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Everything posted by DON

  1. I think the Oilers are one team which should consider taking a Ryan Murray, not only casue he is just bout best d-man, but like Hedman or Larrson, Murray is NHL ready now with his all-round game, whereas a Dumba or any other d-men is at least a year or 2 away, and Oilers could really use some more skill there right now. But for Habs, will know next tuesday evening exactly where picking, whomever they have eyed up, Timmins seems to know what he is doing and i am not worried he would pick a flop.
  2. Can you tell me why Cammalleri is a top 3 player? only his salary says that, not his goal production, a sub 20 goal scorer both the past 2 years aint worth the $$, while Bourque has had more goals over last several years at 1/2 the salary and actually contributes more away from the puck, while Cammalleri does dick all, but float around in circles and is battlin with Kessel for softest player in league. Good riddence and Flames can have the cull.
  3. I would think he would be en route already?
  4. Which is sort of why i was wondering if the U18 is being televised at all; as Forsberg is playing for Sweden and now Galchenyuk should be playing for USA team eh?
  5. No, i think Burke has the sucks award sown up. I would like to defend the Gomez trade as just looking bad in hindsight, but i was not fond when it went down, due to giving up Higgins and McDonaugh as well as takig the stupid Sather signing. But all in all, Habs made playoffs till this year and the youth on team is super; with Eller, hopefully a Mikko Koivu to be and Pacioretty finally going hard to net, Yemelin, Subban, Price etc etc, whomever takes over has some great building blocks. Heck; even a Pierre McQuire couldnt screw it up that bad could he? Doug Risebrough? is he bilingual?
  6. Galchenyuk time after time gets the "hard worker" description/character trait quoted, while Grigorenko dosent , which is main reason why I would feel much safer taking Galchenyuk; and Forsberg would be another safe bet (if Galchenyuk goes to Oilers). But see how Grigorenko does against a bit stiffer competition in the 2nd round coming up, right now he has same point total as Morgan Ellis i think (7). If havent seen this clip about Dumba, worth a look, but dont see Habs picking him, unless happen to end up picking 5th or 6th (highly unlikely now i hope?). http://www.whl.ca/video/index/id/ffab0ac8f1b843ca25a76f0760eef6a2
  7. Dont think i dislike McQuire not like Martin as much as you, but surely has to better person than McQuire to choose. I am sick of the call for a more outgoing "press friendly" GM, Gauthier and Gainey were very reserved, as are many successful GMs, such as like Detroit's and Chicago's GMs and i could care less if he was mute. As long as he is smart/shrewd/savvy or whatever business attribute you want to use and made smart decisions, then its all good by me. One Brian Burke is already too many loudmouthed egomaniacs to have to listen to.
  8. Pierre McQuire cant be a real canditate is he? He is more of a friggin blowhard than Burke; but maybe that is what many are looking for, the total opposite of a Gauthier/Gainey?
  9. Obviously i am not a fan of Martin and when he was hired it was only becasue he was experianced and french (just my opinion). i think the Randy's seem better, i like the hands on approach with players and Cunnyworth's candid answers (very refreshing) but are they better? i cant say for certain and we will likely never know. I was just sick of Martin and as when Cammalleri got gone, i was very pleased. Who knows, we could be in for worse than Martin (and i wouldnt classify him as awful, cause i am not an insider and know anything for certain)? hope not but should be interesting next couple months.
  10. i didnt notice it was forever and dosent end till 2020 ( would be a bit hard to take), but as far as past his prime, i would say i heard exact same thing about Cole and Iginla for several years. So maybe Lacavalier was bad example but a bigger centre like that for Plekanec ios what is needed, forget the draft, that player wont be impact for at 2 years, but maybe a Kopitar, Getzlaf, Stastny or the like.
  11. he will likely be the Oleksiak of next years draft, but like Oleksiak, his size may be by far his best attribute and could be just another Andy Sutton, who actually is an OK d-man after many years in the league (same as Gill's development).
  12. bout Martin, How many too many men penalties have we had since he was axed? I love the treatment of the players by the 2 Randy's and the constant communication during games (Subban, Eller and Leblanc really seem to be getting coaching and looking very good). I dont miss the dogs breakfast of lines Martin would toss out, especially when behind. Nor the confused look and actions he had behind the bench, pulling out his little notepad only to put it away and then pull it out again, used to be funny to see, but not a confidence builder. Also his inability to be the least bit candid, nor have intelligent nor witty answers to any media questions, might just be his personality, but again not the sharpest tool in the shed i dont think. As far as the record goes, i have said numerous times, when 25-30 million of dollars worth of players (11,13,14,21,79) gets you only 45 goals combined, what coach could win, Scotty Bowman? And trading Gill and Kostitsyn for no-roster players, will unlikely help the record neither. I say, thank God Martin is gone and Cammalleri with him, now only 1 cull left to get rid of and he wears #11. It is too bad Gauthier got fired, i wouldnt have, but maybe the house cleaning will go fine.. Even the shallow end of pool, with francophones only, should have a few good canditates to pick from?
  13. Ol Gallagher up to 9 points now, but his team is not that strong. I watched the Victoria/Kamloops series and Victoria has a d-man, Keegan Kanzig, who just turned 17 and already is 6'5" and 229lbs and can skate OK, hit and aint scared to drop the gloves (they interviewed him and when asked about his fighting, he just laughed and basically said he gets a kick out of it). But it just seems incredible the size of some of the kids these days.
  14. But even if Galchenyuk has a super playoffs, you dont think he would be taken in the top 2 would he, especially if Grigorenko continues to do very well and pile up the points also? Yakupov looked short at the world's, but as shifty as he is, he will likely be like Eberle or Datsyuk and not get hit very often, nor need to be big to be a difference maker (cept if he tries to cut into the middle without looking again). They wont be televising any of U18 games in April will they? Forsberg, Collberg, Dumba and several other top guys, whose playoffs are done should all be there eh?
  15. Lacavalier wasnt coming off his 3rd straight 20 something goal and 2nd injury shortened seasons, also Yzerman and Julian Brisbois werent the 2 opposing GMs doing the deal. I agree, very little chance of happening, but instantly would change look of forward group and would have at least 1 All-Star calibre, cup winning, big francophone, definite #1 centrman (which would be a PR homerun also). And Plekanec/Weber & prospect like a Gallagher-Bennett or Kristo would likely do the deal for Yzerman. Sure you would overpay a bit, but to get any star forward you almost have to dont you? I am a Plekanec fan, but they need a big change up front to prosper and too really upgrade for a bigger #1 centre seems logical.
  16. How bout real change; Cole-Lacavalier-Pacioretty Bourque-Eller-Gionta Leblanc-Desharnais-Moan White-Engqvist-Staubitz 2 way contracts for Palushaj-Geoffrion-Blunden
  17. And will draft another average sized NHL player this year in Forsberg/Dumba/Galchenyuk/Murray, which is fine, bigger is not always better, even Chara/Pronger gets turned inside out and made to look like a pylon by Plekanec, Gionta and Desharnais every time they play. So pros and cons at each end of spectrum, but a nice big skilled centre like Lacavalier would do wonders for the Habs and has been missing for a long time. But i almost hope to see Habs draft the slightly smaller Galchenyuk, or Forsberg, over the bigger Grigorenko (or Grigorenko is already taken when Habs get to pick).
  18. Rupp plays 6:36/game and why couldnt Staubitz do the same on the 4th line? He actually looks much better than i thought he would and is miles ahead of a BGL as a player and is good at his job.
  19. Dont think are Morons, just fickle i think might be the word for it, as many Hab fans are as well. But this is finally the Canucks year and will win er all, which will be very nice to see. Hopefully Price and Mgmt agree to a nice long term contract. But who knows if gets done before end of summer or much earlier?
  20. i was wondering why Holland wasnt in on the scoring? i think he was on a 20 game or more point streak.
  21. Holy moly? i was expecting a much more negative response and i agree 100% with you. I was just a bit over the top on positives, however; i still totally disagree that these 2 contracts are much of a burden, unlike #11's. And if they traded Kaberle tomorrow that is fine with me and maybe better; as he is very soft away from the puck, but experianced and super with the puck and wasnt that long ago that he was a much valued trade asset for Leafs and just had three 45+ point seasons before this one (but this year he was on 2 shitty weak offensive teams, so gets a pass). So what is value of a defensively weak 45+point d-man i wonder?
  22. Am a fan of Kaberle and Bourque and loved the upgrades from overpaid underachieving culls like Spacek and Cammalleri. Tis nice to have Bourque at a nice fairly low salary for 4 more years, a proven 27 goal big body who an skate ( at 1/2 the price of Cammalleri) and play the PK, sweet! And Kaberle haas only put up points on a regular basis since coming over and also is signed to a fair salary for a 45-50 point puck moving d-man. Why would anyone give Hemsky $5m/year is crazy? but good luck with him Oilers. But i am curious what will be done with Gomer? He does throw a wrench into the teams ability to sign a Parise, or take on a Lecavalier's salary in a swap for Plekanec.
  23. so he has been offered an entry level contract eh, not too surprising but good to hear.
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