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RDS Zone de Match


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I went in for the gamecenter live (still 4 more days to cancel!).

Gamecenter live is ok, but it operates through a flash applet which takes up a lot of RAM and CPU power (especially at higher res). Also, I can't dynamically resize the video (only regular size and fullscreen). I like to run the game in the background while I study sometimes so that really sucks.

On the other hand, the video quality was pretty good. It crashed my firefox (when I was running at 1.2MB). I just switched it down to 700kbps and it was fine. Perhaps the 1.2Mb would operate better on my desktop or in chrome or IE - I'll find out on Wednesday.

Gamecenter also lets you use the TV broadcast audio or the CJAD or CKAC audio. The offset seemed minimal for the little bit I tried that.

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I went in for the gamecenter live (still 4 more days to cancel!).

Gamecenter live is ok, but it operates through a flash applet which takes up a lot of RAM and CPU power (especially at higher res). Also, I can't dynamically resize the video (only regular size and fullscreen). I like to run the game in the background while I study sometimes so that really sucks.

On the other hand, the video quality was pretty good. It crashed my firefox (when I was running at 1.2MB). I just switched it down to 700kbps and it was fine. Perhaps the 1.2Mb would operate better on my desktop or in chrome or IE - I'll find out on Wednesday.

Gamecenter also lets you use the TV broadcast audio or the CJAD or CKAC audio. The offset seemed minimal for the little bit I tried that.

Yeh, I found it worked *slightly* better in IE than in Firefox. Anyone else notice this?

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I went in for the gamecenter live (still 4 more days to cancel!).

Gamecenter live is ok, but it operates through a flash applet which takes up a lot of RAM and CPU power (especially at higher res). Also, I can't dynamically resize the video (only regular size and fullscreen). I like to run the game in the background while I study sometimes so that really sucks.

On the other hand, the video quality was pretty good. It crashed my firefox (when I was running at 1.2MB). I just switched it down to 700kbps and it was fine. Perhaps the 1.2Mb would operate better on my desktop or in chrome or IE - I'll find out on Wednesday.

Gamecenter also lets you use the TV broadcast audio or the CJAD or CKAC audio. The offset seemed minimal for the little bit I tried that.

I've watched both (TO game blacked out here in the US) games on gamecenter and have been pleased with the quality. Ran smooth on both my laptop and desktop in firefox, no crashes (haven't had the need to try IE yet). Only problem I have had was the feed freezing and having to hit the refresh button. It happened twice in the Philly game, no problems with the Buf game.

I like the radio sync and used the CJAD feed both times. Mostly spot on, sometimes a 1-2 sec difference. Much better than listening to the tv commentators here in the states. Other than the obscene amount of blackouts in my area (BOS, NYR, NYI, NJD games), not a bad deal to be able to watch the habs as I have no other option.

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Considering all the problems people seem to be having, I'm glad I didn't hear about this sooner. My internet connection is already shoddy enough, I can only imagine what it would be like trying to stream this. That said, hopefully they can fix things up a little better for next year.

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I was really digging NHL Game centre, broad band is stepping it up, by next year it will probably be full screen HD available. I had no problems with feed on my Mac G5 Intel . Sooooooooo excited!!!!!! but then I found out any Montreal games on NHL Network or even VS would black me out here in the states. That's like over 20 games?????? So I canceled today and went straight for old faithful "centre HICE!!!!!" They've always done me right!!!!

Heads up to anyone south of Canada and Quebec.

Edited by HABBER-oooooKNOWS
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I was at work for the Boston game, and Zone de Match worked fine there. Hopefully RDS fixed something, and it wasn't just a coincidence.

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It's working like a dream tonight.... good thing, cuz it looks like the CBC channels are showing the other games :puke:

It's weird though, they have the channel set up for the Habs game...but it won't stream. Oh well, at least I've still got the radio.

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It's working like a dream tonight.... good thing, cuz it looks like the CBC channels are showing the other games :puke:

Hope it stays that way.

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