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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/17 in Posts

  1. And now, for our near-daily request to stop with the personal insults. If you can't post without resorting to personal insults, please do everyone a favour and not bother posting that comment. If you're the one responding to a pot shot, be the bigger person and bite your tongue (or in this case, fingers). If you're the one making it, refer to the above. Use the ignore list if you need to. This is not that difficult of a request, it's common courtesy that is exercised in daily life. If you can do so in your day-to-day exploits, you can certainly do so here as well. You've all shown yourself to be capable of doing so in the past so it's not like we're asking you to drastically change here.
    2 points
  2. Forum software maintenance & upgrade The forum has been updated to the latest version, which should help improve performance and block the bots/spam we were receiving. There seem to be some visual changes. dlbalr will certainly tweak it later this week to make it more Habs-like. If you see anything not working, suggestions of things that can be improved let us know here. Go Habs !
    1 point
  3. And as always, Stay Classy HW Forums
    1 point
  4. Way too much.... way too much. He'll be 37 before the season starts. We'd be giving up a very promising young player and 2 first rounders. I'm fine with trading that, but not for a guy who is 37.
    0 points
  5. https://www.spectorshockey.net/2017/08/sunday-nhl-rumor-mill-august-6-2017/
    0 points
  6. "Dangling" a top pair Team Canada Dman for a fringe 4th line team Canada center, come on man you can't possibly think so little of Weber can you? that deal just plain and simply makes us worse and offers no cap relief or anything. Imagine this current D without Weber, Imagine this PP without Weber, imagine Petry forced to play 25+ min a night against the best of the best night in and night out. our movable assets lie on the wing, if the dance partner has different needs and the pieces don't fit, you have to move on and explore other options.
    -1 points
  7. Not saying it is, but if both players are on the team and both have varying roles does it not have a bearing on how good/valuable they are as players?
    -1 points
  8. Philly just won't even sniffle at that one, there will be some bad contracts involved in such a trade, but it would be more likely Shaw than Plekanec. Because of his age and his style, Shaw would entice them more, we would need to throw in either a prospect and a pick, or a high pick with him to even start the foundation to that trade. Philly doesn't need another center coming back necessarily with Nolan Patrick in the fold. What they need is capspace and a team with the capacity to take Giroux while saving them loads of cap. We are that dance partner, We could save them 3 - 4 mill on the cap, and be able to take Giroux depending on if they decide to retain a million or so of his current salary. Giroux would be a nice pick up depending on what we have to give to get him, we still have to remain realistic though, Philly won't just take any old thing to get rid of him, but I doubt it would cost a top forward to get it done. Which is precisely why we should be circling this situation closely, because we have no top forwards to give, but we do have an accommodating amount of cap space to help a team in need of some relief with an expensive player. *Enter Jaws Theme Here*
    -1 points
  9. The Jaws theme would have nothing to do with us getting eaten up in a trade for Giroux that involves Shaw, Plekanec, Picks or anything of the sort. Come on man, I get he is overpaid but by 3 million? Jesus, he had more points than everyone except Pacioretty on this team last year from a non playoff team. So if his 58 points last year are worth only 5 million in your opinion, why would we have given Radulov 6.5mill+ for his 53 points? When having a discussion it is always important to try and make sure your foot does not end up in your mouth. Giroux would be an expensive, yet still, a #1 center here, who fits our needs and enters the same age group as most of the leaders on this team trying to get a championship out of the next several seasons. He would also be brought in relatively cost effectively in a trade because of his cap hit, if not he can stay in Philly. We don't have to take him but if the price is right and were one of the only teams who can accommodate his salary then it needs to be looked at very closely Giroux represents the top Buy Low option for a #1 Center out there right now, and you want to walk away from the table because you think he is finished at 29 and only worth 5 million? Worse yet, you think we still get eaten in the trade if we manage to send Plekanec or Shaw off in the deal, are you even hearing yourself?
    -1 points
  10. Don't have to talk too long, that is actually quite a nice top 9, it certainly beats anyone of our top 9s this century.
    -1 points
  11. Cause that is bit of a crazy deal.
    -1 points
  12. To Mtl: Giroux To Philly: Gallagher Plekanec Juulsen Poehling 1st Does it get it done? I get Giroux's declining, but he'd still slot in as our #1 C.
    -1 points
  13. If Max Pac is part of it, no way it takes that much, Pacioretty may not have as high a PPG as Tavares but he has still more goals in the last 5 years. Were not trading young assets and future pieces here. The trade instantly ramps up when you are talking about trading both team's best forwards for each other, for that reason if we start throwing around loads of top picks, prospects a long with our best forward, were grossly overpaying imo. Max Pac + Lindgren + 2018 1st rounder should be a very good offer to Start with, and it shouldn't take much more to get it done with Pacioretty involved. Maybe a 2018 2nd round for the sake of getting it done and ending the decades we have been without a true #1 Center, but that is absolutely it if Pacioretty is in the deal.
    -1 points
  14. He has averaged a clip under a PPG his entire career, which is more than anyone on this roster or anyone who has been on this roster in what feels like 20 years. A career that might I add is entering its Prime years, with a player who has the tools to remain a significant player because he does not build his game around Speed. Speed is the first thing that goes on a player, and usually when a Player who builds his game from speed loses that, he declines much faster, and when the opposite occurs, they remain effective for much longer. See Jagr, and Chara as prime examples of that, 2 players at 2 different positions who were elite for many reasons other than foot speed, and remain effective long into their twilight years because their greatest strengths never truly dwindle as losing a step does. Point is Tavares could easily be effective until he is 35+ because he is not a point producer because of his speed, but because of his strength, shot, high end individual skill and hockey I.Q. If anyone in this fanbase or in upper management is ready to walk away from a deal that would land him here, after the years of trying to find someone just like him, for any reason other than he doesn't want to come here, or the price to get him is simply astronomical and insane to pay by an standards, then I really don't know what to say.
    -1 points
  15. is 537 points in 587 games not a clip under a PPG as I suggested? are the stats exaggerated? Because they equate to 0.91 PPG, if that isn't the epitome of a clip under a PPG then please enlighten me as to how I am classically exaggerating. Although I had a feeling he was close to a PPG player his whole career, I still went and did my homework before making the claim in my original post, perhaps you should have done the same instead of now knowing what the front half of your foot tastes like, unpleasant I imagine.
    -1 points
  16. Hmmm While I have no issue welcoming Zetterberg here with open arms, I do have issue with giving up that much of our future for him. While I do believe he is capable of a couple more 50 point seasons, anything over that would be a stretch, although not impossible. The value of what you are giving for him seem too high to me for a pretty good chance at 2 solid years from a player, with anything more than that being a low percentage chance. And if I am being realistic, Zetterberg seems like the Detroit or Retire kind of guy, much like many from that Guard were. I doubt he would want to leave, and I doubt Holland would force him after all he has done. Better chance he ends up in Sweden for a year or 2 than he does in another NHL team if you ask me, but nothing is certain, i'm merely guessing the most likely outcome. I'd love to have him here if he wanted to, but I certainly wouldn't give up a guy like Lehkonen and two 1st rounders for him at this point. I'm not saying either, that a package for him has to be some junk like Shaw and a 2nd or anything silly. But Lehkonen could easily be outscoring Zetterberg in 2 years time, how small are we trying to make this window exactly? the window should be as long as Price is under 35, Lehkonen might not help as much as Zetterberg in year 1 or 2 of that window, but he certainly helps more in year 3, 4 and 5. It has to be some other sort of package, Lehkonen cannot be part of a deal that doesn't at least see us getting our hands on a player in his Prime at the very least.
    -1 points
  17. I wonder what else Oilers GM would demand with Gallagher for Hopkins? Habsterix posed it, sounds good to me, unless Oiler demand would be too much. "I still feel like a deal based on RNH and Brendan Gallagher (add here or there) makes a lot of sense for both teams."
    -1 points
  18. A joke deal, that makes more sense.
    -2 points
  19. Wasn't that Olympic stadium the worst ball field of all time and located in shitty location?
    -2 points
  20. Hmmm? http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Brandon-Smillie/Time-to-Pay-For-Help-Canadiens-Trade-Possibilities/248/86742
    -2 points
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