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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well, when Healthy i like Begin Pleks and Lapierre as a 4th line. That line could get you 6-9 minutes a game. I would be more worried about the first line. MINUS 27 YIKES!
  2. Aucoin? Why do the Habs need an overpriced RD who is struggling and not healthy. They already have Rivet and can let him walk at the end of the year. I think there would have to be more to the deal then that.
  3. Lack of foot speed, not working hard enough to win.
  4. Koivu has a no trade clause, i was more referring to players like Rivet, Souray, Bouillon, Ryder, Kovalev ,Samaonov. The core i would keep Koivu, Markov, Komi and the younger players on the team.
  5. Yes, i would risk the playoffs. This current team my not even make it. With trading some vets, it will decrease the teams cap space, there are numerous quality players UFA that Gainey can make offers to. I didn't get much pleasure watching Carolina beat the Habs.
  6. Mount Royale, so you are satisfied with the vets and the way this team plays. I definitely would get younger and another few picks, what will happen, the younger players will lose, well that's already happening. This team and core of vets has never done anything and never will. The faster they are out, the faster the turn around can begin. There record so far this season has been lucky, ask Carbo, he'll tell you.
  7. Good, ship Rivet out. Biron can move up and stink just as bad as Rivet for alot less salary. If he didn't even show up at the rink, that is totally unacceptable. There should be many moves to get the garbage out.
  8. So i have as many goals as Koivu, Kovalev and Samsonov in the last 9 games. Perhaps i should send over a resume and my stats in the rec league i play in. I can score No goals, but i'll do it for 13 million less then those guys.
  9. Well that's 2 and a half hours i'll never get back. I did like Lats again tonight, although he should shoot more. Downey and lapierre had a few hits. Did anyone win a 1 on 1 battle tonight? As i feared, Murray being realesed didn't help. My vote Souray and Kovalev benched Thursday. My list of players not to trade seems to be getting smaller now too. Ther good news is with each loss, they climb higher in the draft order.
  10. Thank goodness a voice of reason. How can anyone blame the goaltending. How many goalies and coaches has this team had in the past 4-6 years, too many. At some point fans, posters whoever need to realize this team is slow, soft, no character or heart. I forgot lazy. This is not a 1 year folks, this has been going on a while, as aanother poster said it needs to hit rcck bottom before changes, i think they are finally there. Fire burning sale, get younger and get picks.
  11. I don't think he is quit the leader everyone on this board thinks. His play on the ice is bad enough, now leaving the team when you get scratched, nice leadership. (if it is true).
  12. The question is now, when the effort is poor again tonight, you can stop blaming Murray and Samsonov. Then who gets scratched.
  13. Thanks Onesharpmarble, i have been saying for a long time this team has no pride, character and leadership. Until the core is ejected poor efforts, lazy play will be a part of the Habs. I don't think waiving Murray is quit the response i was looking for. Benching a Kovalev, Rivet someone like that may do more. Benching Samsonov is not making much of a statement either. There are more higher priced players not cutting, not just him. I would expect a great effort tonight but i'm sure i'll be let down. I hope i'm proven wrong.
  14. Other teams use there 4th line and it works well. The habs need to get 3 bangers in there to play 6-9 minutes a game, play tough, forechecking and make the D pay for moving the puck.
  15. Someone more then Samsonov, although struggling he does hustle which i can't say for alot of the others. I'd be satisfied with hustle for 60 minutes, it's a start.
  16. Well all that is great but if the team continues to give up 40 shots, and only takes 20, it doesn't matter who plays where. I do feel bad for the coaches, they were all hard workers, it must be tough watching these guys every night without suiting up.
  17. Corvina, How did the Vets lose there cohesion? In case you haven't noticed, over the last 4-5 years the vets have never had cohesion, they have never scored or been able to play solid defense.
  18. To get a forcheck going you need speed, desire to get the puck and punishing the other teams D. The Habs don't do any of that. They remind me of the Top Gun movie when Tom Cruise always requests a fly by, that's what the Habs do in all 3 zones, line some one up, turn and skate by them, have a chance for the net, fly by, turn around and turn the puck over.
  19. The good news if they keep playing this way they'll keep moving up the draft.
  20. Did anyone get the impression they were just trying not get embarrased rather then trying to win?
  21. Yes, funny how Murray gets bashed, How about the other 3 lines, they are the ones getting paid to show up and make a difference.
  22. Well not quit the effort you expect after being embarrases and called out by your coach. 21 shots? They gave up 40 again? I think the wings had more hits then the habs had shots. Just pathetic. Maybe after the goalie makes a save, he can skate it out of the zone and score. I did think the Lats Lapierre Ryder line looked pretty good. Aebi looked great. D zone lost again, way too many turnovers. I wonder if they can complete passes in practice. My prediction Tuesday, 40 shots given up, Luongo a shut out. I hoping they can put in an A effort and muster up 25 shots.
  23. Oilers need a D man, You would have to trade like Souray and Kosty / Perez to get something like Smid and Stoll back.
  24. Good arguement PB, however i will respectfully disagree with you on a few points. 1. As Zowped points out, the D is slow, Markov can skate and move the puck, Dandy can fly but doesn't do it with the puck, the rest are only average to below average. The forwards only IMO have 4 great skaters, Pleks, Perez, Higgins and Begin. Lapierre has above average speed, the rest are average at best. I know this because when have you seen the rest pull away from anyone and create something? Never. 2. The core group here has never scored much, the team for the last 10 years haven't been able to score, or really defend either. Being outshot most nights over the years. So, in reality goaltending has gotten this team to the playoffs over the past number of years. So to blame the Coaches for the core players lack of effort, offense and defense this year, just really isn't fair. When the young players arrive more, and the core is gone (finally) then would be a better time to judge the coaches. This team has had many coaches over the years and the PLAYERS have never produced. Sorry, i DO blame the players.
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