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Now the question is do I get this or just go for Centre Ice Online for 200 bucks...

Leaning towards just the RDS...the entire Centre Ice package might turn me into a hermit.

Can Anyone give me the info on the stream quality from last season?

Edited by Quebecois
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Ok I bought the year package. With that and the tickets I bought today, I've definitely blown my Habs-related budget.... for the week. :D

In the west we get RDS for about 3.00 per month so as you can probably guess I'M IN. :clap::lol:

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F'n joke.

Obviously they couldn't get the 'rights' in a country where the demand for hockey is 0.0 %.

Who would retain those internet, French-language rights? I'm willing to bet me and JLP would be 2 more subscribers than Libya.

Oh well, where there's a will...

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F'n joke.

Obviously they couldn't get the 'rights' in a country where the demand for hockey is 0.0 %.

Who would retain those internet, French-language rights? I'm willing to bet me and JLP would be 2 more subscribers than Libya.

Oh well, where there's a will...

For sure. I sent them a letter last March, their response below basically says that the NHL wouldn't give them the rights to Japan but they were going to try to get them. Seems they failed. I'm going to contact the nhl offices (in French) with requests for explanations, like you said who knows.

For all the HW members in Libya though, this is great news :(



Les droits négociés avec la LNH nous empêchent de webdiffuser au Japon. Sachez que nous travaillons fort afin d'acquérir ces droits.

Merci de votre intérêt

L'équipe du RDS.ca"

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that makes sense if you are only going to be able to watch less than ~30% of the games.

which, unfortunately, will probably be the case. A lot of the time I'm unable to watch because I'm out, and I count on being able to listen to the CJAD broadcast... or at least come back and read choice parts of the game threads... the other thing is that I commute and on Tuesday and Wednesday nights the house I'm in has RDS, so there's no point in paying for the streaming on those nights...

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which, unfortunately, will probably be the case. A lot of the time I'm unable to watch because I'm out, and I count on being able to listen to the CJAD broadcast... or at least come back and read choice parts of the game threads... the other thing is that I commute and on Tuesday and Wednesday nights the house I'm in has RDS, so there's no point in paying for the streaming on those nights...

You might want to consider it though because they also have Canadiens Express, which is a condensed version of the game that you can watch in one hour. I'll probably be watching that more often than the live games because I can't commit every time to watching 2.5 hours of TV!

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You might want to consider it though because they also have Canadiens Express, which is a condensed version of the game that you can watch in one hour. I'll probably be watching that more often than the live games because I can't commit every time to watching 2.5 hours of TV!

Interesting... I really ought to go read exactly what's included...

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Or FTA satellite and get rds?

Let's make this a *hypothetical* discussion about scientific stuff. I've never heard of FTA, but isn't the rds signal broadcast from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit? If so, how could a dish in East Asia pick up the signal?

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it's more expensive, but you can't get nhl.tv in Japan?

Checked and yeah seems I can get NHL.TV (Is it called "Center Ice"?). My Broons fan friend here says he got it last season and it was pretty good.

So who does the play-by-play and so on for the Habs games on NHL.TV? Is it the local production when the team's on the road? Am I sure to have all 82 Habs games? Thanks guys.

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The majority of centre Ice games are from US feeds. If there isnt a US feed then its the RDS feed. Sometimes it can be a mixture of both. During some games last year there would be a US feed with Cdn play by play but that only happened when they were having technical difficulties with video feeds they just switch to another video feed.

centre Ice pretty much covers every single NHL game.

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