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xXx..CK..xXx last won the day on November 20 2022

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About xXx..CK..xXx

  • Birthday 04/08/1988

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    [Koivu + Kovalev] Markov, (Cammalleri), (Gomez), Plekanec, (Kostitsyn)... 2011-2012 Season: (Erik Cole), Max Pacioretty & (P.K. Subban) 2012-13 Season: The Whole Damn Team 13-14: Gallagher and (VANEK) 14-15: Galchenyuk finalement

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    From Westmount, Quebec but currently residing in Los Angeles, California
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  1. Pretty sure we’re glossing over that Mackinnon’s second year = 0.59375 points per game and Slafkovsky had 0.6098 points per game in his second year. Speed is a thing so maybe that’s what’s influencing the thought but Slafkovksy has certainly been the best pick of that draft. He’s only going to get better. It took Mackinnon another three years after that second year to become what he is.
  2. Re: Pastrnak goal Not saying it’s my opinion once again. But The Leafs fanbase was the one commenting on his effort level on that goal. Again, not saying one goal means anything. I am saying that this criticism came from the Leafs fanbase. No one is saying Marner should turn into Matthew Tkachuk. I’m not sure where you gathered that interpretation. When it comes to physicality, people were complaining that Marner is Marner, not that he is not Matthew Tkachuk.
  3. I don’t think it’s so much his point production. It’s just that Marner isn’t very physical and gets pushed off the puck very easily. You also won’t see him back checking too hard very often. He’s not “built” for playoff hockey. That, and the Leafs losing 99.8% of the time in round 1 set up the perfect flame. I’m not saying that it’s fully my perspective, but I believe that’s why Leafs fans target him, rather than solely his point production. Yes, I’m aware that Marner’s there to be an offensive player rather than lay out the body but that’s why he receives the hate.
  4. Well, 1) considering the story is likely not true and 2) considering Carolina would have also matched a higher offer, It seems as though the only reason the armchair GMs on here are upset that Bergevin didn’t offer a higher number was that he didn’t troll the other GM enough so it’s exactly the same thing. Was Bergevin a) actually trying to get Aho on the team under a reasonable contract? or b) attempting to punish the other organization? It’s a strawman argument that Bergevin “low balled” the offer, but the truth is we weren’t getting Aho anyway, unless we ridiculously overpaid to the extent that people would have been complaining on the other extreme. The point you guys are trying to make is MOOT.
  5. I thought DeSmith did quite well this year but it turns out he didn’t. Simply when he faced the Habs. I still think they could win a round with him but their cup aspirations may indeed go out the window.
  6. It may have taken me 18 attempts but I am glad I was able to finally pull it off. It didn’t look promising after the second to last game because the Habs needed only 1 point but Detroit’s miraculous comeback with 3 seconds left, followed by the the Habs’ overtime/shootout loss in the final game sealed the deal. Thank you @alfredoh2009 for the congrats and @Peter Puck for hosting, as always. GHG
  7. Struble is a solid player. Having a strong game but not the first time I’ve liked what I’ve seen from him.
  8. Thread title says Tuesday November 6th 🤔 It’s neither November, nor the 6th. I wonder if Slafkovsky plays. He is a game time decision.
  9. Present for the rare Evans goal 🙋‍♂️ Last goal my brain remembers of his was when Scheifele drilled him after the empty netter in the playoffs. He did score in February, I just don’t remember it.
  10. Yes, I’m not frustrated as well but I was just wondering if it was normal for me to still have that competitive edge as a spectator of a team with nothing to play for. I still want them to win and found myself staring blankly at the screen for 10 seconds after the loss. I’m not delusional but while it’s certainly to a much lesser degree, I still have that inner child mentality within. Not that my mood depends on it but a win (even this season) makes me happy and a loss leaves me without seeing any saving grace.
  11. Was coming to ask if anyone still gets frustrated with losses (like myself) seeing as the forum tends to be pro-tank. Though your reaction is likely due to Slaf’s penalty, I guess you answered my question.
  12. Eller scored the Stanley Cup game winning goal for Washington in their 4-3 win over Vegas to clinch the cup. Not a bad career at all. It’s fitting that his 1000th game is versus the Habs.
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