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GAME THREAD: Habs @ Senators


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According to the guys on Sportsnet, the war-room in Toronto said it was the correct call. Neil was in the Blue paint and did not allow Halak to effectively play his position. No goal but no penalty either.

Edited by han_dyl
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According to the guys on Sportsnet, the war-room in Toronto said it was the correct call. Neil was in the Blue paint and did not allow Halak to effectively play his position. No goal but no penalty either.

I think that is bcoz the NHL is reluctant to leave their refs open to any critiscm. If that was goalie interference, there should have been at least 20 calls in the habs favor this year.

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Goddamn that team is painful to watch work in their defensive zone. O'Byrne had all the time in the world to pass to the other side to MAB and he cant even make a clean pass. The MAB scared shitless to get hit by Fisher... and nobody can clear the crease when 3 Sens crash it.

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Nice play MAB............. :puke:

I hope other then PP time, e only sees time as a forward when Hamrlik comes back :angry:

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Once Mara and Hamrlik are back, MAB should replace D'Agostini (who is worthless) and Mara, O'Byrne (also worthless).

Right now we also have to replace Lapierre. I think he needs his ass nailed to the pressbox for a while. Dags and Lapierre are about as useful as Laraque right now! To bad we can't send anyone done, bcoz at least White was bringing some energy and hitting people when he was up.

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Why is the fourth line playing so much when we are down by a goal?

Bad coaching. Add it to a terrible system, and curious quick line changes.

Also, looks like ANOTHER game without a power play...such BS.

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Right now we also have to replace Lapierre. I think he needs his ass nailed to the pressbox for a while. Dags and Lapierre are about as useful as Laraque right now! To bad we can't send anyone done, bcoz at least White was bringing some energy and hitting people when he was up.

Lapierre's OK. Doing well with SK tonight. Skates hard and kills penalties well with Pouliot. Just put someone worthwhile with Laps & SK and we'll have a new interesting line. D'Agostini plays with as much passion as a guy going to the gallows. He's dragging down any line he's on.

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This team just has too many dmen that would be no better then #6 or #7 on a half decent defensive team.

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This team just has too many dmen that would be no better then #6 or #7 on a half decent defensive team.

Every time Gorges, O'Byrne or Gill has the puck --even if there's nobody 20 feet around them -- I'm expecting they'll fumble just long enough for someone to be on them, so they can caught up the puck or make a shitty pass.

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You notice since the Sens bitched about calls they've gotten a bunch? I think it's time Martin does something....so disappointed in his coaching this year.


The players are not lazy; they're just not working well. They have no cohesion, no clue where to be on the ice, etc. It's disheartening.

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