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Martha Burk Attacks the NHL


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Come on, its an add. With all due respect, this is a waste of time. Please focus on real issues. What a joke, going after an ad. Its an add!. It is a 25-30 second tv clip that promotes hockey. HOCKEY! In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with this ad.

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im really not surprised. C'mon... the ad is misogenistic. That argument that "This ad is very respectful of women. The woman is a spiritual and physical trainer for the warrior, and his mentor" is ridiculous. She's his geisha! Guess what? Augusta is bad too. That being said, Ms. Burk does herself no service by being so easily enflamed.

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Haven't seen it yet. Is it a US-based add?

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It can be viewed on NHL.com

It reminded me a little of a scene from The Last Samurai, which was far from misogenistic. In terms of exploitation of women, I'd rate it maybe a 3. Most every ad out there is 10 times worse than this ad. I mean, half naked women in tire commercials? That doesn't even make sense.

And about Augusta, would there be any problem if a club were for women only? Would some man bitch and complain about it? I think not.

[Edited on 9-24-05 by Fanpuck33]

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it's not about nudity, it's about servitude... i'm far less concerned about women isolating and excluding men than I am of the reverse. Golf clubs such as Augusta is not primarily about playing golf, it's about networking. It's a business club, where deals are done.

I don't think anybody is saying that the NHL should not be allowed to run their add, or that tire companies can't run theirs. Censorship and controversy are two different things. We are required to allow unpopular speech, we are not required to like it or shut up about it.

I think the real question is why Burk attacks the NHL and not beer companies (whose product actually contributes to abuse, recklessness, disease and death) or tire companies or like Vogue... She makes a fool of herself by constantly attacking solely sports issues, she seems like a hater.

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I love that add, it's just great! Yeah Fanpuck it's like in those movies. You see that also. A big Wink to the history.

Damn when you complain about that, you can find anything to complain about. Stupid Feminist ( i think man and women are equal, but those feminist are just silly and making themself look stupid)You can't take them serious :D

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Martha Burk hahahahaha who is that?

Give me a break, has anyone not watched cable or know that the USA is home to the Porn industry.

There are many more things that denegrate woman and their standing in our world. She should be putting more effort against the Porn industry than this ad. She did not even know about it until the Toronto Star contacted her. If she goes to sporting events I am sure she is just watching the game, not the guys:nono: in the prime of their lives.

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Am I the only one that thought the commercial was really cheesy?

I really wasn't shocked by the commercial. They tried to portray the image of a "real man" going to battle and used the beautifull women sidekick to underline that image. Is the women in "servitude", in a sense yes. Is it shocking, I personally don't think so. At least here the selling image is the warrior dude (which the women promotes) and not directly bearly clad #### used to sell beer and what not. For what it's worth, I think this is a strom in a tea cup. Not much to offend the mainstream here.

What I would find more interesting is peoples view on the commercial itself. Do you think the warrior dude with his beautifull women by his side is an effective way to promote the NHL. I personally think it look self-conceited and cheesy.

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lol, i found it quite cheezy as well. I can certainly see where this Burk woman is coming from on this one. But whatever.

You've got to think that when the NHL decided on this idea and this add, that they knew that this was going to happen. Sure they'll deny it, but they've already obtained their goal.

The add is already gaining headlines, so hey, it's doing it's job. It's catching peoples' attention. Voila, more people thinking hockey.

This add was definitely aimed at the US, as you don't even need adds as much here in Canada, cuz majority of us will just tune in anyways.

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Originally posted by Leafs Suck
Hmmm, what's the sexist part of the ad? A scantily clad woman? Ok... but isnt the guy in the ad bare-chested? That's even worse than "scantily-clad", that's naked!

Thats logic, these ultra-man hating feminists don't think in logic.

I was being sarcastic, but nonetheless you're touching the core of the feminist creed here. They're not thinking in terms of equality logic, they're thinking in terms of "empowerement". Feminists are not a civil rights movement anymore, they're a lobby group who are only interested in improving the interests of their members, even if it doesnt makes sense. In short: feminists have became divas. They want the spotlight, the fame and the benefits, regardless of context (equality, responsability, etc.)

The real gripe Burk has about the ad isnt about the woman being portrayed as a "servant" or being "scantily-clad", its because the woman isn't the main focus of the ad and is rather playing a secondary role. The rest is just meaningless rhetoric.

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