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Everything posted by tomh009

  1. We've won undeserved games before, and lost deserved ones. Deserving a game doesn't mean much in hockey. Anyway, I'm happy and proud of this team, they did far more than I expected, and got damned close to the finals. Let's hope they build on this in 2014-15.
  2. That PP was as bad as the last PK was good ... sigh.
  3. Weaver already has 5 blocked shots through two periods ...
  4. This. I have to believe, even against the odds.
  5. All right, there should be no sitting back now. Let's see if that lights a fire ...
  6. That was an awesome PK! Now to play like that the rest of the game ...
  7. But the Rangers really aren't all that impressive today, either ...
  8. I don't think Hasek really had a style! He did whatever it took to stop the puck ...
  9. A nice play by Plekanec. It's shocking that they actually called a Rangers penalty ...
  10. They are not playing badly, I think, but it would be nice to get a second shot on the board!
  11. A solid PK, at least. Might need more of those if the initial reffing is any indication.
  12. Watching in a bar in NJ. I'm absolutely sure I'm the only Habs fan here.
  13. I'm signing off for the night (need to work early tomorrow) but I'm not writing off this team quite yet ... let's see how they do in game 5 at home.
  14. D@mn. Basically we lost this game on three breakway goals.
  15. And the OT feels positive so far. Let's believe ...
  16. Crap ... after all the great saves Tokarski made. Who the h*ll should have been on right D?
  17. Even the PP is improved. Not a good penalty by Subban, though.
  18. Nice work by DD in the offensive zone, too.
  19. Rangers crashing into Tokarski again -- nice to see they bang into the goalpost this time.
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