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Everything posted by DON

  1. fair enough and reasonable and i had hoped Engqvist would of had a better look at end of last year, but he was a key player they say for Bulldogs attempt to make playoffs.If he can improve on faceoffs, i think he may still have a good shot?
  2. I hope Bozon is best of bunch and is only 2nd year WHL and younger, which seems to be proven to mean alot down the road (producing at a younger age). Scouts thought so, but i am sure Lipon/Ranford will get an offer or Lipon goes back in draft and gets chosen and Smith wasnt taken till 7th round. Nystrom is at PPG pace how competittive is Swed junior league? Nygren at -2, so maybe still not so good own end or bad team?
  3. Hope LL is not hurt too badly!!!! Several defensive lapses cost a few goals Tinordi with 2 d-men behind the net, Beaulieu left man open in front of net and got caught pinching on another goal, but to be expected and only gave up 24 shots, which was 1 good stat and the PP looked good Gallagher normally buries an easy chance like he had (he seems very tentative), but Beaulieu and Holland really stood out i thought. Beaulieu seems to have quite a similar game to Subban eh (maybe even is a faster forward skater, but still "seems" to avoid skating backwards (or maybe just my imagination))? Tinordi and Beaulieu were running around way too much in own end and Pateryn got caught flat footed a couple times but i am sure Lefebvre will point stuff like that out. As far as announcers bias, to be expected (same as CBC) and would be quite similar the other way if were Quebec announcers. I wouldnt blame Mayer on goals, most not his fault at all. But for sure looked like a young team at start of a year. Good on Dumont for trying to get team going, he has balls for a smaller guy, Hagel took a beating though.
  4. How bout Darren Dietz, he got both of Saskatoon's 2 goals and now up to 6 so far, but in another loss (and he somehow managed to be a -3 in a 3-2 loss). I almost think Bozon is sort of in a similar situation as Holland last year and Kamloops has several super offensive guys who are helping him put up good #s; which sounds like the opposite of Sarnia. But of course Bozon is much more a scorer than Holland is.
  5. Good stuff sir and nice to hear Timmins comments and also that he would give them. I was sort of under the impression Galchenyuk was, not struggling, but off to only a so-so start for being one so highly "praised/touted" or however you put it and still maybe a bit affected by gametime missed last year. yes, Hope Hudon is not hurt too badly, he was off to a great start.
  6. Seems odd, in the interviews around combine/draft, Collberg seemed pretty damn set on returning to Sweden and had zero interest in considering a CHL option? He must of thought he could work way up to top 9 forward? (or his contract wouldnt allow CHL opt out?) Pribyl is another who likely should of come over as well and play much bigger role on a team?
  7. I think Engqvist could most likely be a solid 4th line centre and 3rd line would be his "ceiling", but still not a glaring omission for top 10 and maybe be 15-20th prospect? (just my estimation/ranking)
  8. Thanks for comments on game, Corbin is likey the d-man you cant remember name? And nice he didnt look out of place. Have been a fan of Pateryn and thought his extra age and couple more years in weight room would make his transition to AHL a bit easier (like Nash and OByrne) than the CHL guys who only played vs teenagers for past few years. Also watched Holland play a bunch of games last year and he just seemed a very smart player, good with puck, great defensively and could skate well (just a bit slight). Super start for Leblanc, i thought he would have a break out year with the Habs and he and Palushaj should both do very well offensively with Bulldogs. I wouldnt worry about Tinordi, AHL is a bit faster and bigger,stronger players than he is used to and it will likely take some time before he is up to speed and more confident (similar to Gallagher most likely)? Am really looking forward to see game today. Is Mayer better than all have pegged him (or just likely hot for one game)?
  9. Good NCAA start, Didier now listed at 6'2" and 215lbs and likely to get more icetime this year in Denver. Bennett had 2 assists and was a +3 yesterday. MacMillan had 2 goals yesterday to start season (only had 15 skaters, due to suspensions/injuries, MacMillan maybe another super late pick for Timmins?) They friggin show Collberg as not getting 1 shift yet into the 2nd period today? Doubt he will develop much only in practice? Sens had same issue last year with Zibenijad lack of icetime. yes Bozon up to 18 points in 12 games with Hudon on similar pace (till injury) and Vail/Galchenyuk/Archambault only slightly less pace, but still early in season.
  10. On London, i see McKenzie and Button are quite high on this huge kid d-man Zadorov? I assume he must have OK mobility as well and is not just a big pylon eh? Am curious to see how he plays tonight vs McDavid (McDavid vs Goliath!) And classless Domi's kid is doing better than i thought he would and almost 2 PPG so far.
  11. thanks. Bergevin/Lefebvre must not be too concerned at all, as i am sure there has to a bunch of vets they could of offered a top AHL salary, to come and be that mentor/leader (a la Mike Keane for his last 5 years with the Moose). Again, i like the seemingly "sink or swim" attitude Lefebvre put forth.
  12. Had always hoped Dumonts offense would translate to AHL, but would much prefer to see Nattinen in lineup, as i think he has more likelyhood of NHL future? But i really like Lefebvre's comments on rookies (and quite impressed that he used 3 of them in first shootout), as to basically tossing them into deep end and seeing what happens. I would expect there to be a struggle for rookies to adapt at first (as i think Subban did early on), but should pay off in long run.
  13. I know Henry's leadership/experiance cant be replaced by any player in current lineup. However, dont you think; Ellis who was a Captain at 17 (i think it was) in Cape Breton, Pateryn was assistant in Michigan, Tinordi, Gallagher, Bournival were all Captains in junior, and Beaulieu supposedly dosent lack confidence, that leadership may not be that big an issue as one might thnk with so many young players?
  14. Interesting that fans and HW ranking of 6-10 was very similar, with only Bennett and Thrower being different from the 2 groups at #10.
  15. I wouldnt disagree with anything you say, and Markov does make al those around him better, and yes just personal opinion, so could be bit out to lunch for sure, but am almost used to not having him i guess.
  16. But like most, you seem to question whether he will be "on his game" and i dont disagree that at 80-90% he is better than most d-men and am not for getting rid of him. But i see this lineup with Markov as 10th-7th place team and without him maybe 11th-8th, so 1 spot may be important in squeeking into playoffs and likely getting smoked by Rangers/Bruins. But for long term goal of being a "realistic" contender for cup is quite irrelevant if Markov plays/not; because until the young group of NHLers and prospects like, Subban/Yemelin/Eller/Pacioretty/Beaulieu/Tinordi/Gallagher/etc develop and mature to add more offense and depth, Habs will likley be what they have been for almost 20 years, a quite mediocre team. But who knows, with all the parity in the league and if all the stars align, anything is possible and future does look pretty good also.
  17. I also am against burying contracts, should keep dumb GMs (Gainey/Sather/etc) accountable for major errs, And you would think make them think twice, but they cant help themselves when the owner likely says "Go ahead and Sign Em!" and will always be goofy contracts signed no matter what they put in CBA. I know all want Gomer's gone, as do I, but should have to live with trade/signing.
  18. Dont even think any NHL player undercontract can play KHL but; would it be that bad if Markov was gone for good? Many question whether his knee will even hold up through the end of 2013-14 season? No one would lay any big wager that the Habs will win the cup this year and many expect another down year, so really would Markov make that big a difference, maybe help squeek into playoffs i suppose? Already a bit of logjam on the backend and more so come next fall, with room needed for Beaulieu, Tinordi and/or Ellis most lkely.
  19. Sportsnet showing McDavid tomorrow as well as a WHL game i think?Watched Ryan Murray's game yesterday, he had 3 assists and seems he is just wasting his time in junior on a bad team.
  20. Saw the video of interview in english with Markov and was indeed what was shown him saying that, but irrelevant as signed NHL players cant play KHL eh? And most likely taken out of context or Markov meant something else?
  21. What is likelyhood the "fair" offer is more just a PR move on owners part and as soon as the players dont accept or ask for changes, the deal is gone and Owners simply say "well we tried" .
  22. Great to see a somewhat fair (seemingly) deal tabled. From the press bites from some of players lately, i think there will be quite a bit of support to just accept and get the season going, especially the majority, who are of the "lower" salaried players, who would make $1.8/year instead of $2.0.
  23. Maybe way too early to tell but; Any bet on whether Gallgher will be a Gionta/Skinner "type", or just a super productive junior and AHLer like a Cory Locke/Nigel Dawes? Is Nattinen a pretty safe bet for future 4th line centre with Habs/NHL? Who is likely most NHL ready d-man, of the rookie d group, for injury call-up? Pateryn?
  24. probably worth 3 or 5 games? not sure how WHL dishs out suspensions? I know they (whomever runs that league?) want zero part in taking fighting out of game, whereas OHL i think has mentioned they have thought about it, or might be for it?
  25. You thinking Bozon or Hudon? or Nattinen or Quailer? I think i may have skipped Louis Leblanc because i figured he isnt really a prospect anymore and if removed him i might have Bozon at #10; but still cant see any glaring omissions? I wouldnt of had Beaulieu in top 5, but top 10 for sure.
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