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Everything posted by DON

  1. Is there a more schetchy draft pick than a goalie? Especially when a half-decent goalie can be traded for, if Price happens to get run over by a bull or something this summer.
  2. I would just as well use the top 4 picks on trying to stockpile some quality forwards and maybe not waste an early round pick on a goalie. But i have faith the Habs will pick smartly once again and will maybe just draft a Makarov (Dietz;s goalie) in 4th round, and not goi after Subban or Dansk in 2nd round.
  3. Any word on Habs possibly getting the North Dakota goalie signed as a free agent?
  4. I think many might argue that simply taking the BPA is the correct and only way to go? Many factors would obviously go into your own BPA list/ranking, but i still would put current roster as a minor factor in list. And as with Tinordi, they thought so highly of him they burnt a 2nd pick on him as well, which i still think was uncalled for, with a bunch of super d-men still available and went drafted in the 2nd round, but it was still nice to see Habs get a bit aggressive and make the deal. And Timmins is doing much better than most drafting so I shouldnt criticize him (them) too much. But if Timmins has Murray ranked as 3rd on his list instead of Galchenyuk and takes Murray, i would feel the same as i did last year when Mark McNeill, who seemed to be the perfect nice big centre they could use, fell to 17th, but so did Beaulieu and Timmins just took BPA on his list, i think? It would be interesting to see some of scouting debates and how they do actually prepare for draft and rank em. But with a 3rd or 4th pick, even a Doug McLean shouldnt be able to screw up picking a good one for Habs this year? well maybe he likely could. Who knows, maybe Yakupov could be dressing for Habs come Oct, slim chance i know but keep fingers crossed?
  5. Given the picks Timmins (and mgmt) have made recently, i would almost bet they stirctly go by best player available list and not factor in the current big clubs needs (possibly Leblanc was taken a bit for PR sake, but he was ranked right for a 17th pick anyways), but your guess is at least as good as mine. And as the draft went in 2008, when the #2,3,4 and 5 picks were all d-men taken after a superstar forward prospect (Stamkos), it just seems like a very similar set up with possibly Yakupov going and then maybe Murray, Dumba, Trouba/Ceci/Reilly are taken before Grigorenko, Galchenyuk go 4th or 5th? If they do take a d-man, it might just mean Beaulieu or another d-men might then be available for trade on July 1st for say Iginla?? Which of course wont happen, but who knows what the new GM will want?
  6. Seems a common stance that Habs trade away talent too soon, but i cant think of any at all that i would lose sleep over and likely on par for most NHL teams, McDonaugh is 1 but i dont think he was ever given up on, just a major screw up by Bob. However many scouts or how they scout for the Habs, they are doing well and if something aint broke, dont......
  7. i still am pulling for Galchenyuk, but if they announce Dumba, Murray or Grigorenko and simply take the BPA, that is fine with me. Becasue i had Gaunce or Faksa as my early favorites, as i didnt think the Habs would sink near to a top 5 pick, and picking at 4th, 3rd or 1st is just friggin super. If Timmins sees one of the d-men as a better prospect, then likely should ignore the current team's needs with top pick, because roster could look much different in a year or 2?
  8. Again just FYI: For those who are interested in seeing Draft Prospect video clips, this website has many. http://www.hockeyprospect.tv/
  9. Maybe picking #5 is lucky for Habs anyways! And with 67-51-72 on fire, it could be a battle to stay in top 5? And at least Ducks or Oilers will get 2 points tonight, be nice to see OT game happen.
  10. Gord Miller Ray Ferraro do a very credible job and a couple of CBC play by play guys are OK, like Bob Cole. RDS only because i dont have to listen to them (i can pick up bits and pieces of french but not most) and mostly becasue i cant stand CBC- with Glenn Healy being just a total idiot, so RDS by default and of course because they show every Hab game. The Boston Bruin guy seems the most biased, almost comical. Funniest is John Shorthouse and his non-responses to just stupid assertions by John Garrett during Canuck games, he is just left speachless at some of the biased and kooky stuff Garrett says.
  11. LaPierre is a bottom six guy and i always liked his play, but Latendress is just a bit injury prone and has a total of 8 goals in last 2 years and like the rest was disgruntled, if i remember correctly and he would be quite low on my recall list, i would much prefer to see Andrai Kostitsyn resigned.
  12. Yes i know, but the odds are not in favour. But in worst case scenario; if Habs win all 3 and those close lose all, the Habs can only drop to 6th pick. But likely will end up exactly where are now and 3rd looks pretty sweet.
  13. So did I, but both are now on their 3rd or 4th team and know their nine lives are running out, same as Sergai K., Riberio and Grobovski who all got a wake up call when traded for dick-all. When the KHL is only option left, that can be a good motivational factor in their play. But being a Canuck fan as well, it is nice to see both playing super and they both will earn their ring this year.
  14. fair enough, will be interesting to see where Schneider ends up and what for by JUly 2nd, Leafs/Chicago/Philly/Caps would likely love to have him, or maybe even Luongo? Can the Habs win the #2 battle with Oilers....highly unlikely eh?
  15. Find out next Tuesday when lottery is done, i wouldnt bet against Columbus though, but Oilers will likely end up 29th, so Hab odds wont be great; however Newe Jersey had dick-all odds and won last year, so not hopeless.
  16. Sure why not Roy? it would likely make for good entertainment that is for sure. And McQuire would be annoying and likely isnt a good choice, but why would Scotty Bowman say otherwise? Again, i am very curious and hope the best canditate get chosen and politics plays only a minor role at most.
  17. I think Gillis would laugh at a 9th pick and he would rather trade Luongo because Schneider is a better goalie and after Luongo getting booed off the ice again last night and Schneider getting a big cheer when he came in and then shut the door and won, again, Luongo may not even be #1 come playoffs? But, i really was just wondering what a Yakupov/#1 pick is valued by most as. I would say Schneider is due to be the USA goalie of future (14 olympics?), in the same vain as Price may be for Canada and both are likely very even in many ways. But is a top goalie to build a franchise around, not worth a possible 90-100point forward? I just thought would be a toss up is all?
  18. I am like you and know a bit about some of people discussed, but dont know much about specific history/track records nor management quality of each and really aint got a clue who really would be a success. I just know that; say, we all agree Pierre McQuire is a loudmouthed a-hole, that may mean absolutely nothing as far as being a successful GM, just have to look at a Steve Jobs/Bill Gates who were total a-holes, but can anyone argue with the final product. I can speculate and toss names against a wall, but this is one topic i would admit i know very little about.
  19. I just see it as a perfect trade for both and thought it might be even? I just dont know what a Yakupov is worth, he is not a Stamkos, nor Bure and hasnt tore up OHL that much to say he will ever be a 50 goal guy in NHL, maybe but unknown? I would say Schneider is almost a top 10 goalie in league (a bit unproven, but darn good), Columbus needs a goalie terribly and must be scared to draft another russian. And Yakupov is only a prospect.
  20. If Cory Schneider plays a bit in playoffs and does fine (as he will), would he be an equal value for Columbus to trade their #1 pick for? Which is basically Yakupov for Schneider? Seems to be a fair deal for both.
  21. And who exactly would that be? Which 45+point, experianced puck-moving, cup winning d-man for $4.3m is available to help tutor Diaz, Subban, Ellis and Beaulieu for next couple years? If you can come up with 1, i would be darn surprised and even if you can, what is the chance he can be signed by Habs by next fall? Suter, Chara and S. Weber are about same point producers and also add alot more defense, but just a tad more pricey and will never sign with Habs by next fall will they? The Wiz? no, 30% more costly and terrible signing for Columbus. Pietrangelo, Byfuglian, Campbell, again not a chance of signing. Anyways, i am curious whom would you have replace Kaberle's offense, at under $4.5/year (which is the Habs weakest team aspect for several years, not defense)?
  22. Without Price, the Habs are basically the friggin Leafs! I was just trying to think back when Price had last been injured and recall when it was, if ever?, maybe drafting a goalie like Subban or Makarov in 2nd or 3rd round might be prudent and on Timmins agenda?
  23. I kind of agree that most are good picks, But some years just friggin suck, like the 2004 1st round, had Ovechkin, Malkin and then basically mostly crap picks, cept Radulov at 15th, Schneider 26 and Green 29th. So it can be quite a crap shoot. 2008 had a 1st round loaded with a ton of very good d-men and seems to be like this year will turn out quite similar, with a whole bunch of promising d prospects; such as; Dumba/Murray/Trouba/Maatta/Reilly/Reinhart/Thrower/Ceci/Pouloit/etc etc.
  24. Which i why i couldnt believe they took on Cammalleri's contract and gave up a good pick and prospect, when even if made the playoffs, they couldnt compete in playoffs with a St.Louis or Vancouver. But now that 2nd round pick they gave the Habs next year should be a fairly high one, as the Flames must surely be going to bite the bullet and start rebuilding before draft, or for sure on July 1st and should have another bad season next year once Iginla is traded to Habs?
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