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Everything posted by kuternoga

  1. And TWO in January. We are streaking & heating up! . . . I love sarcasm
  2. Duel of the Fates! Wohool! But this guy singing Canadian anthem was bad. Where the fack is Ginette Reno?! 'Merica. Funny as hell for an European.
  3. Da hell. If not post so it's crossbar. What kind of magic is that?!
  4. Well, say hello to my annoying start time - 1:30 AM. Scrivens with a shutout, Pernell with a goal
  5. Wow, Plekanec's goal! Haven't seen this for a while... ))
  6. Doesn't matter now - Scrivens for Kassian. Now someone who can score goals.
  7. I forgot how victory tastes like so enough with this crap
  8. Minimum 6 weeks and doesn't require surgery. Wow
  9. Hello Cindy I haven't seen you in a while. Hahaha. I forking hate him. Good for Weise, I expected the worst scenario, but Dale Weise It.
  10. Hammond got his burgers, so we can throw... Well, forget about it.
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