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Wow, pretty incendiary Russian interview given by Kovalev


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I trust Kovalev as well. If you ever hear him speak he always says the right things in interviews. Even when he was benched he used the old "He did what he felt, was right. He did what he had to do to help the team" and blah blah blah. That's the kind of guy he is. I doubt all of a sudden he goes from being skilled at speaking to the media to a complete dumbass.

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Best case scenario is that Kovalev has an attack of conscience (doubtful) and accepts a reasonable buyout from the Habs so he can go prove what an underappreciated leader of men he really is ELSEWHERE.

The one silver lining is that with the salary cap expanding, Kovalev's contract becomes a little less grotesque heading forward. Someone might bite, but it won't be easy and it won't be pretty, I don't think.

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LOL on the cartoon, that is pretty close to the truth. Yeah, it would be nice to see Kovy go on a tear for the balance of the season, or at least meet expectations in terms of his salary. That would make it a lot easier to find a new home for him in the off season. Either way, he is done in Montreal. But if he is complaining about the stifling defensive game in Montreal, I wonder what he expects to find in Russia? Most of the RSL teams are lucky to average 2 goals per game. When Kovy played there during the lockout, he averaged around .65 points per game, which is even less than he accomplishes in the NHL. He was in his prime and playing for a perennial RSL powerhouse team at the time as well. 23 points in 36 games playing with the likes of Kovalchuk, Lecavalier, Richards, Kozlov, Morozov, Zhitnik, Salei, and Heatley. :huh:

Edited by bobby
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I don't get it. All Habs fans are scared to trade someone in a big slump because they might become a scoring machine, yet when we have a scoring machine (Souray) You do want to trade him for.........you don't even know what for. A second line center....I guess. Ya Kovalev is in a slump. He might steal a game here or there but he's done. Burnt out!!!!!!! His attitude sucks and I believe he said everything in that interview that we are now reading. If not exact words ...pretty darn close. Funny thing is his quote to the Montreal media yesterday.

"He said it may eventually drive him out of Montreal.

"If you (media) are going to keep embarrassing me here, there's no reason for me to stay because I don't want to ruin my reputation and ruin my career," he said. "Sometimes you wonder why anyone would want to be a good player when things like that happen.

"Maybe you should just stay a low-profile player and not worry about anything else. But I want to be the best player."

What a friggin moron. Kovalev needs to look at himself in the mirror and realize that with the effort he gives he is a low profile player and it's his 13 goals that will ruin his reputation and career not the MEDIA.


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I meant I am hoping and praying for Kovy to get angry and do some damage on the ice.

Oh!! sorry. Still though. He said something f&*ked up and that really bugs me. On top of everything he's plain and simply sucking. I loved it when he first came to Montreal and he was so floored by the fans attention. Where have all the good times gone? I hope this sets him on fire and he starts putting the puck in the net....


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Oh!! sorry. Still though. He said something f&*ked up and that really bugs me. On top of everything he's plain and simply sucking. I loved it when he first came to Montreal and he was so floored by the fans attention. Where have all the good times gone? I hope this sets him on fire and he starts putting the puck in the net....


No worries. I wasn't very clear. I probably would have responded the same way :D

In bobby's post he said "Best case scenario". In my mind that would be if Kovalev now became what we all want him to be.

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A guy posted this on François Gagnon's Blog, it's probably not true, but if it is it's pretty funny. (don't ask why I have enough time to lose to actually read some of the comments posted on that blog... :wacko: )

Here it is :

Jesse Comeau


Je tiens à lever le voile sur ce canular que j’ai lancé.

La raison principale pour laquelle je le fais est que Kovalev est vraiment victime d’un canular. Tout simplement!

Oui, contre mon gré La Presse a été littéralement dupée.

Cependant, avant de me fustiger, sachez que ma part de responsabilité est bien mince.

Je lève le voile aussi parce que La Presse, malgré une évidence même à mes yeux, semble allez bien au-delà de tout ce que j’aurais au départ pu imaginer qu'adviendrait un banal message posté sur un forum.

Je ne voudrais pas que les conséquences deviennent plus sérieuses pour quiconque.

Me sachant impliqué, j'ai le devoir moral de protéger les innocents, qui pour différentes raisons se voient présentement ciblés parce que certaines personnes ont manqué à leurs obligations les plus élémentaires.

J’imagine d’ici le siège et l’état de crise dans lequel la salle des nouvelles de La Presse est plongée.

Voici le début de l’affaire.

J’avais un blogue, mais vu le nombre incroyablement effarant de menaces d’intimidation et stupidité que je recevais j’ai décidé de le fermer. Je trouve quand même ironique par le plus stupéfiant des hasards que cela retombe sur celui qui a lancé ma carrière de blogueur.

Au départ, je voulais simplement faire la preuve que peu importe ce que vous affirmez sur le Net, il s’entrouvrait toujours pour croire dur comme fer ce que vous avancez sans même devoir avancer de preuves. Ironique non?

Constatation que vous pouvez tester vous-même en tout temps.

Malgré que cela a été mainte fois repris, il ne faut jamais croire rien qui provient du Net. Niet! Nada!

Il semble que mes propos aient résonné assez pour être disséminés un peu partout.

Comme plusieurs l'ont remarqué, évidemment c’était gros, mais il le fallait pour faire cette démonstration.

C’est la raison pour laquelle il est mention notamment de Lapierre et Latendresse et Halak.

Le problème c’est que le message a été repris partout dans les blogues que je n’ai même pas visités moi-même ni d’Éve ni d’Adam. Et aussi sur des forums, pour finalement traverser le continent et échapper à tout contrôle.

Bien qu'une fois lancée, je savais pertinemment que je n'avais plus de contrôle de toute façon.

Même si ça faisait déjà quelques jours que je ne m’étais plus attardé à l’affaire, j’avais l’impression que ça finirait par resurgir ici.

Tout cela sans me douter que des Russes avait récupéré aussi cette fausse nouvelle et y avait donné vie au-delà de tout ce que j’aurais imaginé. En gros, j’avais lancé une bouteille à la mer et un baril de 45 gallons avait resurgi à cent lieues d’ici.

Au début, je n’ai pas vraiment fait le lien entre la nouvelle émanant de la Russie et mon message posté au départ.

Peu à peu, j’ai commencé à entrevoir cette possibilité.

Spécialement quand le JdeM a parlé de canular.

Jusqu’à ce que je vois le message de Julie apparaitre sur le blogue.

Je me suis dit; « là, ça y’ est, c’est parti ». Épisode Ribeiro 2.

(Carbomer Pakii - prenez en note l'adresse courriel pour validé le tout)

Maintenant, pourquoi croyez-vous que personne n’arrive à récupérer les preuves?

Parce que tout ceci n’est que du vent et d’éprouvants hasards.

Imaginez! Je n’avais même aucune idée que Kovalev avait donné une entrevue radiophonique dernièrement et qu’en plus on avait associé ses propos lors de la conversation téléphonique aux fausses accusations que j’avais inventées. En somme, par un hasard phénoménal tout ce qui était au départ improbable est devenu parfaitement plausible. J’ai encore de la difficulté à croire que ça, ce soit passé ainsi, mais de toute évidence, il en est ainsi.

Allez-vous maintenant prétendre que Kovalev a tenu les mêmes propos que je lui avais mis dans la bouche? Il y a quand même des limites.

J’ai tenté à maintes reprises de vous dire que c’était un canular, mais il faut croire que plusieurs avaient des motivations bien réelles pour y croire ou que cela servait joyeusement bien leur croyance. Tellement bien que certains auront probablement peine à croire que ceci est un canular qui a mal tourné.

François Gagnon étant néophyte dans le domaine de l’internet il a quelques fois donné suite bien malgré lui à des rumeurs provenant du Net. Alors que d'autres chez La Presse soient aussi tombés dans le piège ne me surprend pas du tout. Voilà une autre preuve qu'il faut toujours se méfier du cyberespace.

Tenez-vous-le pour dit une fois pour toutes.

J'offre mes excuses à Kovy, bien sûr. À La Presse, à qui je n'ai pas de félicitations à faire, et tous ceux qui n'ont pas dormi depuis cette affaire.

Je ne suis pas disponible pour Tout Le Monde En Parle, mais si vous pouvez toujours me rejoindre via courriel.

J'espère aussi que vous aller publier mon message à fin de ne pas laisser les gens dans le noir.

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Ah, good ol' Jack Todd...came back from vacation just to write that steamer of a column. Wonder what that vacation was like? Sitting in a beach cabana in the Dominican, sipping piña coladas, thinking to himself...


Wait a minute...did I just realize that I'm a sports journalist? That can't be true...no wait, looks like it is...looks like I'm actually a SPORTS JOURNALIST. That's funny, when I think back to j-school, I remember thinking through that haze of weak pot and Creedence records, hey, now that I've fled the U.S. to avoid the injustice of the draft, I'm a political animal! I'll answer Aristotle's call and join the great conversation of democracy by becoming a journalist! A JOURNALIST! And then sometime in the mid-90s, when Michael Farber's brighter talent got poached by Sports Illustrated...well, I guess that's when I got pulled off of real news and became a SPORTS journalist, consigned to cover entertainment rather than, say, matters relevant to humanity. Yes, I guess that's what happened.

What a startling thought. Must distract myself. Well, let me check the internet, see what's doing back in Montreal: huh? Kovalev, eh? And La Presse is saying he must have intimidated some Russian journalist? Hmm...she's female too...her name makes her sound pretty hot...not important to me, though I'm just noticing...but intimidating journalists, see, freedom of the press - that's just the kind of thing I need to get back in touch with! Sure, the newspaper she writes for looks like Allo Police, but she's a sister Seamus - a journalist like me! A modern-day Solzhenitsyn she is, while this Kovalev character throws his weight around like Leonid Brezhnev! See, this is just the kind of thing that I wanted to fight - this article sounds just like Kovalev, after all! I mean, I don't read Russian, or anything, but I'm sure if I did, these words would sound just like Kovalev, and that hunch is more than enough to base my conclusions on! I'm gonna put on some clothes, give this twelve-year-old her money and the rest of the afternoon off, and write myself a column! Yeah! That's the old Jack Todd again! Nobody's going to be able to say I'm soft on Commies anymore, just because I didn't have no problem with no Viet Cong...Josef Stalin lives on, and his name is Alex Kovalev! I know an evil Russian bear when I see one...boy, I bet that reporter sure is hot...

Go back on vacation, Jack.

Edited by Oleg Petrov
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Yeah, it "exists" but from what I've since read, it's source cannot be proved since the original author conveniently does not have the original recording. That person is also claiming that the article they had submitted to their newspaper/magazine was out of their control, implying that it was significantly editted.

So, the Russian media went overboard with a semi-fabricated interview from Kovalev, and the Quebec French media also went overboard, by not checking their sources [other than what was online]. Considering the source was an unknown foreign country, any first year journalist would have called the source to get a confirmation. But no, that would have taken more time, and another tabloid, errrr, newspaper would have published it first then. Blech!

Ugh... the article in Russia exists, no Quebec journalist made it up. It was actually posted here before La Presse picked up on it. The question is weither or not it's true.
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Whoa! I thought I was tough on Kovalev. I was banned from another site awhile back for saying the same things as Todd did in that article about Kovalev. That was before the benching, the holiday, and the interveiw.

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Man Todd is an idiot.

The only thing I believe Kovalev said was the defensive system thing, and he is right, who isn't unhappy with Carbo's stupid trap?

I beleive every word. I think Todd is an idiot too but he nails it on the head in this article. It's the same Kovalev that told Claude Julien to figure out why the team was losing "your the coach" just before he got fired. At that time everyone was saying Ribs was the cancer. I blasted Kovalev's self centered, accent riddled cool guy european shit ass attitude then,and I still do now. I got blasted for looking at Europeans that way, but guess what? I'm European and I know a million of those guys. From friends to cousins. Ones that hold their cigarette a certain way. Drink their espresso with one leg over the other checking out chicks half their age commenting dumb ass shit with their goofy cool guy MY SHIT DON"T STINK auroa. Sorry.......He's a bum. He said every word and I do think he's stupid because he said it and we heard about it, How did he think we wouldn't?

O-ya Clinton didn't have sexual relations with that woman either. The truth will come out!!!! Forget about this team making any drive for the play-offs untill this sorry little bitch takes his attitude somwhere else.

Gainey should just buy his contract out at the end of the season and let him go.

One more thing, and this is just my opinion. I'll bet Kovalev was banging that chick. She got pissed for some reason and maby didn't write everything from the interview but wrote about stuff he told her when everything was O.K

You can all call me crazy but I feel their is a lot of truth to all of this in my gut. I always go with my gut and it's never failed me. As Jack Todd says IT DOES SOUND LIKE KOVALEV.

Edited by HABBER-oooooKNOWS
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When I "listen to my gut", it's usually making some gross gurgling sounds, and not long after it produces a bunch of crap.... :wacko:

Not that I wouldn't be happy to see the last of Kovalev in Montreal... ;)

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Yeah, it "exists" but from what I've since read, it's source cannot be proved since the original author conveniently does not have the original recording. That person is also claiming that the article they had submitted to their newspaper/magazine was out of their control, implying that it was significantly editted.

So, the Russian media went overboard with a semi-fabricated interview from Kovalev, and the Quebec French media also went overboard, by not checking their sources [other than what was online]. Considering the source was an unknown foreign country, any first year journalist would have called the source to get a confirmation. But no, that would have taken more time, and another tabloid, errrr, newspaper would have published it first then. Blech!

They did, and they had a confirmation... but then, the confirmation got retracted... why?

Ah, good ol' Jack Todd...came back from vacation just to write that steamer of a column. Wonder what that vacation was like? Sitting in a beach cabana in the Dominican, sipping piña coladas, thinking to himself...


Wait a minute...did I just realize that I'm a sports journalist? That can't be true...no wait, looks like it is...looks like I'm actually a SPORTS JOURNALIST. That's funny, when I think back to j-school, I remember thinking through that haze of weak pot and Creedence records, hey, now that I've fled the U.S. to avoid the injustice of the draft, I'm a political animal! I'll answer Aristotle's call and join the great conversation of democracy by becoming a journalist! A JOURNALIST! And then sometime in the mid-90s, when Michael Farber's brighter talent got poached by Sports Illustrated...well, I guess that's when I got pulled off of real news and became a SPORTS journalist, consigned to cover entertainment rather than, say, matters relevant to humanity. Yes, I guess that's what happened.

What a startling thought. Must distract myself. Well, let me check the internet, see what's doing back in Montreal: huh? Kovalev, eh? And La Presse is saying he must have intimidated some Russian journalist? Hmm...she's female too...her name makes her sound pretty hot...not important to me, though I'm just noticing...but intimidating journalists, see, freedom of the press - that's just the kind of thing I need to get back in touch with! Sure, the newspaper she writes for looks like Allo Police, but she's a sister Seamus - a journalist like me! A modern-day Solzhenitsyn she is, while this Kovalev character throws his weight around like Leonid Brezhnev! See, this is just the kind of thing that I wanted to fight - this article sounds just like Kovalev, after all! I mean, I don't read Russian, or anything, but I'm sure if I did, these words would sound just like Kovalev, and that hunch is more than enough to base my conclusions on! I'm gonna put on some clothes, give this twelve-year-old her money and the rest of the afternoon off, and write myself a column! Yeah! That's the old Jack Todd again! Nobody's going to be able to say I'm soft on Commies anymore, just because I didn't have no problem with no Viet Cong...Josef Stalin lives on, and his name is Alex Kovalev! I know an evil Russian bear when I see one...boy, I bet that reporter sure is hot...

Go back on vacation, Jack.

you made that up? :huh: ?

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you made that up? :huh: ?

I had a 2-3 minute Vulcan mind meld with Jack Todd's brain over the telephone, from which some of the material is drawn. I made the rest up.

Wait...now I never spoke to Jack Todd's brain. I guess that confirms that it's all true.

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I had a 2-3 minute Vulcan mind meld with Jack Todd's brain over the telephone, from which some of the material is drawn. I made the rest up.

Wait...now I never spoke to Jack Todd's brain. I guess that confirms that it's all true.

LOL, well, it all sounded so like Jack Todd, I was sure it was him ;)


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