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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. Dach had a great game. Romanov for Dach has been a pleasant surprise. I've been happy to see Barron improving as well.
  2. Xhekaj should beat the shit out of armia next game for that elbow on armia's kidney. He's tossed a few bows in his career.
  3. Yep. Barron and Harris are both looking good offensively.
  4. What a pass and goal. The saucer hit the ice as caufield hit it. Just perfect!
  5. Barron set up to Harris was great too. Askarov looks good.
  6. 1.5 mill salary retained, maybe it could happen.
  7. Not true. Weber could be traded. Pk's ntc would have kicked in that summer and could not have been traded unless he agreed. Not sure on why or how it works but I'm not sure Nashville had to honor the ntc from subbans origional contract. The ntc would have made him him nearly impossible to trade.
  8. Carey Price is a very good rebuttal to my comment. I hated his contract as well. But I wasn't as iritated by it. In hindsight he did not live up to his contract in the least. One playoff run cost 90 million. So why no animosity? I don't know. Not racism or subliminal racism so let's put that to bed. Weber contract was worse, but was tradable and was front loaded making it more tradable. I agree on the third point. Subvan is a dang likeable guy. Loaded with charisma. Was very fun to watch when he was a hab.
  9. I loved PK early on. There were concerns with his fights in practice. Why was it always PK? But I didn't let it affect my opinion of him. This next bit will be countered with tons of arguments which I heard when it happened, but I stand by it. When PK played hardball after his bridge deal, he signed as the highest paid defenseman in the NHL, and if memory serves me, the highest paid player, because Kane and towes extensions hadn't kicked in yet. When you make these demands, you need to honor them. You are essentially saying, Im the best hockey player in the world. His contract is what soured with me. I didn't like the Weber trade at the time, but I was happy to be freed of his ntc and albatross contract. At least Weber's contract was tradable. For me it was never an issue with the player, only the value of the contract.
  10. I'd say Drouin, Hoffman and Gallagher stay with the team until their contracts expire.
  11. Seattle are masters at subtle picks. It's crazy how many I've seen tonight. Most not penalties, but smart picks.
  12. Rough start. I have to admit, I like the balanced team model. Balance the money among several very good players instead of a few superstars
  13. I agree. Wideman is just terrible. O don't think he's ever won a puck battle. Not one time in his entire career.
  14. Canadiens are throwing multiple options at the net. It's far less predictable than normal.
  15. I'd like to see Evans with Richard. I wonder what Richard would look like with some puck battle practice?
  16. Cole is much better with the puck than I expected. He is very shifty and seems to be able ro protect the puck very well for his size. That is another dimension to his game imo.
  17. Canada's puck management has been excellent in this game. Well played game so far.
  18. I'm watching wjc woth Habs on my phone. Every single time I glanced at my phone, rangers scored, had a good opportunity, had Habs hemmed in, or Habs gave it away. Or a combination of all of these.
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