this year.
  19. Hold on here. Aebischer might be getting a little excited, but I have noticed a lot of teams that play the Habs this year get away with more non calls. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy (and the team is playing like pure crap) but it's bad luck.
  20. I wonder if Gary Bettman is encouraging team owners to retire jerseys or if team owners are doing it to add some hype to the game? For years and years, the habs only had like 7 jerseys retired. Now suddenly Savard and Geoffrion and Dickie Moore's and Yvan Cournoyer's number 12 , and now Dryden. That's a lot of retired jerseys that should have either been retired before, or someone felt that the standard for retiring a jersey is higher than our standard today.
  21. No goal puck touched not controlled 2 games in a row. Arrgh
  22. That's awesome. I crack up every time I look at it. I just set that pic as my desktop
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