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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. 8.5M in caproom, Markov willing to accept a oneyeardeal and MB declining? He better have a Tavares or something coming in before season starts or he should be fired.
  2. Maybe we will save the caproom for the deadline, hope we are still in the playoffs and then swoop in and trade for Tavares who the Isles are desperate to trade away because they cant reach a deal. With our capspace we dont have to dump a crappy contract in that trade and then we resign Tavares to 8 year 10.5M/year deal! Make it happen MB! ?
  3. Galchenyuk + Shaw for Duchene I would do that.
  4. Im not sure we need a rebuild if the team is handled correctly. If Drouin, Galchenyuk, Gallagher, Lehkonen stays that is 4 young good players. Keep Price his whole contract and we have some good cornerstones. Problem is if MB can turn a corner and start to really handle this team better. Better development of the prospects, stop signing bottom liners to crazy money and somehow manage to fix the D and C positions. Maybe the best that can happen is if we have a losing season and MB is fired before he start doing idiotic trades to try and save his job. And then we are seller at the deadline. Buyers and the ufa and draft.
  5. Juulsen new to play for Leferbve, Sergachev never played for him, Poehling was just drafted, McNivan never played for Leferbve, Lindgren is not really going to make an inpact on the habs now is he?, Reway never played under Leferbve, Lehkonen developed in Frölunda in Sweden. ikonen was also just drafted. Noone of these players have made any impact yet on the habs except Lehkonen and he never had a chance to be ruined by our poor crappy developement.
  6. Any special clauses in this deal? NMC? How about bonuses?
  7. Ek says Yakupov and habs talking 2 year deal. E4 ranking. ?
  8. I gave him last season to prove the Weber Subban trade was for a good reason. It ended up with us eliminated in first round and Subban playing his first stanley cup finals. I am not giving him another season to dissapoint me. Fire him now! Before he makes things even worse. and fire all his staff with him.
  9. I want that young D to be Sergachev quality or not make the trade at all
  10. Fire him before he does a stupid trade throwing away Chucky. Then at least the next gm has some young talent to try building around.
  11. At least if we still had Emelin he could be gone for the season on LtIR on first trainingday on ice...
  12. If he trades Chucky for Anisimov Id say he is still working undercover for the Hawks. Taking Shaw from them for 2 2ndrounders and then giving them Galchenyuk for a 3rd line center. Isnt that illegal? He is an american spy working to ruin a Canadian company?
  13. Hemsky.... Swedish for awful is "hemsk"... coincidence?
  14. Lol. We are turning into the leafs... signing holland and froese. ??
  15. Jagr not going to panthers... maybe last chance to bring him and plekanec together. haha Old guy 3rd line?
  16. I hope its true and he accepts...
  17. I was hoping for a discount but yes I would pay Markov his 6M/year. We need him and its only a small raise from his last contract. Who would you replace him with in our lineup Don?
  18. No difference with DD? There is a big size difference for starters... Id love to have a 6'4 DD in his prime on the habs any day.
  19. I dont think we will have Radulov in the lineup next year... If MB also trades away Chucky for a midpairing Dman I predict we are just a few years away from the dark ages again. I am sure Price will head to UFA next year if we suck... 2018-19 team... Pacioretty Bonino Drouin Lekhonen Danault Scherbak Shaw Plekanec Gallagher De LaRose Hudon McCarron Chuckys return - Weber Juulsen - Petry Schlemko - Benn Haha. i hope I am wrong. ?
  20. Soooo. We get blessed by getting rid of Emelins contract and what will MB do? Sign a new bottom6 for over 4M/year....
  21. I would add a decent prospect as well if that is what it takes...
  22. Bergevin on the phone... Maybe telling his wife that they are finished now and he is going to the airport to fly home in time for late dinner. ?
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