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Originally posted by Dutch_Habs_Fan
Originally posted by mathieug
Originally posted by Strummerman
Originally posted by mathieug

Mama mia, gotta love Catanacio! Haha

Italy hasnt played the cattanchio in decades, and they have had the best strikers of the last decade including Baggio Zola Inzaghi Del Piero Vieri Tottti etc etc etc

Hu? Oh, OK. Did you see Euro 2004, only 1 year ago? Or Euro 2000? No catanacio?

Damn Holland lost in 2000 to Catanacio. The Italian didnt even get 5 shots on the boards. Only defending. We hit everything, the post. Missed a penalty. And @ the end they win with the shootout at the end. Ok maybe deserved cuz we didnt score on those many opportunities. But it was hell of a Catanacio. Im still sick of it, we were the best team around at the time.

Just an example, but they still play catanacio. Sometimes not so obvious anymore cuz they have great midvielders and attackers. It's neven been a pleasure watching the Italian play...

frankly you forget one important thing, the Italians played a man short almost the whole match!!!We didnt play cattanachio against all the other teams when we played with a full slate. Please dont remind me that not only did Italy play a man short the whole match Holland was awarded a penalty kick during the match. Talk about wanting the home team to win. Let's just say if the opposite had happened and Italy had played at home with a man advantage the whole game it would have been 5-0 Italy.

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Originally posted by Dutch_Habs_Fan

Did you say Totti was the victim cuz there was a camera on him the whole game. Thats the world upside down. Why would there be a camera on him, maybe he should behave once in a while. If he didnt do a thing nothing would have happened. Spitting someone else, thats animalbehaviour, and those idiottackels, he's nuts!

He's a great soccerplayer, but recently it's been a disgrace. I once liked him, my favo italian player, but thats been a long time ago

Gimme Pirlo, the guy is a master on the midfield..

Yeah well you forget one thing about the whole episode, Totti didnt spit at someone just because he thought he'd act like a kid. Talk about animal behaviour and cattanachio, the danes held and kicked at Totti the whole game and before the game they all said Totti was a diver to instigate him. Frankly they knew they had instigated him, that's why the camera was on him cause they knew Totti wasnt a wimp and would react since he's a passionate player. I dont condone what he did but there were reasons

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Originally posted by Leafs Suck

[2000 was a pure choke job, justify it all you want. Having the lead until the 90th minute then blowing it and losing it in extra-time. And yes England's game against France was a choke, considering Beckham was stopped by Berthez on a penalty 10 minutes earlier. You can keep your Italian blinders on if you want, but if you think that was a choke job and Italy 2000 wasn't then you're obviously misguided.

BTW I could use the argument that Zidane's tying goal was a beauty so it wasn't a choke job, alla your excuse for Italy... but I won't.

And besides, that was in the first game of the tourny. I would rather blow a lead like that in Game 1 and re-group in Game 2 then blow it in the Finals. What an embarrassment that was.

Hell Italy outplayed the French the whole match, the french who were the defending World Champions and had totally outplayed Brazil in the final 2 years before. What does that tell you, Italy completely outplays France and France completely outplays Brazil, if 1+1=2 then Italy would totally outclass Brazil. Italy was not embarassed in that game, not only did they outplay the Franch during the game they missed many opportuinities in the overtime as well.

Also found it interesting how England got out of there group stage in 2004, and Italy didn't. And that England made it to the Final 8 in 2002 while Italy didn't.

What is interesting is that England has played Italy many times in friendlies in the present decade and have won none.

Rooney was injuried in the game against Portugal. I am sure his penalty would have helped. Not to mentioned the fact England had scored in the 90th minute but the Swiss offical called it back claiming the goal was interfered with. If you look at it, it was his own defender interfering with him not the English player. But of course that's no excuse... well it is if your country is shaped like a boot.

Shesh this makes no sense to me. I was talking about Ronney's scoring prowess with manchester this year. have you noticed how many goals he's scored? have you noticed Manchester's ouster out of the European Cup? And your country likes fish n chips case closed

And much like the "new NHL", nothing much has changed and the Italy of old, all the whining, diving, spitting, will come back to haunt them.

Besides, Italy's not even ranked in the top 10 in the world.

[Edited on 2005/12/12 by Leafs Suck]

If you think nothing has changed in the new NHL no wonder you are way off on soccer talk. Anyways its time to call it a day and see you in 6 months. Speaking of kicking players and whining and crying, wonder why Rooney and beckham were red carded in World Cup qualification? No Italians have been red carded since Totti's expulsion. We are disciplined and we will win. Well Fifa has dubious rankings that's why Italy was a seeded country in the World Cup draw. Fifa makes no sense

Viva Italia:king:

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Strummerman]

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Strummerman]

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Strummerman]

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Originally posted by Dutch_Habs_Fan

Cassano was called worst player of the month behind Vieri. Says enough!!

Cassano has been benched all year since he didnt sign a contract. he has just played in the last few matches and has scored in 2 of 3 games. He will be traded next month and will probably join Inter or Juve. He will be relaxed and get in shape just in time for World Cup 2006

Viva Italia


[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Strummerman]

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Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie

Yech! Italians and Brits! My 2 least favourite national teams. Both of them are very overrated IMO (and Rooney is vicious).

I have ties to Spain and if you want an unlucky team look no further then them. They've been handcuffed by bad officiating all through the recent past.

My #1 team is the Netherlands of course. My lowland friends will win this year, you'll see.

Spain has a lucky draw and will make it to the next round and then be eliminated. Holland has a good chance of being eliminated in the first round. Holland has a great set of strikers but not much else. If Van basten doesnt play the likes of Seedorf Holland will not go far.

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Strummerman]

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Holland is in the toughest group but that own't stop them. They have an equally good chance of winning the group. No matter who goes further you can't argue that the Azuri have a better sqaud than the Oranjes.

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Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie

Holland is in the toughest group but that own't stop them. They have an equally good chance of winning the group. No matter who goes further you can't argue that the Azuri have a better sqaud than the Oranjes.

Nothing to argue about Italy 3 Holland 1 in Holland 3 weeks ago

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What is interesting is that England has played Italy many times in friendlies in the present decade and have won none.

That and a buck will get you a coffee. They haven't had a serious football match in over 15 years. So if you wanna live in the past go ahead. I like living in the present.

Speaking of kicking players and whining and crying, wonder why Rooney and beckham were red carded in World Cup qualification? No Italians have been red carded since Totti's expulsion. We are disciplined and we will win.

Again, those reds happened in what? Qualfying? Bringing it up proves how little you know about football and shows how weak your argument is.

Of course Totti did get a red in the game against the Koreans, then again for spitting. Yep, they look very disiplined to me.

Win what? 3rd place in there group?

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Leafs Suck]

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Originally posted by Strummerman

Hell Italy outplayed the French the whole match, the french who were the defending World Champions and had totally outplayed Brazil in the final 2 years before. What does that tell you, Italy completely outplays France and France completely outplays Brazil, if 1+1=2 then Italy would totally outclass Brazil. Italy was not embarassed in that game, not only did they outplay the Franch during the game they missed many opportuinities in the overtime as well.


.... Brasil-France 0-3 .... -> France-Italy (after 89 min) 0-1 .... => Brasil - Italy 2-5 for example !! ... such a funny teory!:) You mean it seriously?

Every match is unique part. Ever so shorter "match" history is not counting.

And not only in a soccer. Look at NHL or NBA's "day by day" results ;). With your "game philosophy" will be our world full of betting millionaires :D!!


... Go Trin&Tob Go! I'm looking for an ENG v. T&T ticket by the way (15.06.06 in Nürnberg). Some "Franken" connection will be necessary :)!

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Originally posted by Dutch_Habs_Fan
Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie (and Rooney is vicious)

You're not the only one that doesnt like Rooney



Him and Shearer are the 2 roughest and most unsportsmanlike players I've ever seen.

By the way, what were you doing on streaking.co.uk?:)

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Reminds me of when we had a practice and there were drunk guys in the park pissing in the garbage can and cheering us as we did our laps.

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Originally posted by tommy9
Originally posted by Strummerman

Hell Italy outplayed the French the whole match, the french who were the defending World Champions and had totally outplayed Brazil in the final 2 years before. What does that tell you, Italy completely outplays France and France completely outplays Brazil, if 1+1=2 then Italy would totally outclass Brazil. Italy was not embarassed in that game, not only did they outplay the Franch during the game they missed many opportuinities in the overtime as well.


.... Brasil-France 0-3 .... -> France-Italy (after 89 min) 0-1 .... => Brasil - Italy 2-5 for example !! ... such a funny teory!:) You mean it seriously?

Every match is unique part. Ever so shorter "match" history is not counting.

And not only in a soccer. Look at NHL or NBA's "day by day" results ;). With your "game philosophy" will be our world full of betting millionaires :D!!


... Go Trin&Tob Go! I'm looking for an ENG v. T&T ticket by the way (15.06.06 in Nürnberg). Some "Franken" connection will be necessary :)!

From your logic I guess dynasties dont happen. I guess the 76-79 Habs dynasty was different game by game, you can't compare. Or the Islanders and the Oilers of the 80's you had to look at each specific game. I guess your theory is e=mc*e/3:bow:

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Originally posted by Leafs Suck
What is interesting is that England has played Italy many times in friendlies in the present decade and have won none.

That and a buck will get you a coffee. They haven't had a serious football match in over 15 years. So if you wanna live in the past go ahead. I like living in the present.

Speaking of kicking players and whining and crying, wonder why Rooney and beckham were red carded in World Cup qualification? No Italians have been red carded since Totti's expulsion. We are disciplined and we will win.

Again, those reds happened in what? Qualfying? Bringing it up proves how little you know about football and shows how weak your argument is.

Of course Totti did get a red in the game against the Koreans, then again for spitting. Yep, they look very disiplined to me.

Win what? 3rd place in there group?

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by Leafs Suck]

In what qualifying- wow those are unimportant games- I guess the Greeks and the Turks and the Danes all think those games are a joke as well.

Totti did not deserva a red card in Korea, it was a stupid penalty by a prejudiced south american referee- and how bout Beckham against Argentina in the World CUp-I guess that was discipline hmph-

All I know is Italy 3 World Cups, England only 1 at home with the crowd behind them- England and France can only pull it off with goons in the home crowd

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So the argument here is, use anything that makes Italy look good no matter how obslete or lame of a point it is. You have no argument that proves Italy can win the tournament, so you resort to brining up pointless stats and a jaded opinion in a weak attempt to convince someone who won't be convinced that Italy is a world class team.

Even if I were a Brazil fan, you'd find some weak stat that proves, in your mind, that Italy is the best!@

[Edited on 2005/12/15 by Leafs Suck]

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Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie


Him and Shearer are the 2 roughest and most unsportsmanlike players I've ever seen.

By the way, what were you doing on streaking.co.uk?:)

WTF?! Alan Shearer is one of the classiest players ever. An unsportsmanlike player? Loughable ... :monkey:

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Originally posted by Leafs Suck

So the argument here is, use anything that makes Italy look good no matter how obslete or lame of a point it is. You have no argument that proves Italy can win the tournament, so you resort to brining up pointless stats and a jaded opinion in a weak attempt to convince someone who won't be convinced that Italy is a world class team.

Even if I were a Brazil fan, you'd find some weak stat that proves, in your mind, that Italy is the best!@

[Edited on 2005/12/15 by Leafs Suck]

Thank you for your unbiased opinion, Italy hasnt played brazil since 1994, but England has -ooops damn i cant reach that ball that damn ronaldhino- Apparently all your arguments about England are so valid and beyond reproach we should all put in our bets for England Now.:wall::guru:

One thing I know Italy has not been clobbered in a game in ages- their losses have either been by one goal or penalty kicks- Italy always fields a competitive team and like I said they could probably field 2 competitive teams- As for England If Owens gets injured thats it for their world class strikers- they dont have a world class goalie- and their defence is weak- Case closed

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Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie

Just a question to Strummerman:

Do you honestly think Italy has a top 3 team?

The facts are these

1) Italy has the best goaltender in the world

2) Italy has a solid defence with Nesta and Cannavaro etc

3) Italy has a magician with Pirlo in midfield

4) Zambrotta is as fast as anyone in midfield and Gattuso is as rugged.

5) Totti has the passing skills of a Platini or a Zidane

6) Toni is the leading striker in Europe this year and Gilardino is a scoring machine

7) Cassano is another magician with the ball who hasnt played all year- he is unknown to you soccer hooligans but he has moves that would make Ronaldhino gasp

Viva Italia Case closed:king:

[Edited on 2005/12/15 by Strummerman]

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Originally posted by HABS Fan Nr.1

Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie


Him and Shearer are the 2 roughest and most unsportsmanlike players I've ever seen.

By the way, what were you doing on streaking.co.uk?:)

WTF?! Alan Shearer is one of the classiest players ever. An unsportsmanlike player? Loughable ... :monkey:

Is he? From the games I've seen him in he's pushing players, slide tackling them, getting carded and then missing breakaways and other scoring opportunities (although that doesn't have to do with sportsmanship). Not a guy I would want on my team but maybe it was only in a couple of games. I haven't watched him play much.

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Nah, Shearer is a great player. A pity that he left Team England that early, he surely would have helped them a lot. Simply one of the greatest English goalscorers ever ... :/)

BTW. Here are the 1/8 Final games in the CL:

Real Madrid - Arsenal London

Bayern München - AC Milan

PSV Eindhoven - Olympique Lyon

Benfica Lissabon - FC Liverpool

FC Chelsea - FC Barcelona

Werder Bremen - Juventus Turin

Ajax Amsterdam - Inter Mailand

Glasgow Rangers - Villarreal

There isn't one single boring game in my eyes, it was a pretty good drawing.

I'm looking forward to the Gunners win over the pinky Real ... :king:

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So I was raked over the coals about how I thought Italy had a good chance at world cup-hmmm let's see what Pele thinks-

Legend Pele rates England chances

By Michael Burnett

Pele wins BBC award

Pele has tipped England and Italy to be Brazil's biggest challengers at the 2006 World Cup finals in Germany.

"I've seen a lot of games in the last two years and England have improved a lot," the 65-year-old told BBC Sport.

"Of course if nobody gets an injury, then I think England, Italy or Brazil will be in the final.

"But if I have to name a team to win, I name Brazil. Not only because of their quality, but also because they have two players in every position."

As the winner of three World Cups with Brazil in 1958, 1962 and 1970, Pele certainly knows what it takes to succeed in the biggest sporting event on globe.

But even football's most famous face, who won a lifetime achievement award at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year show, realises that next summer's tournament will throw up a few surprises.

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