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Everything posted by DON

  1. You are making a big assumption about pick being a forward (chances are you are correct but?), especially with many top ranked players being d-men. As Timmins says, he is looking for "Best Asset" at #3.
  2. I still see a clone of Subban in Beaulieu, with all the pros as well as cons when he played with Bulls. He has a long way to go to improve his defense, has taken Subban a couple years and it will for Beaulieu as well, but the kid can really skate, has nice shot and does not lack confidence that is for sure. 1 full year in AHL at least should do wonders for him. Ellis is almost opposite of Beaulieu and super defensively but will never be a big offensive d-man, better than Gorges but no Subban. Once he bulks up a bit more he should be a soild d-man come 2013-14 and is likely just behind Pateryn in depth chart, who already is NHL size and also a good shot-blocker as well. Not sure how Bournival's game will translate to pros? May be a dandy 3rd line centre down the road? Seems most have jumped on Tinordi band wagon and with good reason. If he was used on the PP the team would give up fewer goals,haha. If he can pack on 5 or 10 lbs he likely wont be in AHL very long before 1st call up, but you can see Charlie Coyle is almost a match for him, as Coyle is NHL size and Tinordi does need to add more strength for sure, as he wont be playing vs any 16 year old kids in AHL and would have his hands full with Stall's, Malkin's and Perry's of the league (but most NHL d-men have trouble with these guys also).
  3. And was at that point ol Serge Savard and many others got quite upset? I remember the 2003 one where McGuire was ranting (i know, that goes without saying) about how skilled Kostitsyn was and if not for siezures he would of been top 5 for sure, but dont remember 2005 draft at all.
  4. I agree, just dont thnk Shawinigan can compete with the other 3 teams, hope so, but will see in a couple hours how they fare vs Edmonton's big skilled d-core, Curtis Lazar is one super young player to keep eye on.
  5. I think the refusal to deal away any UFAs at any deadline year after year, only to watch Souray/Kovalev/Strait/Koivu/Pouliot/ etc all walk for nothing on July 1st, along with nickle and diming the draft picks to add role players, like Sopel/Mara/Moore, has been killer.
  6. I think if you flip back through the 44 pages on this topic, you will see Galchenyuk is in no way a sleeper and likely the favorite at #3, even though all likely agree Grigorenko has all the talent in the world, but it is between the ears that no one is sure of, or willing to risk a once in 32 year top 3 pick for the Habs on? Maybe Timmins and staff see otherwise and whomever they pick should be a good one. I think the GM sort of takes a back seat and lets scouting crew evaluate prospects (Bobby Clarke couldnt even remember Claude Giroux's name at podium) and if a highly valued one, like a Tinordi, has slipped some, then the GM is likely consulted before trading up/swapping picks. Otherwise i think Timmins simply take best player available, ignores curent roster needs and whether pick is a centre/winger/d-man is a secondary consideration. (e.g. took Beaulieu at 17 when Mark McNeill was still available and McNeill is basically a Gaunce clone and a big skilled centre, but Beaulieu had slid and was BPA).
  7. Well put and agree 100%, i see the need for 1 upgrade in top 6 forward group and add 1 big crease clearing d-man and all should be fine.
  8. Winning is everything is it? I will see if Bergevin can work in some CHL teams to play and tell him you will pay the same ticket price as a Hab vs Leaf or Bruin game eh? Outcome mIght be 25-1 but a win is a win right? Sorry to be sarcastic, but i disagree 100% that every win is equal. Consistantly beating inferior teams is important, but not the same as 2 equally matched teams (rivals) playing each other.
  9. 100% agree, duck no one, to battle and defeat the toughest opponent is what you want (or even if lose to a superior oppenant, but give er all you got in loss, is fine by me) Dont want to lose, but a win over a crap team is pretty empty and meaningless, winning aint everything, a competitive hard-hitting fast series is what i want to see.
  10. Chances are he might be similar to a Steve Quailer or Dustin Walsh type player eh (but has lower offensive production at same stage of development than those 2, similar body type though)? And really 42nd is as high as he should be taken isnt it, and likely be more a 3rd rounder at best??
  11. thanks, i knew little of his track record
  12. You make a huge assumption; that Riberio and others noted would of played exact same with Habs? Would John Leclaire have done as well without Lindros as his centre? Not a chance. Would Sergai/Grobovski/Riberio have played the same without first being cast off for bag of pucks and realizing they aint irreplacable and are i step from KHL, very hard to say? You also assume the Habs are different than most other teams, who also jettison troublemaking youngsters in bout same frequency, most likely? Myself, i would take a hard working mediocre player over a slightly more skilled floater like Cammalleri who dosent produce to his salary expectations and then blames everything but what he sees in the mirror for his failure.
  13. You forgot to include Patrick Roy in dearly departed/bad trade. Classiest organization? Dont know if i buy that, you would have to poll all non Hab diehard fans for a more unbiased ranking. Likely are exact same as 90% of others. All teams ship out players for personal reasons and all teams regret a couple of those, no big deal. Habs are again likely in the middle of pack for traded players. But from what is said, Bergevin and Dudley may be the perfect upgrade on Pro-Player assessments on own and other teams; that maybe Gauthier and Gainey werent best at?? Will see hw plays out.
  14. Ya, i noted Jankowski plays quebec high school or something of the like and Button also thought him hard to judge due to competition level, but has all the parts (but so did/does Ben Pouliot). Am curious; I see many question Craig Button's rankings as being out to lunch, but he commented his is not a mock draft per say and more a long term prospect forcast, Whereas the TSN/McKenzie draft rank is easy to look back on and see as fairly accurate; do you know how Button's rankings have played out? He has been involved with prospects for a long time now and must be pretty good at talent projection by now, any idea?
  15. I see a day soon when fighting will not be a big factor and the NHL may join the 21st century. You fight in NFL/Rugby/ NBA/MLB/Soccer/Any INternational Hockey event and you are instantly gone as well as fined normally. I dont buy Cherry's arguement for it one bit and will be glad when the NHL owners finally man-up and bring in instant ejection from game for being childish. But till then i am fine with Staubitz playing his 5-6 minutes/game and join his peer on the ice once a night for a dance. Humans will always love and cheer for a bloodsport, but a necessary part of Hockey not a chance. World juniors/Olympics is just super hockey and has zero fights.
  16. Dont remember Turcott, but bio says he is from Indiana? But the french battle is only reason you dont want another Canadian franchise? Dosent seem a good arguement for hoping Phoenix/Florida/Carolina/Columbus and other shakey teams all stay afloat? I remember the battles they used to have on the ice and would welcome the rivalry again. And losing fans/$$ i dont think has ever been an big issue for Habs has it?
  17. ISS had him 21st NA skater, CS has 29th and Bob had him at 38th and the 5 point effort in U18 gold medal game wouldnt do anything but raise his status a bit, so will be no surprise to see go anywhere from 30-to-40. And just another example of why this class dosent seem as thin as some are saying. Timmins should (barring trades) have a sweet haul of 3 quality prospects with 32nd-51st and 63rd picks?
  18. Screw that, stick it too them, just business and class aint got nothing to do with it; but like i say Dudley aint real important for draft anyways and likely more important for July 1st dealing. Again, it was numbnuts Burke who should of read over contract prior to signing Dudley and price to pay for having a lame duck director of player development. I loved the way Cammalleri was shown the door, that was just too funny and one of highlights of year for me; just a super trade and cant wait to see how Holland does in Hamilton this fall and Calgary should suck next year and that 2nd round pick will likely be fairly high (if not used in trade by then).
  19. I was very happy he got the boot at the time and i wouldnt want him back still. I think you might be overstating the move a bit?, it is very similar to Avery getting punted, just 2 classy guys.
  20. i think you are thinking of boxing. Could really care less about winning percentage, Kostopoulas is 0% for his career; but still stands up for his teammates every time, that takes balls and he is likely more valuable than a Shelley/BGL or Parros.
  21. Souray was a slug years ago, horrendous defensively and is slower than Gill, wouldnt touch with ten foot pole. I would try and resign Gil before Souray (but dont really want Gill niether) There are so many crap teams in USA ready to fold, that just a matter of which one moves where? and would love to see a team in Quebec, they used to have some very spirited games. Why wouldnt you like one in Quebec city? I want contraction and would love to see at least 4 teams axed, instead of the 10-15 money makers being used to prop up the rest, sooner or later some of the southern teams got to go.
  22. Patrick Roy is in almost identical situation and a demigod in Quebec city isnt he?
  23. Not Lats, who has hardly played in several years. And i gag when i say this, but Riberio has had a very solid career for sure, but still wouldnt want him back.
  24. You could be 100% correct, but i am skeptical that Vincent would have much more a grip on scouting than a layman, even after being a very good player? I am very high on Dumba as a prospect, but he, in his own words even, needs much work in the defensive zone, but i am one who would risk picking him for sure if Galchenyuk is gone in first 2 picks. But Habs have a big well paid scouting dept to make the final call on who is worthy of top 3 pick. will see in 5-6 weeks.
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