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Everything posted by DON

  1. thanks, i was wondering if maybe Yemelin/Diaz/Pacioretty/Eller etc may go there instead of SEL/KHL? but should see shortly where all are going? Markov/Yemelin must be KHL bound i assume and many others to respective countries eh. Hamilton must be almost a full roster anyways?
  2. But i see today, Eberle, Nugent-Hopkins, Adam Henrique etc are all going to AHL, so who is likely going from Habs?
  3. OK, i will be the dumbass, can he do an Avtsin and play Hamilton, or just too young? So he should end in Swedish junior (U20) team sooner or later eh?
  4. between 82-87 #99 averaged 200pts, the last time he broke 100 was 94, 5 years before retiring, so you kind of make my point for me. That as good european, american and russian players flowed into the league it weeded out the culls of the 80s and 99-66 became very good players, of course injuries/age played a part, but a cigarette smoker like Lemieux just would not average 2 points/game these days, and goalies are just that much better trained/equiped now. Crosby's best barely topped 120points in any season to date, Ovechkin had 112 point max so far. Sure neither is really in same class, but i just think 66-99 would maybe score at a 3/4 rate of 80s-90s production and neither would touch 200points/93goals in todays game. And Fedorov had that 1 super year of 58 goals (his only year over 50 goals), but by no means is he near the best player, and play as a d-man? you cant be serious? There is a reason d-men always take the longest to develop, there is much more to learn about the defensive game, than any forward ever needs to be responsible for. Markov is one of few forwards that i know of who made the switch to D and is now solid at both ends of rink. But i am quite biased towards all underrated positions and also feel wide recievers are no more important to team than a good d or o-lineman is. But they surely do get the recognition simply because they score and star RBs will go nowhere without holes being opened up by the no-name linemen/fullbacks (cept for Jim Brown/Barry Sanders).
  5. Ceci-Noesen-Pumpel etc give the Sens some pretty sweet looking prospect depth and even that Maidens they got this year may have been a steal (as Bozon could be)? but wont know for 4-5 years if Zibenijad is better than Galchenyuk , Cowen is better than Tinrodi, Beaulieu vs Ceci?? Thrower or Silverberg, etc etc Once rebult, both of these teams should do well and be better the Leafs for a long time.
  6. Unstoppablewith best all round game (i.e Best hockey player) would be only 1 guy and he wore a Bruin jersey. Gretzky was best playmaker/smartest player of all time, but that was the extent, Mario was only 1 end of ice as well and best physical offensive weapon of all time, but again offense is only 1/2 the game. And highly unlikely 99-66 would put up quite the same numbers if played today, or before the 80s when the league got highly watered down and culls were needed to fill rosters. Fedorov was a super player for sure, as Gaborick/Kovalchuk are today. But in their prime, you would take him over an Orr-Savard-Robinson-Chara-Pronger-Potvin, not a chance?
  7. Agree about article and owners, but Betman is irrelevant and simply owner's puppet. If the networks would just air more CHL/AHL/NCAA games, i would hardly miss NHL, With no trap, the CHL is almost more entertaining hockey. I wonder if Markov/Yemelin/Plekanec/Eller/Kaberle/Diaz/Weber etc are almost looking forward to playing at home, even at a pay cut for 1 seaosn? With last lock out at least Habs got lucky and were able to draft franchise goalie, if get to draft high again maybe nab Drouin or a Lazar? This years version of Habs is predicted to miss playoffs, so might not be missing much? It would be interesting if the courts do rule with NHLPA in Quebec/Alberta, but i assume it is highly unlikely? But, i still think season will only be delayed. But one thing is for sure, the CHL kicks off in 1 week and lots of Hab prospects to follow from coast to coast.
  8. good one, but like most people Max is still too focused on strctly offensive player's as a 'best player' example, to which i have always disagreed. 99-66 never threw a check, defended a teammate cleared front of net, nor defended a 2-on -1; so likely, i submit, are inferior 'overall' players to most of the top rated d-men throughout league's history, who were good at both ends of ice, can skate backwards well, kill penalties, are not afraid to go into corners and take a hit, play 1/2 the game and a Datzyuk/Crosby would be hard pressed to ever knock a Larry Robinson or Rob Blake off the puck or from front of net, nor even have a clue how to do that. And we see with the shootout that d-men , when given the chance, have bout the same scoring % as many of the top forwards. (no stats to back up but seems bout correct)
  9. The Ranford kid on Kamloops is hot in pre-season at least, so if i get it correct, Habs can offer him a deal up to when the WHL regular season starts and then would need to wait till end of playoffs.
  10. For a U20 team he has scored; but, he has zero points in 5 games in SEL. So he dominates his peers but still must be fighting for icetime in mens league. I think the Sens cursed the SEL club which Zibinijad played for last year because he never had much ice, so he had little chance to develop much? Magnus Nygren is starting out well again this year, with 3 goals in first 7 games, now if only his defensive play could improve a bit so he isnt a Swedish version of MAB. Nystrom not lighting it up quite yet.
  11. I totaly disagree $5+/year is insane? Tell me which Habs draws the most attention from every opposition fan? And why does he get booed every time he touches the puck? Which catagory does that seem to put him in, Pronger-Chara are the ones that instantly come to mind and they are two of the best ever d-men. But unlike those 2, he isnt a lock for hall of fame quite yet, but worth the risk of a big long contract for sure. You even get a Bruin blogger making a good case for a Bruin offer sheet and signing P.K., to be part of super d-core, which would be worth the draft picks and salary.
  12. Anything slightly less than Price is fine with me, so a deal for $36m ($6.0 for 6 years, or however you load it) seems fair for a young #1 d-man whose upside looks to be quite high and also when compare to other recent signings of young players.
  13. Not sure why Habs d-core was considered bad? Simply put, 11th in goals against on a 28th place team is damn fine and hard to do, but Price did bail the whole team out consistantly. You got the ends of rink mixed up that needed addressing for the Habs, 19th in offense just aint that good. But the oilers, like the Habs are not in need of any d-men that badly. Sure, as with any team, adding a nice top 4 was be a costly boost, but both GMs know they dont have a contender this year, so are in no rush to trade future to land a top d-man for a season that might not even happen, seems smart to me. Last year, baring injuries, both teams d-core would of been much better, but key injuries happen and a good looking signing like Cam Barker flops, what can you do.
  14. Sarault and Ranford seem intriguing, skilled kids, what would be the negative to signing them even without rookie camp? (Not fond of "Lazy" tag for Ciampini) Couldnt Elmer Benning-(HabsWest scout) just follow Kamloops pre-season, and same for Alvin Backus/Frank Jay for Sarnia-Sarault? I know not so simple and must be a limit on junior's given pro-contracts? Do they count towards the 50 max. contracts? Seems funny that size always comes up as a negative when prospect only 5'10"-180lb, but not when turn out like a 5'10" 160lber like Giroux did.
  15. Like i said, i think team as is, should sneek into playoffs. But, on paper, they should be battling for 7th to 9th place if Gionta-Markov can even improve offense/PP just a bit. And as some suspect, maybe Bergevin is waiting for smoke of CBA clears and has a deal for one of Kane's, Sharp or the like in his back pocket, once he sees how this version of Habs starts the season, and your worries may be for not?
  16. Your unwillingness to accept another dismal showing is how most Hab fans feel i think and also seems to pressure mgmt into holding on to UFAs at deadline and dealing picks for Sopels-Mara's to make playoffs year after year, instead of biting the bullet, trading for future and hoping call ups can instead help get you into playoffs. If you keep doing the same thing every year with little success (19 years now), sooner or later need to change tact and suck it up for a year or 2 (especially with the group of talented prospects who are just a year or 2 away). But i think it would be a bit of bad and good if well out of playoffs; They may deal a Markov to Detroit, Kaberle to team X and Bourque to team Y for a crapload of future goods, which might be painful in missing playoffs 2 years in a row, but another draft like Timmins just had could set the team up for the next decade? Rebuilding normally takes more than 1 bad year i think? But; even though Habs finished 28th last year, they were only 11th in goals against and 19th in goals for, and only 20 some goals fewer than the Rangers. So just by adding in Markov and Gionta and having Yemelin/Subban and Diaz all likely being much more comfortable/confident, i doubt they will never be that far from a playoff position. Unless worst case scenario and Subban or Price goes down with significant injury, which would almost certainly mean a high draft pick.
  17. I almost forget about Gomer? Is it that easy, if waive and demote and he is off the cap? Cant be that easy is it? You could be 100% correct and maybe Eller has had zero PP time because he hasnt fought for it? And a Palushaj is stuck as a grinder even if he not fit for that role at all and Eller never had 2 offensive wingers to play with. But i realy think Eller and Leblanc rehabbin last summer/fall set them back and both (as will Markov/Gorges) will have a much better year, by having almost 6 months to train. I think all the injuries to the lineup maybe played a big part in all the 3rd period collapses, few comebacks and shootout failures, cause once injured, a player can never quite get back to 100% (maybe 90-95%) and might do fine in first 2 periods but always fade a bit in 3rd? Same as Bourque is hooped, basically for year and will never quite get back the lost conditioning due to seaon schedule. I also like to blame Martin for being stubborn and even if aint working he still stuck with same PP group, or kept giving Gomez 20 minutes/game for a year and 1/2, even if he easily earned a press box seat.
  18. Well seeing as Bourque has outscored both Cammalleri and Kostitsyn over last 3 years, and you call both those 'top 6', seems odd to dismiss Bourque dosent it? And i think no one will argue the Habs are deep (why they shouldnt be planning a parade for next spring), but with only $6m in cap space and Subban to sign, it is highly unlikely to find another top six to squeeze under cap, unless trade Kaberle to Detroit or some other such thing and then part with a pick/prospect or 2 and maybe a roster player for a Marleau-type player. When can go with hand they are dealt now and hope a rookie or 2 can shine and not sell the future to maybe get to 2nd round of playoffs if all the stars align? The Habs have tried that sneaking into playoffs by patching holes for almost 20 years now, need to instead, maybe; go with youth and build/develop from within and look more long-term, which it seems Bergevin is doing or has planned.
  19. Kostitsyn might just not be Bergevin's type of player? I like both Jagr and Whitney, but not for a rebuilding team, last year i was 50-50 on Jagr. Latendress has only played 20 some games in last 2 years, so can Habs go out on a limb and make room for both Armstrong and he? Armstrong at least has had a couple/several good years and has more grit. Sens and Habs could both have a steal at the salary's they are paying?
  20. I wouldnt touch Whitney nor Jagr, especially at salary they got and age, both are perfect for a contender to maybe put em over the top, but Habs are predicted to miss playoffs, sneek-in maybe, but no one thinks they can contend this year. So injury actually may work well; to see how Leblanc would work next to Plekanec, or maybe get to see if Gallagher is as good as we all hope he is or possibly ready for prime time (I know he is a RW)? Maybe even move Eller to 2nd line and Leblanc centre 3rd line? Who knows, but i am a bit more optimistic and really dont think Bergevin missed the boat by not signing the 3 you mentioned.
  21. chance maybe went from 0% to 1% and a major set-back for Bourque, which is too bad. Instead of the kid whose going back to Sarnia, i am thinking Leblanc may step up.
  22. I would look to those who had no training camp last fall to showed marked improvement with both Eller and Leblanc coming in bigger and stronger. and of course Markov is a given and Gorges should be 1/2 step quicker and better than ever. But Eller will end up at 2nd line centre by end of season, so he is the winner.
  23. DON


    HoF not a higher honour than a one year wonder who cant even play the position well? a la Green with Caps, can put up points but defend, not a chance. So i would call that type a 4th forward undeserving of a defender honour that should of gone to good d-man like Chara/Lidstrom/Weber/Pietrangelo; whose balance of scoring/defending skills is far superior and i would of just ignored the extra 20 points Karlsson got. They already have the Richard and numerous other scoring trophies for point getters.
  24. DON


    I agree with all you say but; Ray Bourque was most overrated d-man of all time, so i hope he never becomes that, even Bruins fans will admit he was overrated (mostly because he was never a good leader and jumped ship to get a cup on a team that could carry him, thanks to Sakic and Roy).
  25. DON


    Not a chance in the world Karlsson is the best d-man in world! Maybe best offensive d-man or 4th forward in the NHL for 1 year is it, he aint no hall of famer quite yet. Defensemen normally are good at defending, the swede aint, he cant hit, clear front of net and also some d-men kill penalties, none of which Karlsson does. Karlsson had 71 points, while Subban had 74 points in their 1st two NHL seasons. So explain to me again why Karlsson is a better d-man? Subban does it all and is very likely to equal the offense of the swede over their careers. I would guess 60:40 that Subban gets 1 Norris some time (maybe a bit biased, but i think his upside is pretty darn high)?
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