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Habber31 last won the day on September 28 2019

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  1. You're 100% right about Blashill. I'm just frustrated. The fans deserve better than this. It's been going on too long. To start, Jeff Molson should not be president of hockey operations. They need a legit hockey mind in there. He literally said they have an 8 year plan, who says that in the hockey world? Patience may be a virtue, but at some point action needs to be taken
  2. How is Detroit's situation anywhere close to Montreal's situation. They have a new g.m, who has recently built a power house team and drafted Elite players. What can Detroit do? They have basically no veteran assets who are worth trading for picks. They broke down their team and kept the essentials, but I'm sure they will at least try to sell more at the deadline. I mean, the teams are in completely different situations. They came off very argumentative(not my goal) , but I just don't see Detroit's situation as being relatable.
  3. What he should be doing is sitting on his couch You want to wreck a dressing room, lose 8 games in a row, TWICE! At the very least; an interim coach should be taking over for the time being. Julien does not have an answer.
  4. I'm sorry you had to make a GDT for this game. What a waste. 25% of Detroit's wins, have come from Montreal. At what point do people start getting fired? This must be the only franchise to allow an 8 game losing streak and now an on going 7 game losing streak, with management still sitting pretty. 4% chance to make the playoffs, yet the Bergevin lovers will continue to find excuses for this clown. If Kotkaniemi stays up with Montreal, they're going to damage this kid. I said months ago he should be in Laval, the kid is lost out there; Poehling is the same way.... Very unlikely either of these guys get sent down, but man, don't damage these kids.
  5. I'm so over Weal... I'll probably think of a pun for this tomrrow morning
  6. Maybe trap lighting in a bottle. Or we get Alex Semin
  7. Thank you Dreger interview said there were a few top teams interested, but Kovalchuk didn't want to wait and also get 4th line minutes... We'll see how this goes with Julien...
  8. You're right, for sure. Without injuries, it's unlikely Kovalchuk get signed. The guy is not a top 6 forward anymore, but he still has an elite release... The contract isn't hurting the team
  9. I Get ragged on for mentioning both Scandella and Kovalchuk as possible trade candidates, and they trade for both.. Probably a stupid question, but is Kovalchuk'contract pro-rated or something?
  10. I keep my mouth shut until a press release comes out where our g.m blantly says he's doing nothing. Not sure how thats flip flopping.
  11. I keep my mouth shut about Bergevin, so I don't flood this forum with non-sense. Unlike someone ^
  12. Well, our g.m apparently has "no clue", so thats promising
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