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Everything posted by DON

  1. And we get 2 of these + Bozon; so in the end get 4 1st round talented kids, i would say Timmins gets a A+, but a bit/bunch of luck also helped. I had hoped for a sweet haul, but blown away with majority favorite-Galchenyuk and Collberg at 33rd, what a sweet steal! He outshone Forsberg at world juniors and reminds me of a swedish Jeff Skinner. Thrower will be a fan favorite and his own comparison to Kevin Bieksa is bang-on. He, Tinrodi and Dietz will add the missing grit to back end! Vail/Hudon and Swede? long shots i supose.
  2. best of luck with your radio gig tonight sir. cheers
  3. I would guess so? He just seems too smart/high hockey IQ or however to put it, too not end up top 6 in a couple more years. They always said he was a fitness freak and very driven kid and now they say he has been working with skating instructor everyday, so he seems to kalso know his own scouting report main weakness, of needing skating improvement and added muscle. Last summer he was rehabbing all summer, missed training camp and still held his own when called up. So with a full year training i expect him to be 1/2 step quicker and stronger along the boards. As a wingman for Eller (who also was rehabbing last summer/no training camp last year) and maybe Gallagher can fill other wing to have a nice 3rd line (unlikely as Moan/White may be other winger?)
  4. Allen almost seems too perfect a fit? He will likely want a longer term contract than 1 or 2 years and cost too much for a #4-#5 d-man? But i even liked him when he started with Canucks and he now knows his limitations (like Gill/Sutton also learned after many years).
  5. 13 of past 20 straight to NHL top 5 picks, but which of 13 were impact players, few because their teams are almost all bottom dwellers and 1 player cant change that. Also because their teams are so shitty is a main reason they can even crack lineup. Which is why Timmins/Bergevin both said exact same thing yesterday (and majority say); the position a prospect plays and current roster needs is mostly irrelevant when picking at draft, skill-character-drive are main factors; period.
  6. I still like Dumba best of all d-men, but if Reinhart was more physical and could hit like Dumba, he would be top five for sure, but i would say he is more a Sami Salo type d-man..
  7. I will stick with Forsberg and have no fear, they wont go "off the reservation!" as Pierre McQuire supposedly said when we took a Native Canadian goalie in 2005, but good for discussion/debate.
  8. Other guys of identical draft size, turned out OK, Giroux/Yzerman are just 2 examples of many. I think many "experts" are on the Terrovinen band wagon, skill wise he is supposed to near the top. Bigger is not always better.
  9. No not likely for Grigorenko, who i still see going maybe 6th to Ducks or top 10 at least. Our 33rd pick will still get a highly rated guy. Any team would consider trading, all have their price and if Timmins sees a prospect like Tinordi, who he is really high on, fall far (say a Collberg/Gaunce/Faksa falls to 20th- 25th) i am sure he may try and trade up. But if someone offers two 3rds or some good deal for a 2nd, he would also likely be open to trading down for increase in # of picks (as he did last year). 1000's of options and scenarios can play out, should be very interesting.
  10. Yes, he was solidly in 10th, but his size/blodlines/good finish to season and all round OK game he must be looking more tempting to some, but i stil doubt will be in top 5.
  11. Because Galchenyuk will be the BPA at 2 and Nash trade will deal with roster issues. Draft does not address roster issues normally, a prospect can take years to develop (especially with goalies/d-men or NCAA guys). I hope we get Galchenyuk, but i bet (guess) will be Yakupov-Galchenyuk-Forsberg.
  12. disagree puck long gone and even slow mo shows shoulder to chest, so not head hunting, if shoulder hit head i would agree, but Ovechkin from behind, leaving feet and head shot was 100X worse. Hossa just got caught with head down digging for puck. clean hit by me.
  13. he couldnt have his elbow tucked against his side anymore if he tried? Not sure what other video you saw, but this one shows a clean hit to me. Hossa had head down and paid the price.
  14. Yah used Other, just thought since he is sure fire late 1st rounder that i missed name; thats all
  15. Cook's was a clean hit (as was Pacioretty's and Torres) , Marchand can-opener? miised that one (another Bruin broke Raymonds back but wasnt Marchand and was just an acident also), Crosby never has been brutally hit that i can remember?, Weber got bit carried away, but not suspendable so says Shanahan. I might agree with a bit of what you say, but like Bull riding, it is a big boys game, are well paid and if NHL players had more than high school education they may even realize that they are unionized and worker safety is in their hands to fight for, but they dont bother, so why should we care? Like you say, you like when Subban knocked an unsuspecting Adam Larsson off balance and shoved him backwards into boards to put him out of action with back injury for 10 games, you call that clean eh? Could of easily broke his back and by your wording, some (me) could even call that reckless endangerment,, So wouldnt you agree there is a gray area when split decisions are made in a sport as fast as NHL and some will not be good ones, but is the way it is and up to players themselves to speak up for changes.
  16. Or is his drop similar to Angelo Esposito and earned? More likely the Ducks will get a steal at 6 and Grigorenko will be Malkin II.
  17. To announce that the new line of LL-DD-FF will be established this fall and Marleau will centre 67-72? (not that really matter, but couldnt find H Samuelsson in your mock draft pool, was he listed?)
  18. We cant be farther apart in point of views and it is history now but; Absolutely zero diff as Scott Stevens laying out Lindros or Kariya, whom on both he tried to remove head and seriously injure (which he did, we now know). And clean slate always plays a part in judicial hearings. And if Pacioretty tries to embarrass Chara, he should of known to keep his head up and expect some payback if not willing to drop the gloves with him. It is a contact league that encourages fighting and the most visious hits make sportscentre every day. So what is big deal! Torres made a totally clean open ice hit and gets book tossed at him, only because he didnt have a clean slate (and not a superstar). NHL just makes up rules as they go along to maximize $$, it is just entertainment, it dosent have to make sense or be fair, it is all about $$ at end of day (sweep Chara incident under rug). Player safety will not even be discussed during the CBA i bet. Players wil just want 50+% of $$ and if get that they will be all happy. It was just an accident which will be repeated bout 1 /year. But i bet you cheered every big hit Subban made when running over someone who never saw him coming and each one of his hits could kill/paralyze. So cant really cheer aggressive hitting and condem only when turns out the worst can you? Seems a lot hypocritical. Do you ever see Chara run at anyone before or after Max's hit, never, if he did take a run at; say, Kromwall and caught him with head down, as Kromwall, Subban or Phaneuf do to many forwards, it wouldnt be pretty. And even today i bet Chara is one of most repectful and respected players in the game. Time to turn the page and hope Pacioretty plays super for next 10 years as Cole has done. and put injury/accident to bed.
  19. Chara is a clean player who made one big err in 15 years, he tried to drill him into pole as pay back, but attempted murder is ludicrous. But is super to see Max's great comeback be recognized, he seemed very happy.
  20. Wouldnt want Jagr nor Latendress. Jagr is a good fit for a contender like Rangers/Canucks maybe and Latendress is good for a local McDonalds flippin burgers.
  21. Would be one of my picks at 64th for Habs if some of other more skilled guys like Troock/Gordon/Maidens/Athanasiou are all gone. Moan-type seems bout right, i keep thinking more Lucic but he isnt quite as aggressive in running guys over.But another good prospect summary.
  22. I agree Sutter is not the top six guy at 33rd, but you had all my favorites gone (Bozon/Matteau/Laughton etc) and i think Sutter may be gone before 50s; but a more skilled guy like Winther/Troock will still be available at 51. I think a later pick would be fine for a goalie (if Dell still still wont sign with Habs), but the first four picks, i hope are all forwards and then get a project goalie, as you say, out of the 35 or so middle of road tenders. Another Huet/Halak would be sweet to find!! However plays out, i am confident the prospect pool will look much better come Sunday morning.
  23. Murray is as safe as it comes and i would pencil hm in as 6th d-man for the fall for NHL, which would also trigger a big summer sale of mediocre d-men by Bergevin on July 1st. But Forsberg it is and sounds good fine me.
  24. No laughing here sir, i would say your top ten will be darn close, if not bang-on and i wouldnt change any All the Habs picks seems fine but; I wouldnt wait till 51st to take Lukas Sutter, take him at 33rd (Just love his mix of 150+PIMs, 30 goals, shit disturber, front of net presense, hard worker and bloodlines) And then Nieves at 51st; or maybe consider one of these guys; di Giuseppe/Winther/Troock/Frk/Sissons/Gordon at 51st. at 64th i would have to skip goalie till later and take Mitchell Moroz (again to add more grit to system) For a goalie Makarov stood tall at World Junior gold medal game and Murray was just OK to good at U18s, so i would lean towards Russian (but are lots of good goalies to pick from and i hardly know any).
  25. See, even Mr. HW picked Forsberg in mock draft! It is a done deal! Like you i aint 100% sold on any top pick, but i have faith Timmins will make the right call and if the upside of Grigorenko/Dumba is high enough and he calls one of their names, it all good by me.
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