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Habs Fan in Edmonton

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Everything posted by Habs Fan in Edmonton

  1. Is it just coincidence that Allen is playing against a team that is supposedly in the market for a goalie?
  2. I think Cole Eiserman is definitely one of the wild cards in this draft. A year ago he was mentioned as going 1-2 with Celebrini but his stock has fallen a bit. The guy can sure score though and with an Aug 29th birthday he is barely old enough for the draft so he has a little more time to mature and develop. It will be interesting to see where he goes. Cole Eiserman | Cole Eiserman Profile | Cole Eiserman Scouting Report 2024 (mynhldraft.com)
  3. It's hard to put together a 3 way deal so kudos for the effort and thought you put into it. The deadline is fast approaching and keeping 3 goalies is not ideal. Hopefully they can find the right fit for Allen as he is a class act and deserves a good opportunity as his career winds down. Even if they don't get an exciting return for him (unlikely), it would be nice to see him in a good spot like Colorado where he has a legitimate chance in the playoffs.
  4. That is true, but it would be our last slot for this year I believe. Now if they have no intention of trading Savard this year (possible) then that would be fine as I can't think of any other player (Gallagher LOL) that they would use the last retention slot for. Slight possibility of Armia I guess.
  5. That's a good point, other than Hughes the Canucks have to re sign almost the entire defense. If they needed Savard this year then a deal might make a lot of sense.
  6. I am not sure if I like it or don't like it, you obviously put a lot of thought into it, a lot of moving pieces and it's almost too late in the day for me to try and understand it all. LOL So net bottom line we get a 4th rd pick for retaining 25% of Henrique and swap Allen for Johansen. Is that correct? A negative is we use a retention slot for only a 4th round pick. I would rather that slot if there is an opportunity to get a 1st for a David Savard.
  7. Agreed. It's unfortunate but Winnipeg just doesn't have the economic base that other Canadian cities have. It's not cheap to buy season tickets for an NHL team so you need that big corporate base to support it. Winnipeg has great fans and an excellent team but it seems it will always be a struggle to support it.
  8. I agree, Pezetta gets at best a 6th/7th rounder. I think Hughes will trade Savard if he can get a 1st round pick in the equation (likely have to retain 50%) otherwise he will wait until next year to trade him.
  9. A 20 game losing streak might destroy the confidence of some young players so maybe a couple of 8 game losing streaks might do the trick. LOL
  10. The Habs won't get Celebrini unless they win the lottery (somewhat unrealistic). My hope is that they draft 4-6 (somewhat realistic) and they get Lindstrom. I don't think we need another thread but let's keep hoping for some Ottawa, Buffalo, Columbus wins.
  11. One is a lefty, one is a righty, they might be able to play together on the PP?
  12. Columbus is now only 6 points behind the Habs with 2 games in hand. They play Buffalo tonight. I hope the game goes into overtime.
  13. Mailloux has terrific puck skills (passing and shooting), that is evident. In 2 years he will manning the point on the Habs power play.
  14. Montreal has the toughest remaining schedule although that doesn't guarantee anything. NHL Remaining Schedule Strength | Tankathon
  15. That is true, he is playing with a little more discipline.
  16. So Ottawa loses back to back to Anaheim and Chicago and then takes 5 of 6 points from Tampa, Florida and Dallas, makes perfect sense to me.
  17. A guy like Pezzetta certainly brings grit but he can also take some bad penalties which can be very detrimental in the playoffs as special teams become even more important. That would be a concern of mine.
  18. They could easily take Savard and he would help this year but looking at Jersey's defense situation next year they have Hamilton, Nemec and Marino on the right side so not sure what they would do with Savard next year. I don't think Jersey is all in this year especially without Hamilton so they may be patient.
  19. It does seem like an odd move. White was a very good prospect at one point but that was a long time ago. He has shuffled around a lot. Obviously Hughes must think he is an upgrade over Gignac or there are other moves coming.
  20. Agreed, I always try and remember that we are all Habs fans that hope for the same thing. Another Stanley Cup. And to crush the Leafs. I don't think Pezzetta is the missing piece either but that is one person's opinion. I actually think Gallagher might be the missing piece for the Canucks. Or maybe Armia. Ok, I am being a smart ass now. My apologies.
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