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The Brilliance of Bob


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LOL. So true. But I think alot of the complaining would die down if he let this team run with the ball for the rest of the season.

Look at the guys who get ripped the most. Never the kids. O'Byrne makes a mistake and nobody loses it. Smolinski does and people go apeshit.

What you will find if we do run with the kids is either

A. People will be less critical or

B. Carbo would get blamed for everything giving most of the kids a free pass

My guess would be B

but they're kids!! They need to learn, which means making mistakes. If anything, what's always upset me about Carbo is how he loses patience with the kids immediately after making mistakes (and the mistakes should be expected because they don't have the experience yet) and yet has oodles of patience for underperforming vets who should know so much better. How much time did Smoke get even though he was playing terribly? He'd probably still be in the lineup if it wasn't for his injury. How many games did Breezer and Bouillon get to play while Gorges just sat on the sidelines. I want to see the kids. They can't be worse than some of the vets. and I'm willing to be patient. You expect Ryan O'byrne to totally make obvious mistakes. You're willing to forgive him. Breezer/Boo making the same mistakes? Not so much

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but they're kids!! They need to learn, which means making mistakes. If anything, what's always upset me about Carbo is how he loses patience with the kids immediately after making mistakes (and the mistakes should be expected because they don't have the experience yet) and yet has oodles of patience for underperforming vets who should know so much better. How much time did Smoke get even though he was playing terribly? He'd probably still be in the lineup if it wasn't for his injury. How many games did Breezer and Bouillon get to play while Gorges just sat on the sidelines. I want to see the kids. They can't be worse than some of the vets. and I'm willing to be patient. You expect Ryan O'byrne to totally make obvious mistakes. You're willing to forgive him. Breezer/Boo making the same mistakes? Not so much

I know. But this board needs somebody to blame when things go bad. Can't blame the kids, can't blame the vets, there wont be many. So the coach will get blamed or people will blame Gainey for getting shitty kids.

I would rather go 20-62 with rookies than 40-32-10 with Smolinski, Brisebois etc.

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I know. But this board needs somebody to blame when things go bad. Can't blame the kids, can't blame the vets, there wont be many. So the coach will get blamed or people will blame Gainey for getting shitty kids.

I would rather go 20-62 with rookies than 40-32-10 with Smolinski, Brisebois etc.

so would I in theory, and when I think about it logically. But I get so frustrated when we're losing.

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so would I in theory, and when I think about it logically. But I get so frustrated when we're losing.

For me it is all about hope. When you look down a roster and see no chance of improvement it is demoralizing as a fan.

In 2002 we were watching Juneau, Gilmour, Dackell, Audette, Perreault, Petrov and knowing that these guys were all we had.

The only hope for a Cup was Theo stopping 50+ shots. That is why when they got destoryed in the last 2 games he got a standing O.

Now I can live with losing if I see the kids get better every game. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

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Gilmour was nice, but he was here for a short period of time, and he was nowhere near the caliber of player he was in his prime!

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