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Everything posted by DON

  1. Yes, would be very nice with Ladouceur gone, would be a super replacement!
  2. I buy that, cept with a "gritty vet d-man added", you have a 6 d-men set, so Diaz/Weber will be 7-8th d-men already, and with the stockpile of top d-men in AHL, the Kid simply aint coming to Habland. Forget about it! i think Dudley/Bergevin will be busy on Sunday and may try and use d-men in a trade or 2?
  3. nice list, but have zero need of a bottom six guy. Kostitsyn/Paranteau would be fine by me. But, i think Bergevin/Dudley will make a trade for a forward.
  4. So if Moan will get done (which is a smart signing i think). Where does that leave Stubitz and Darche? Blunden is a better all round player than Darche is and would of cost bout the same, so cutting Blunden and keeping Darche wouldnt seem to make sense?
  5. especially on the backend? we dont need any more offensive d-men at all, Markov/Subban/Kaberle/Weber are enough, but a big toughg d-man on a 1 or 2 year deal would seem to be all that is needed.Increasing scoring in top six is priority and also moving out 1 smallish forward (might not be necessary till next year, but soon will need a shake-up), if Gallagher is as good as we hope. Simply cant have 4 small guys in top 6 can you?
  6. Have no quibble with Tomas's offense and i know he is shut down guy and i love his play and effort. Cept in the faceoff circle, which is a skill that can be improved through practice, and why he has never improved i dont know? is it a strength issue? Whatever, he is best of bad bunch which costs games when losing defensive faceoffs and also sucks for PK and PP % (PK dosent suffer thanks to Price/Gorges and crew).
  7. It would be nice to have at least 1 centre who could win a friggin faceoff. And every Hab centre sucks in that dept. Hope Galchenyuk is better and Eller/Desharnais are working on that, too late for Plekanec, he has sucked for too long to improve it seems. His one weakness.
  8. Rome would be an OK 3rd pairing choice for sure and he is a Bruin knock-out artist! haha
  9. Witty! I would think Gallant might have some good insight on the Q players.
  10. Good write up o him sir. Still more d-men for Habs that dont fit what is missing (a Mara-Allen type)? You say Bergevin has bid on him, just hope it isnt that much and some dumb GM (Isles/Columbus) will offer some stupid amount+big bonuses eh. Same as Suter, fine player (overrated?) but not what Habs need for the cost it would take. Now if have a top NCAA forward, i would be alot more keen on Bergevin trying to sign. another, will see what happens on/after Sunday.
  11. I am factoring in the full summer following him "hiting the wall' and a shoulder injury does not preclude training, even if just bike work and such. And also Nash now knows what is required for 80 games vs 30-40 in NCAA, so he is going in eyes wide open and he also now is 24-25, which is prime age. And if he isnt 100% now he must be damn close right now isnt he? Eller/Leblanc had surgery in May/JUne and were back playing in Oct, and he had surgery last fall. Will see if Bergevin even trades any d-men at all this weekend? If not, would put Weber as #7-8 and likely have St Denis/Nash #9-10 in depth.
  12. You are putting him in as a top 2 centre this fall? I am normally too optimistic about many prospects, but i see him in Sarnia and likely is best place for his development, as the pressure in his rookie year will be just a bit high for an 18 year old. Plekanec or Desharnais + Beaulieu + picks and/or more could get you a nice centre, didnt say it wouldnt be painless, but of course have the assets. Anyways; we will see Sunday/Monday if Bergevin wants to put his stamp on team or be conservative. I am both a Plekanec and Desharnais fan, but i just see them as the best asset in a deal for a centre.(trade a centre for a centre +stuff)
  13. But the wall he hit was 1 1/2 years ago and even in his 1st pro year he was OK in the few minutes he played with big club. Call it a hunch, but i say he will jump St.Denis in depth chart early on.
  14. BPA seems the smartest route (why would you skip a better player to get one who fits, but is not as good a prospect?), and makes the most sense every year, that will not likely change, cept he may target a goalie and trade up/down to get one next year. I totally agree that signing Dell would be a bonus. I think Bergevin did say they tried to trade later pick(s) this year, but didnt work out.
  15. I thought Blunden earned a spot and played well, oh well; i assume this might mean both Darchee and Moan will likely be resigned eh? if Engqvist can only improve on faceoffs a bit, he would fit as 4th line centre and great he was offered $. Nash and St.Denis should be battling for a spot on the big club, but none to be had on backend, unless some moves coming on Sunday.
  16. I noticed the big 6'5" czech(?) centre from PEI team, Metej Beran, went undrafted and was ranked only 2 spots behind Hudon? On paper seems like he might be an interesting try-out (but i am sure went undrafted for a good reason)?
  17. Unless he plays like Dietz or Thrower, Habs got no spot or use for him. and likely will be just another overhyped flop and obviously is another whining Lindros type with a bit of attitude issue.
  18. So if you are against trading Plekanec or Desharnais, and we all know Galchenyuk will not be a top centre for Habs for at least 2 more seasons and you think adding a winger to Plekanec is a cup winning change in the meantime? I have to disagree and i think one of these 2 centre positions needs an upgrade this year if want real change. If Bergevin can add an all star type centre and a big tough d-man on backend, i think would do wonders and that is all that is needed doing next Sunday.
  19. Good to hear, is Pribyl too old for Czech U-20s? he is 19 and turns 20 in December.
  20. Subban or Pacioretty, or something along those lines, so forget about it! Be better to try and use Desharnais, Weber + prospect/picks maybe for a #2 centre?
  21. Pretty good odds he will be in Sarnia 1 more year, my guess.
  22. I really cant see how the Habs could of done any better and still cant believe all the guys were available. But Gainey-Nieuwendyk also took a big step to rebuild Dallas and grabbed 1/2 dozen super looking kids. I thought Flames did well with picks they had (and made a smart trade with Buff, even if McQuire didnt think so). Shocked the OIlers skipped on Collberg/Pokka/Finn/Bystrom for Moroz? A bottom 6 at best grinder? I liked Moroz but not till 3rd round at earliest. Similar to Wilson to Caps, waste of early pick (but they are so deep, likely wont hurt them at all). Darn Leafs got a super skating d-man in Reilly and Finn is supposedly a solid d-man as well. Is Hudon of Archambault/Masse/Dumont/Lefebvre/Fortier quality (ECHL)? Or is he finally one who will make the grade?
  23. Couldnt believe when 1 super name after the other popped up on board; Collberg-Thrower-Bozon were all in many 1st rounds of mock drafts. People back east are really gonna like Bozon-Thrower. And i am sure Darren Dietz is quite happy to have his d-partner doning a Hab jersey. We will see them next spring in Saskatoon for Memorial cup and maybe World Juniors as well?
  24. I had thought Sabres looked good with Grigorenko/Girgensons; but Galchenyuk/Collberg are a pretty sweet duo. Then the 2 WHLers, with a good sized 36 goal scoring rookie of year canditate and a 55 point d-man, just awesome. Collberg and Bozon are like Gallagher and have the scoring thing down pretty well. 5 CHLers and 4 Left Wingers should help fill prospect pool. Bergevin/Timmins et al deserve very high marks indeed!
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