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Everything posted by DON

  1. Only if Holland plays on a line with Gallagher and Kristo (all 3 are wingers), would he put up super offensive #s. But if put with Nattenin and some other checker (Shultz) they could form a nice checking line? But i would bet he is to become a 3rd line checker with Habs, becasue he can really skate and is super defensively (Tom Pyatt with bit better hands); but if he ever gets 20 goals in a year i would be pleasantly surprised (Pyatt did have almost 15 with Tampa this year i think). Beaulieu is weak defensively, he gets away with it in junior but wont in pros, and will go exact same route as Subban (with almost same pros and cons) and will need at least 1 full year in AHL. Given Tinordi's size, reach and OK skating he might be able to hold his own as an early call-up for Habs, especially if he comes into camp at 225lbs or heavier. But Pateryn, St Denis or Nash may also be in line for early call up if injuries crop up? Just my guess how might play out.
  2. I would assume Palushaj and Nash both resigned to 2 way contracts, but Palushaj may go in a trade? Conboy must be on last legs with Habs and Shultz has probably taken his role?
  3. Collberg 6 points and +5 vs Forsberg 3 points and -1 at the u18S, Collberg seems the mroe dangerous of the 2 again, as he was at world juniors, Forsberg is Captain of Sweden and taller than Collberg, but is he just another Paajarvi. Dumba is leading Canada, albeit after only 2 games. Grigorenko is not lighting up QMJHL playoffs at all, is 33rd in scoring and only 45% on faceoffs, seems to likely be at least 2 years away from being a NHL centreman eh? U18 scoring list http://stats.iihf.com/Hydra/292/IHM292000_85B_5_0.pdf
  4. I saw the same games you must of and you seem typical of most Hab fans, who think he is no good, but i liked his play and he just never got a regular shift as he does now in Colorado. Martin had his favorites and young players were not among them. Which is why Martin begged for Campoli, Sopel, Mara to be signed. i was very disappointed to see OByrne traded from Habs, but he wasnt getting a fair shake by Pearn and Martin (who i was very very happy to see both fired, just might of picked a better time maybe). i know OByrne isnt a big fighter, who cares, he still is very strong in front of net and along boards and i had no illusions of him being a Chara. Also, Colorado, was 11th in goals against this year. But hey, i really like the Kaberle and Bourque signings, which most see as terrible also.
  5. Sure and for as much as many Hab fans have a dislike for OByrne (why, i am not quite sure??), he is exactly what all seem to be crying for the Habs to add this summer, a crease clearing big d-man who is not as slow footed as Gill and tougher. Seems many are in favour of trying to trade the #3 pick and go either up or down? Which i disagree with. Say the obvious choices left at #3 will be either Grigorenko or Galchenyuk, whom you could catagorize as A- prospects and Yakupov is A (not near a Crosby/Stamkos), i just dont see it worthwhile to go from 3 to 1 for the cost of an additional pick/prospect? And trading down, after the Habs hit a home run last time with a #5 pick, just dosent seem to make much sense and i cant see Timmins/Molson group moving from #3.
  6. The US is producing some nice d-men (that Seth Jones kid will be interesting to see play next week in U18 game vs Canada), not near as many as the CHL of course, but Timmins being smart may see them as being undervalued and is not afraid to give them several years to develop in the NCAA, where some teams dont want to wait and dont scout the USHL as much? Komisarik and McDonagh were both super picks, Fischer was not, but got a draft pick back for not signing him anyways. Pateryn and Bennett could both turn out very well and the latest picks; Didier and Sullivan are again being given lots of time to develop. OByrne and Nash were both good sigings out of Cornell also and just too bad OByrne was not one of Martin's favorites and Nash missed all of last year. But still OByrne got turned in Bournival, who is very promising bottom 6 player. For me, i could care less where a pick comes from, with the 1 exception, being Russia.
  7. I dont let friggin facts get in the way of my point. But thanks for slight correction anyways sir.I see Canada made short work of denmark in U18s and TSN is televising a couple games next week, Can vs USA on Tuesday afternoon should be interesting. Branden Troock is a big lad who may be an OK late 2nd or 3rd round pick, but just may not have alot of offense eh (and just be another Turner Stevenson type)?
  8. But Galchenyuk listed Moscow as his home (if i recall correctly) and also i think has dual citizenship and he has a strong Eastern European/Rusian accent also; which could never be said for 99. But i highly doubt he is a danger of going the KHL route and he would be my choice if available at #3.
  9. Just to be argumentative i will disagree and say hard-working is just one important part of being BPA, BPA isnt just the one with most skill, but a combination of all the factors you hint at. Same as a PGA golfer isnt just a swing, likely the quality of player is a function of that 9 inches between his ears. For Example: Taylor Hall is bigger, stronger and faster than Jordan Eberle, but Eberle is the better player overall, only because of his hockey IQ (and slick hands) and Nugent-Hopkins is a mix, he has the Hockey IQ of Eberle and can skate like Hall.
  10. The Habs did get a franchise player with last high pick. And no matter who they pick this year, highly unlikely to even play in NHL next year and then unlikely to be a big impact player the following year, so the best option to make playoff next year is trade for an All-Star forward on JUly 1st. Yakupov may be better but not by a crazy amount, when compared to other top few prospects, i myself am very happy picking 3rd and will stick with it.
  11. I still see Caps trading for Yakupov, just seems to be a perfect fit and they have the assets to trade. With Kuznetsov coming and the chemistry between the 2, i can see the Caps selling the farm to make it happen and that would start with both their 1st round picks this year and maybe next years 1st +whatever else is needed(Semin/Alzner)? And i think the Caps also have a ton of other prospects which may fit Oilers roster.
  12. You do realize he is a rookie and was not named to all-star by accident instead of Yemelin. I might say Weber is a #7 on the Habs, but Weber may be a regular on another team without so much defensive depth, say OIlers, Chicago, Leafs, Jets?
  13. 3rd pick is fine for me and i dont see any need to move. Yakupov is not likely worth a pick/prospect MORE, than Grigorenko/Galchenyuk/Forsberg are to the Habs is he? I see the Oilers are now presented with a ton of options and Taballini seemed in shock., the most likely being trading with 1 of the 3 teams with 2 first round picks. And i would give the Caos the inside track, with the #13 and #14 (at present) picks going to OIlers for Yakupov and the Caps would have Yakupov and their other Russian, who tore up the world juniors (cant remember name), coming into camp next fall. . But Buffalo and Tampa might also package their 2 picks if Yakupov is what they really want. And i must say for all the shit Bettman does, i would give him a nod on the lottery this time and great to see the bottom dweller lose out for a change.
  14. Of course, sorry, still braindead from long weekend.
  15. Galchenyuk was a #1 selection for OHL, so he didnt really come out of left field and like you, i like all the mention of "hard work" that i just dont hear in Grigorenko descriptions, but eastern europeans can come across as 'laid back, inconsistant', but when look at scoring race every year; there is a Gaborick/Hossa/Kovalchuk/Malkin always near the top. When they are "On" they are awesome, when not they can be invisible. But i would take a hard working guy over a "slightly" more skilled but inconsistant prospect, every time. But there is a chance Grigorenko is another Malkin and if Yakupov and Galchenyuk are taken, i would bet Timmins would have grab Grigorenko next. But still am quite anxious to see if Yakupov will be at Habcamp this summer!
  16. That would be cuttin it close for UFA/RFA resignings/negotiations wouldnt it?
  17. Why is he still at 75 (of just North American skaters) in the ISS list that just came out?I love the Habs having 4 picks in first 60some and may have a chance to land at least a couple dandy prospects. I wonder if Weber might be traded for another pick (2012 or 2013) as the Habs seem to have 1 too many smallish d-men for next year and he would be obvious choice to go.
  18. He is a good size and i did see him in one game, but Griffin Reinhart was the one who really stood out on Edmonton and Dumba was also playing so i totally overlooked him, till the father connection was noted. But i did see him throw a big hip check in some game and brought back memories of the dirtiest player to ever play and i think the Apple dont fall far.. For some reason he is ranked quite low, maybe even 3rd round by ISS, not sure if going from USHL to SEL to WHL has any impact or not? ?? cause on paper he looks pretty good for size and production and moving around to different leagues?
  19. Is there a wild guess how soon a GM is likely to be named? Or when one will really be needed to be in place (besides ASAP)? Mid-May?
  20. Again, I am a bit sketchy on his track record, and not to be smart about it, but the GM hires and fires scouts dont they? And his seemingly rigid stance on francophones importance in Habs hires, is just so off-track from the goal of team success on the ice, that makes me worry about his priorities. So as a VP/consult or whatever role he has or is called, i am not sold on him being involved at all being as biased as he seems to be, but hope for the best and only time will tell. Most seem to like him and are happy with his posting, so what the heck do i know.
  21. I hear taking the BPA is the smart way to go? And Murray and Dumba must be fairly high on Timmins list, but Galchenyuk, Forsberg and Grigorenko are likely targets i would guess. Beaulieu & Plekanec package, may get you an upgrade at centre possibly (Getzlaf?), or a Gomez-like bust and a repeat of McDonagh trade?haha
  22. Tis fine, 4th pick would be a super pick as well and that is worst case scenario.
  23. He crapped the bed on draft days though didnt he? Habs had one flop after another and if Patrick Roy was not the saviour the pipes, he would of been a very bad GM overall wouldnt he? I dont have as much faith in him as most i guess, but i cant remember his whole track record that well?
  24. i think it was answering basically the same question several times from different reporters was irritating him and who can blame him.
  25. As far as 2nd/3rd round picks i have several favourites that seem to be good for the 3 Hab picks between 33rd to 64th picks, i do have a WHL bias but; Lukas Sutter is 28 goal scorer with 165 PIMs and is heavy tough centre who tripled offense from rookie year and has what is lacking in the Habs system. A Ryan White with scoring touch. Tim Bozon is skilled Swiss 36 goal scorer, up for rookie of year in WHL, skilled and Swiss, perfect fit for Habs. MIke Winther is another scoring centre that could be a good 2nd rounder, solid centre who can score. Stefan Matteau is not the most skillful they say, but a nice possible power forward? Or any of the 3 or 4 Czech forwards if they fall to 2nd round.
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