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Everything posted by DON

  1. I would put Bogosian in class with Hedman/Larsson as top picks that should of been more mid 1st rounders at best, will be good but not top 5 good. And i agree, trading Subban is not something i would even consider.
  2. If Jughead Bob is correct for 6th year in a row, Forsberg it is. Which is fine by me, sure he could be a Paaajavi, whom may yet turn out a fine player (just taken a bit high is all), but easily also could be a Backstrom or Forsberg type. I am sure Timmins has done his homework (and he likely didnt travel so far to visit many other prospects families did he?) so when the Swede's name is called on Friday, it will be the first top 6 Swede for Habs since Naslund a long frickin time ago. But too bad Columbus is taking Galchenyuk, but smart pick for them for a change. He is a good size now and dosent turn 18 till mid August, so once filled out he should be a handful at 6-2 and about 190-200lb in Habs opening game next fall.
  3. is a done deal; we will get Forsberg and Columbus will grab Galchenyuk, which is a smart pick for them.
  4. Murray has more "future Captain" in him, is better defensively and is better skater than Subban, but not offensively. Dumba is a wildcard and could be better at everything than Subban is , tougher, more offense, better shot, tougher; but is several years away and still is only playing vs teenagers. So i would say a toss up, but Subban has already proven himself and is the most important skater on Habs roster for sure and will only get better. Would be one big risk to trade him at his age.
  5. With Markov/Kaberle/Diaz/Weber/Gorges you have one soft group of defenders and Subban is too small to clear anyone from front of net, and Yemelin also is no crease clearer but at least can hit.And we already have enough shot blockers coming over next couple years in Pateryn/Ellis and Tinordi. But for 2012-13 they have to have at least 1 d-man who can or is willing drop the gloves in defense of Price and smaller forwards; period. You need at least 1 who can fight, dont care if he cant play 20 minutes neither, cause Gorges/Subban and Markov/Yemelin will eat alot of icetime and 3rd pairing of Kaberle and X would be 18 minutes at most (just a wild guess).
  6. Bryan Allen seems a perfect fit, but maybe Hannan/Aucoin or Shane OBrien would work for 1 year?
  7. Impossible (darn near) at this late pick to guess correctly, so i simply guess whom i would take or maybe should be (and i have seen alot more of Bozon/Sutter/Moroz/Winther and other WHLers, so am a bit biased also).
  8. I doubt Subban would be available after 1st round and wouldnt want him chosen, tons of other goalies to be had later on, Makarov would be one i would like to see picked, or better yet, just sign a young free agent like Aaron Dell. Jankowski is a wildcard, but stats and on paper looks good for sure. But Tim Bozon managed 36 goals as rookie in WHL, which is a cut above prep school for sure and i would guess a safer pick.
  9. Could be, i havent seen play and he has fallen since last fall hasnt he, due to zero increase in offense in 2nd year? But that big Moroz could be a slightly better Ian Shultz and looked good for a big guy in Mem Cup and 64th is maybe where a Lucic type player should be taken, not another Lefebvre/Fortier/Masse/Dumont/Archambault?? If need french content, could try and get Matteau at 33rd maybe?
  10. Million dollar question! I would say would be flip a coin between Forsberg-Murray. I did a lame/informal collation of all rankings/mock drafts and found Galchenyuk as 2nd rated (in all recent mock-ups/rankings), Forsberg-Murray were identically ranked overall at 3rd and Grigorenko below these. But will see who Bob McKenzie has at #3 today and cant beat his track record of ranking 1st round.
  11. You never noticed he seemed to prefer to defend forwards, or seemed to avoid switching up? Maybe the assessment biased me and am mis-remembering but rings true, we will see in the fall and any skating lacking like that is easily fixable, as Louis is trying to do with his skating (they said he has been at Brossard a lot with skating coach, hope he can add 5-10lbs this summer also) But i see it as another item, Beaulieu could easily get away with on a stacked junior team combined with his natural quickness vs teenagers, but will not work well vs Pros.
  12. Not a chance. Wouldnt touch Latendress with ten foot pole.
  13. mock draft well done sir, of course i would switch in Bozon at 33rd and maybe Winther at 51 and Hudon is likely an OK call for first token Quebecer; but still 64 is much higher than rated. He was only rated 94th of just North American skaters, so should be a 4th rounder at best. I would prefer Mitchell Moroz at 64 and Hudon take at 94th or some other long shot quebecer. As well as Galchenyuk did at combine, Columbus may grab him at 2 eh?
  14. Widely considered? Dont know about that, it could be, but not in the top 90 prospects that is for sure, which is where 85% of NHLers come from. I would bet that Habs will have a good haul of prospects and most will be very pleased with picks. My big question is whether Columbus will take Galchenyuk or Murray?
  15. yes, positive reports on All Habs for Quailer and several others is encouraging, Nattenin/Pribyl/Berger etc, Not the most positive on Beaulieu, which isnt surprising but nothing serious;he should maybe take a pointer or 2 from Leblanc/Gallagher on hard work.
  16. Great for All-Habs to follow and rport on development camp. Nice to hear Quailer looked good and another big winger would be sweet. As expected, Beaulieu seems to have a ways to go before matures and is NHL ready; but his poor backward skating is something that is easily fixable with some hard work. As Louis Leblanc is doing right now to improve his skating. Will RFA d-men; Nash, St Denis, Diaz get resigned? Most likely these 3 will eh? And Weber will be gone within 2 weeks, or destined for 7th d-man status again?
  17. not with a 10 foot pole would i go near him, he is done as BGL is as well.
  18. I agree and dont think Hurberdeau will be that great a NHLer, and possibly be a Benoit Pouliot. Not sure why but even last year i wouldnt of picked him in top 10. He does look good vs juniors but just not sold, Couturier i would trade the #3 pick for in a second. But Habs aint trading that pick, so just hope Galchenyuk is available at 3.
  19. Whomever said NJ lucked out getting Larsson? He wil be a fine d-man but. I think they and several other teams missed the boat big time by skipping on Dougie Hamilton and Sean Couturier, but expecially for a defensive d-man. Same as Tampa with Hedman, fine player also but not an impact player to be like Duchene or Kane. I just wouldnt take a defensive d-man in the first round. Tinordi will be good, but there are several just as heavy and solid d-men who went in 2nd round that year that would of saved Habs a pick, or even could of traded down to get and maybe added a pick. But hind sight is what it is and Timmins must of really like the big guy.
  20. I hope so, if he could do better on face-offs he would be a super fit (but then again not one friggin centre on Habs can win a friggin face-off and are all near bottom of league). Love Engqvist defensive play, reach and smarts and would be a nice cheap 4th line centre. Will Moan be offered deal prior to July 1st? I would let Darchee, Nokalenin and Campoli walk, but wouldnt mind seeing Moan and even ol Staubitz re signed. But once Moan hits the market, he will be overpaid by someone very quickly. Will Weber be traded on draft day, July1st or be 7th d-man in the fall?
  21. Yes, 1 goal shouldnt be that hard to top eh. And Quailer was Northeastern's MVP last year i think? what that means? i find it hard to equate NCAA hockey (e.g. shorter seasons, older players, full head gear, no fighting and different sized ice surfaces, etc).
  22. Great to hear, always loved his size, but hope he is does better than Berger in 1st pro year?
  23. And all i am saying is i find answer to be BS and why wouldnt he just admit , that is the direction they are going/ or francophones are better fit for postiion/ Molson told me to, or anything truthful, it wouldnt hurt his popularity and just seems to lack character (which reminded me of the Leaf GM). i wont beat dead horse anymore, just his statement rubbed me wrong way is all and other than Therrian and Brisbois hires, it looks like a good group he is assembling and hope Gallant rumour is true.
  24. you think he was referring to earlier hires? when he was standing beside Brisbois/Lapoint and Lefebvre and all had just been hired and press conference was to announce these 3 hires? And he was the one who hinted at language factor, if you buy that all 3 being french is just a coincidence, i got some Facebook shares and Greek bonds you should buy also. If he didnt mention language issue at all, fair enough, but to try and BS about it, seems weak. And like i have said, Lapoint/Lefebvre seem to be super choices, the other i aint sold on; but know nothing about what he actually can bring to table. Now will all the political pressure play out at draft table and on July 1st also?
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