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Canada assailed over climate change

Pierre the Great

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KAMPALA — Canada was accused Friday of being the major obstacle to a Commonwealth consensus on climate change as the Harper government resisted the wording of a proposed statement that would bind Canada to cutting greenhouse gas emissions substantially.

"My understanding is that there is pretty much unanimous agreement except for Canada and Australia, but Canada is the major objector," said a well-placed Commonwealth government source, adding that he was surprised by the "vehemence" of the Canadian position.

"It's not a casual position," the source continued. "It's a strong personal view of Harper himself."


Even David Miliband foreign minister of the GB scolded canada, but couldn't say so publicly because he's a foreign minister and the next leader of the Labour Party most likely.

" But British Foreign Secretary David Miliband avoided pointing the finger at Canada directly.

"I'm too much of a politician and a diplomat to be drawn into comments – positive or negative," he told The Canadian Press in an interview.

He said no country denies the science of climate change or the need for an international deal – including Canada.

And again without mentioning Canada, he described some countries' you-first attitude that is holding up progress at climate talks: ``(It's), `I will if you will,' on the one hand. And, `you first,' on the other.""

-that's a scolding in diplomatic words.



Canada is the biggest joke of a country on the planet. You supposedly hate America but your fetish with the dollar is psychotic. You critize america but then omg its the end of the world if i don't shop in the states. pathetic. You all hate each other, french hate everyone who doesn't look white and not speak french, english speakers hate the french and just ignore them bitching about bi-lingual labels. You sell out to the Americans. You are weak, you need to grow a back bone and stand up for yourself and not be Bush's henchman. At this point with this government, and you're push towards oblivion you don't deserve to be a country. When the only thing that binds you together is hate towards one country, you will fall apart.

I don't know who's more insane at this point, Harper supporters who think he's Jesus and the messiah and the greatest thing ever, or Bush idiots.

And to make Canada even more ridiculous, who are the big 3 deniers now. Howard, Harper, Bush. Howard will be gone after we wake up, the new guy said climate change will be his govt's first action. Bush will be gone by the end of year. Canada you're all alone on this, the train has left the station. You're all alone, the rest of the world says: fine.

Edited by Pierre the Great
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Canada is the biggest joke of a country on the planet. You supposedly hate America but your fetish with the dollar is psychotic. You critize america but then omg its the end of the world if i don't shop in the states. pathetic. You all hate each other, french hate everyone who doesn't look white and not speak french, english speakers hate the french and just ignore them bitching about bi-lingual labels. You sell out to the Americans. You are weak, you need to grow a back bone and stand up for yourself and not be Bush's henchman. At this point with this government, and you're push towards oblivion you don't deserve to be a country. When the only thing that binds you together is hate towards one country, you will fall apart.

I don't know who's more insane at this point, Harper supporters who think he's Jesus and the messiah and the greatest thing ever, or Bush idiots.

And to make Canada even more ridiculous, who are the big 3 deniers now. Howard, Harper, Bush. Howard will be gone after we wake up, the new guy said climate change will be his govt's first action. Bush will be gone by the end of year. Canada you're all alone on this, the train has left the station. You're all alone, the rest of the world says: fine.

Whoever wrote this is any idiot who doesn't deserve a reasonable response. They should get off of their soap-box before writing if they expect to be taken seriously.

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Ignoring the original posts insane ramblings...seriously, start seeing a therapist...I think the issue is worth discussing.

Almost every day I come across a staggering amount of ignorance in regards to enivornmentalism, energy efficiency and "green" products. I read an article the other day that a study was done on a sampling of 1000 "green" products, as claimed by the manufacturers. The study found that the claims were all mis-leading or outright lies.

The issue of environmentalism is quickly becoming a joke of an industry onto itself. I'm not attacking the fact that something needs to be done but I think everyone needs to get educated and governments need to legislate some rules of conduct when it comes to the abusers.

I find that many government environmental programs are open to a wide array abuses. Especially in the countries that have set "hard limits" like the Kyoto Accord. Further I'll never understand why anyone would set a hard limit and then allow emissions trading...it's one of the most counter productive concepts I've seen.

Similar to how government requires companies to put down their ingredients...they should force manufacturers to put down standardized information on the "foot-print" left of making the product. Provide consumers with the information they need to make educated decisions. Require all rebates and incentives to be based on actual useage saved...there should be no rebates around buying a specific technology. If a company wants an energy rebate then it should be based on the energy saved...not because they bought a specific technology to get there. There should also be no emissions trading...which is always the case when hard limits are set, or when hard limits are set at an unattainable level.

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Recycling is a scam also. Only metal recycling is actually energy efficient. I won't even start on ethanol, if someone doesnt know how much of a scam that is by now they're hopelessly ignorant.

Anyways, why is Prime Minister Harper even attending this joke of a conference? It's just a bunch of 3rd world craphole countries hounding Canada for money and playing it up for the liberal press. Really is beneath the dignity of Canada. I think from now on he should ask himself what Winston Churchill would do before attending an exercise in futility like that.

Edited by Dirty Harry
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Glad to see Pierre's turned the corner on Canada. We've gone from utopia to the biggest joke in a few months - that's a new record, isn't it?

Pierre, perhaps you just grow to detest wherever you happen to be at the time...?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this.

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Ignoring the original posts insane ramblings...seriously, start seeing a therapist...I think the issue is worth discussing.

Almost every day I come across a staggering amount of ignorance in regards to enivornmentalism, energy efficiency and "green" products. I read an article the other day that a study was done on a sampling of 1000 "green" products, as claimed by the manufacturers. The study found that the claims were all mis-leading or outright lies.

The issue of environmentalism is quickly becoming a joke of an industry onto itself. I'm not attacking the fact that something needs to be done but I think everyone needs to get educated and governments need to legislate some rules of conduct when it comes to the abusers.

I find that many government environmental programs are open to a wide array abuses. Especially in the countries that have set "hard limits" like the Kyoto Accord. Further I'll never understand why anyone would set a hard limit and then allow emissions trading...it's one of the most counter productive concepts I've seen.

Similar to how government requires companies to put down their ingredients...they should force manufacturers to put down standardized information on the "foot-print" left of making the product. Provide consumers with the information they need to make educated decisions. Require all rebates and incentives to be based on actual useage saved...there should be no rebates around buying a specific technology. If a company wants an energy rebate then it should be based on the energy saved...not because they bought a specific technology to get there. There should also be no emissions trading...which is always the case when hard limits are set, or when hard limits are set at an unattainable level.

There are three countries holding everything up




Howard isn't PM of Australia anymore so scratch the Aussies off

Bush won't be around after next year scratch US off

That leaves just Canada.

Here's a question to the haters, what was Canada's official position with regards to segregation in the US?

What Miliband said about Canada is too true. You guys have become a bunch of "you first" or "I'll see it when I believe it" attitude. When did this happen?

Alberta is an environment disaster and Toronto is full of smog from people driving. The economy excuse is weak, because when the environment starts killing off people and making land unusable you won't have an economy.

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KAMPALA — Canada was accused Friday of being the major obstacle to a Commonwealth consensus on climate change as the Harper government resisted the wording of a proposed statement that would bind Canada to cutting greenhouse gas emissions substantially.

"My understanding is that there is pretty much unanimous agreement except for Canada and Australia, but Canada is the major objector," said a well-placed Commonwealth government source, adding that he was surprised by the "vehemence" of the Canadian position.

"It's not a casual position," the source continued. "It's a strong personal view of Harper himself."


Even David Miliband foreign minister of the GB scolded canada, but couldn't say so publicly because he's a foreign minister and the next leader of the Labour Party most likely.

" But British Foreign Secretary David Miliband avoided pointing the finger at Canada directly.

"I'm too much of a politician and a diplomat to be drawn into comments – positive or negative," he told The Canadian Press in an interview.

He said no country denies the science of climate change or the need for an international deal – including Canada.

And again without mentioning Canada, he described some countries' you-first attitude that is holding up progress at climate talks: ``(It's), `I will if you will,' on the one hand. And, `you first,' on the other.""

-that's a scolding in diplomatic words.



Canada is the biggest joke of a country on the planet. You supposedly hate America but your fetish with the dollar is psychotic. You critize america but then omg its the end of the world if i don't shop in the states. pathetic. You all hate each other, french hate everyone who doesn't look white and not speak french, english speakers hate the french and just ignore them bitching about bi-lingual labels. You sell out to the Americans. You are weak, you need to grow a back bone and stand up for yourself and not be Bush's henchman. At this point with this government, and you're push towards oblivion you don't deserve to be a country. When the only thing that binds you together is hate towards one country, you will fall apart.

I don't know who's more insane at this point, Harper supporters who think he's Jesus and the messiah and the greatest thing ever, or Bush idiots.

And to make Canada even more ridiculous, who are the big 3 deniers now. Howard, Harper, Bush. Howard will be gone after we wake up, the new guy said climate change will be his govt's first action. Bush will be gone by the end of year. Canada you're all alone on this, the train has left the station. You're all alone, the rest of the world says: fine.

Maybe you should understand that it's harper's MINORITY government that is against the commonwealth environmentalist plan. A gov't that won no more than 35% of the popular vote. Instead of bashing the Canadian people, why don't you pick on the minority that controls the government. If you read the polls, you'll realize that most Canadians are beginning be worried about the environment and it WILL play a major role in the next election.

Biggest Joke of a country? That's a bit of a disgusting comment. Environment plans don't make a country what it is. For a die-hard liberal you're pretty quick to crucify a country whose minority lead government isn't agreeing with a group of commonwealth gov'ts that to this day, only Britain has made any progress in fighting global warming.

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Its not just the minority govt, he's running it like a majority and I'm sick and tired of Harper supporters i run into saying he's the greatest thing ever. It reminds me too much of Bush and I left that country to get away from that general hate attitude. Then I come here and see attack ads in a non election time towards the opposition, plans to control the media, dumping local conservative mp's who are great for their community because they're "red tories". It reminds me too much of the hate police in schools, the religious right in the u.s., where they point you out and attack you on the streets. Then I read comments on the globe and mail about immigration and its like a kkk meeting going on. The locals kids here on the island love to play this game going through duncan "how many indians on a bridge" game. Where they guess how many "indians" are on this bridge. Then they say to the local media "oh I'm not racist" please, yes you are. Then i live in a province that is run by a crook in gordon campbell, all the media in b.c. is owned by two companies. All the major newspapers in B.C. are owned by Can-West a major BC Liberal funder and Conservative Party supporter.

and i'm not a liberal, liberals are just like conservatives. Both come from the same ideology, the only wedge issues separate liberalism parties. Its like that in every country. Canada bills itself as different from the US. Well that's not the case.

the political apathy in Canada is embarrassing. First weekend here I kept running into hate for local, provincial, other provinces and federal politics. Yet if they're so against everything why don't they vote? "because it doesn't matter nobody cares about what we think." Confederations don't work, look what it did in the US, we had a rebellion.

Edited by Pierre the Great
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on a certain level it has been sublimely amusing to watch PTG turn on Canada. On another level its been pretty damn annoying that he feels the need to post about it. I remember when he was in USA, us Canadians would try to tell him that Canada wasn't Shangri-La. Now that he has to actually live there, he has gone completely the other way and is trashing it mercilessly - I wonder if he knows that most people don't appreciate it when foreigners come and piss and moan about the country. Love it or leave it, PTG :).

PS - I love how he never actually responds to people, he just runs off another bunch of non-sequitors that he tries to pass off as political commentary but are really just autobiographical anecdotal irrelevancy.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has noticed this (he's done it multiple times already in this thread, for example). Everybody watch him avoid really answering anything I've written. He will either quote this and really respond to something else, or ignore it altogether. He will do it to your posts too...

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on a certain level it has been sublimely amusing to watch PTG turn on Canada. On another level its been pretty damn annoying that he feels the need to post about it. I remember when he was in USA, us Canadians would try to tell him that Canada wasn't Shangri-La. Now that he has to actually live there, he has gone completely the other way and is trashing it mercilessly - I wonder if he knows that most people don't appreciate it when foreigners come and piss and moan about the country. Love it or leave it, PTG :).

PS - I love how he never actually responds to people, he just runs off another bunch of non-sequitors that he tries to pass off as political commentary but are really just autobiographical anecdotal irrelevancy.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has noticed this (he's done it multiple times already in this thread, for example). Everybody watch him avoid really answering anything I've written. He will either quote this and really respond to something else, or ignore it altogether. He will do it to your posts too...

haha great post.

nah, i still like canada, i'm still going to live here, this will be "home" even if i moved to Europe or somewheres. On the foreigners part, nobody knows i'm a foreigner, honestly its quite funny and if they complain about me, for example everyone knows i'm an american by birth who is writing for the student newspaper. Nobody is writing back, hey american stay out. Plus if they do pull that, (which i highly doubt everyone is too friendly here), i'll do the okay, you can't critize the states in any shape or form. But that hasn't happened yet. The he's american jokes never really happen to me, its more of they're happy an american loves and cares about canada. Some chick i met at the local radio station just raved about me for an hour on the radio, how I seemed so passionate about canada, very nice calm didn't make fun of, and i knew more about canada then any americans she met, i was wearing my canadiens t-shirt, she was completely floored. I changed her perspective of americans.

I'm almost too happy living here, and i've always got to find a reason to hate something.

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There are three countries holding everything up




Howard isn't PM of Australia anymore so scratch the Aussies off

Bush won't be around after next year scratch US off

That leaves just Canada.

Here's a question to the haters, what was Canada's official position with regards to segregation in the US?

What Miliband said about Canada is too true. You guys have become a bunch of "you first" or "I'll see it when I believe it" attitude. When did this happen?

Alberta is an environment disaster and Toronto is full of smog from people driving. The economy excuse is weak, because when the environment starts killing off people and making land unusable you won't have an economy.

Pierre, what exactly do you think Canada was holding up?

Do you know ANY of the details of what Canada took issue with or why they took issue with it? Why do you think Canada, the US and Australia would be upset with the caps proposed in this type of forumn? Did you realise that the caps were supposed to be set and that many 3rd world nations were to be exempt? Did you realise that this issue was a major sticking point for Canada? Do you know any of the other issues? Care to comment on them?

You are really starting to strike me as someone who is overly opinionated about topics you know very little about. It comes across this way in many of the threads you post in. Hey, I think it's great that you have a passion for the issues but you need to back up the comments with some detailed FACTUAL analysis...and if you don't know the actual details, and it reads as if you don't, then you should make the effort or not comment at all. I've talked politics/issues at length with friends of mine. Some of them are left wing idealogues...one is a former NDP MPP, one's president of a major CAW union local...I don't always agree with them, and the difference is typically philosophical, but at least they know their facts. These kinds of discussions/threads should be "okay, we can all agree on "this" being the problem...and the debate should then be on how to resolve it.

Canada doesn't disagree that there is a climate problem, but I think it's fair to say that the Canadian government thinks all countries need to play by the same rules in attempting to resolve the issues. Anything counter to this will open things up to abuse. So they blocked the deal until they agreed to change it.

Edited by Zowpeb
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Here's what I see what Harper did.

Yes these wouldn't have binding targets on US, China and India, Brazil but...

Harper is missing the point. If every single country follows suit and does binding targets, we will then create so much pressure within the 3 that don't want to do it, that they'll be forced to.

The attitude should be, "fine you don't want to do it, great, we'll go on without you." That's standing up for something. At first the big 4 will be okay I don't need this stupid agreement. Clinton will have no choice but to follow it through, people are down right pissed at Bush and the whole anti environment folks running the congress. In the states the rural population determines who gets elected, so while the country is mainly urban, the politics of the country is still old fashioned and rural based. Hence the line people two steps ahead of the politicians.

Clinton if elected will have no choice but to listen to the environment wing of her party. The majorities that will be created in the Senate and House mean that she won't have to listen to right wing view of the environment which is more drilling and ethanol. Even though the Clinton's are new england republicans, they'll have no choice but to follow the Gore wing.

How did we end apartheid in South Africa, we all got together and shunned SA. While that never happened to the United States and segregation on a global scale, it happened because the democrats went against their own southern base and shunned it.

How does Harper come out of this? He comes out of this as a staller for the Bush administration. Just because Harper didn't like that it included the big 4, he didn't like the resolution. But as I said earlier this is about putting pressure on the big 4, something Harper fails to see, because I believe he's too blindly for loyalty by Bush. If everyone ignores the big 4, that puts huge amount of pressure on countries like the states. It will then get talked about in the media, and then this works against the deniers because the radio is very right wing. The more right wingers in the states call the environmental movement "the work of satan" like Falwell did for months before he croaked. The more people will be pushed into the we need to do something camp.

This is like the Cold War all over again. Once one of the dominoes falls (mainly the US) the others will have no choice but to follow suit. Only way to change that is by all the other countries going alone basically ignoring the Big 4, because, what Harper is saying should be the case will never happen on its own, he knows it, that's why he's obstructing the way he is.

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There's a distinction to be made between the government of a country and its citizens and their opinions on issues. The US takes as much heat as anybody for numerous foreign policy decisions, but as polls show, not all of the people support the decisions that are being made by the elected officials, and non-elected, for that matter. And often times, even over vocal opposition from within the populace and the government, the governing party makes a decision that is unpopular for its own particular reason. If we don't agree with the decision Harper has made on the Kyoto Accord, we'll voice that publicly through our elected officials, and the media, and ultimately at the voting booth.

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There's a distinction to be made between the government of a country and its citizens and their opinions on issues. The US takes as much heat as anybody for numerous foreign policy decisions, but as polls show, not all of the people support the decisions that are being made by the elected officials, and non-elected, for that matter. And often times, even over vocal opposition from within the populace and the government, the governing party makes a decision that is unpopular for its own particular reason. If we don't agree with the decision Harper has made on the Kyoto Accord, we'll voice that publicly through our elected officials, and the media, and ultimately at the voting booth.

US doesn't work that way, that would be democracy, and as shown by the Bush administration and republicans they don't care what the people think.

I've voted in US elections, ask everyone who they are voting for they'll say the "lesser of two evils" they're all apathetic, they've voiced their concerns, in the millions, but they're ignored. So what ends up happening is the i don't vote disease. Canada is more european in what you are saying, that's due to the parliamentary system and a system based on parties not individual people.

Another common comment you'll hear here is "oh hate the party but love my local congressman" another hypocritical statement on the voter. They hate the party and its views but like the congress person who is part of that party and votes 99% with the party.

Another option people have in Canada is more parties and more voices. In the states you have to go to court to get on the ballot in some states, signatures don't always work or the one of the "two party dictatorships" will take you to court to block you.

Then another problem is the system, the system was made by functionalist minded people in the sociological sense. They wanted gridlock and that's what the system does. you can't have change as quickly as you can in a parliamentary system.

So the voters don't vote because:

the parties don't care about the regular person

your voice is never heard

the system was created to make gridlock

so why show up

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Here's what I see what Harper did.

Yes these wouldn't have binding targets on US, China and India, Brazil but...

Harper is missing the point. If every single country follows suit and does binding targets, we will then create so much pressure within the 3 that don't want to do it, that they'll be forced to.

The attitude should be, "fine you don't want to do it, great, we'll go on without you." That's standing up for something. At first the big 4 will be okay I don't need this stupid agreement. Clinton will have no choice but to follow it through, people are down right pissed at Bush and the whole anti environment folks running the congress. In the states the rural population determines who gets elected, so while the country is mainly urban, the politics of the country is still old fashioned and rural based. Hence the line people two steps ahead of the politicians.

Clinton if elected will have no choice but to listen to the environment wing of her party. The majorities that will be created in the Senate and House mean that she won't have to listen to right wing view of the environment which is more drilling and ethanol. Even though the Clinton's are new england republicans, they'll have no choice but to follow the Gore wing.

How did we end apartheid in South Africa, we all got together and shunned SA. While that never happened to the United States and segregation on a global scale, it happened because the democrats went against their own southern base and shunned it.

How does Harper come out of this? He comes out of this as a staller for the Bush administration. Just because Harper didn't like that it included the big 4, he didn't like the resolution. But as I said earlier this is about putting pressure on the big 4, something Harper fails to see, because I believe he's too blindly for loyalty by Bush. If everyone ignores the big 4, that puts huge amount of pressure on countries like the states. It will then get talked about in the media, and then this works against the deniers because the radio is very right wing. The more right wingers in the states call the environmental movement "the work of satan" like Falwell did for months before he croaked. The more people will be pushed into the we need to do something camp.

This is like the Cold War all over again. Once one of the dominoes falls (mainly the US) the others will have no choice but to follow suit. Only way to change that is by all the other countries going alone basically ignoring the Big 4, because, what Harper is saying should be the case will never happen on its own, he knows it, that's why he's obstructing the way he is.

Comparing the rest of the world on the apartheid issue, to attempting to force China, US, India, Brazil and even other 3rd world nations by "shunning" them on environmental issues, is IMPOSSIBLE. First of all, the US, China, India and Brazil represent a larger portion of the world economy then most of the other countries combined. Second of all, they are the major economic powers within their respective regional(and/or continental) economies...only Europe is excluded from that mix(and I'm ignoring Africa as their economy is smaller then my households). Further, allowing 3rd world countries to be excluded allows business to move to countries with cheap labour and no environmental protections. The world has quickly become a consumer driven economy based on convenience...until the consumer forces the issue and/or governments unilaterally legislate strict, equivalent, environmental controls the gains will be marginal and corporations will abuse anything less.

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Troll away..............................

Typical blanket statment (AGAIN) then you sit back and wait for a response.......

Nothing better to do I guess

You do know hockey season has started? :hlogo:

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on a certain level it has been sublimely amusing to watch PTG turn on Canada. On another level its been pretty damn annoying that he feels the need to post about it. I remember when he was in USA, us Canadians would try to tell him that Canada wasn't Shangri-La. Now that he has to actually live there, he has gone completely the other way and is trashing it mercilessly - I wonder if he knows that most people don't appreciate it when foreigners come and piss and moan about the country. Love it or leave it, PTG :).

PS - I love how he never actually responds to people, he just runs off another bunch of non-sequitors that he tries to pass off as political commentary but are really just autobiographical anecdotal irrelevancy.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has noticed this (he's done it multiple times already in this thread, for example). Everybody watch him avoid really answering anything I've written. He will either quote this and really respond to something else, or ignore it altogether. He will do it to your posts too...

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I feel like searching for back posts where i blatantly told him that Canada was not his utopia and really wasnt a whole lot different than the States.

Too bad i have to write a 2500 word essay on Christian Darwinism or I'd be right there...

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