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[Game Thread] MONTREAL CANADIENS @ Toronto Maple Leafs


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Price Doesn't Have Any One of those goals...in fact...If he started tonight...he probably lets in more

.... :huh:

If I guess all the right numbers I will win the 6/49 tonight as well.

What a horrible post

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Have to believe that starting Halak here was a mistake. The four goal was a tough deflection but Halak HAS to have that 3rd one.

You're joking, right? Cross-ice pass that Ponirasky (sic) shot on goal before Halak could complete his move across. And it was a great shot, high and hard on the short side *before* Halak could get there.

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Price has started against the far superior teams, Halaks stats (which really aren't that impressive, besides Ws) are inflated by playing against weaker opponents. Halak has terrible rebound control, something that does not plague Price.

Back on topic though, of all the games I've watched this year, we are the WORST at simply getting the puck either out of our zone, or getting the puck on net. We are SUPPOSED to be a puck possession team, yet when we get to the other teams zone we dump it in, this indicates to me that that is not puck possession.

On a positive note, Chips looks better every game he plays, and he seems to be gaining more and more speed with each game as well which is encouraging. He sticks up for teamates as well which is a big plus, also props to Moen for wanting to lay out Komi.

Don't start with the "Price plays the hard teams crap". They have both played good and bad teams this year. they each beat the leafs in OT/Shoot out. They have both been destroyed by top teams (Calgary, Van, Pitts, Chicago)

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How is this about goalies. I am starting to get agitated with you guys. Both goalies are playing well. Good. Not great, but good enough to get wins on a good team. Give it up already! The last three games had nothing ...Nothing...NOTHING...NOTHING to do with goaltenders. Look at the rst of the game. Look at our defense. Look at how inept our first line is with turnovers, look a multitude of places and you will find problems. Look at our goaltending and you will find overall adequacy. The only games where the goaltending was superb were the first two! And those games were played by Price. I am sick of this conversation. Martin is suposed to teach a system where we aren't hemmed in for long stretches at a time. This is the team's biggest failure. So far it is a failure.

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Don't start with the "Price plays the hard teams crap". They have both played good and bad teams this year. they each beat the leafs in OT/Shoot out. They have both been destroyed by top teams (Calgary, Van, Pitts, Chicago)

You're wasting your time trying to argue with the Price supporters. They don't care about results. They don't care about save percentage. They don't care about GAA. Their guy is better because they say so...

And worst of all (in my mind) they're not entirely happy when the Habs win with Halak in nets.

Edited by jackp
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How is this about goalies. I am starting to get agitated with you guys. Both goalies are playing well. Good. Not great, but good enough to get wins on a good team. Give it up already! The last three games had nothing ...Nothing...NOTHING...NOTHING to do with goaltenders. Look at the rst of the game. Look at our defense. Look at how inept our first line is with turnovers, look a multitude of places and you will find problems. Look at our goaltending and you will find overall adequacy. The only games where the goaltending was superb were the first two! And those games were played by Price. I am sick of this conversation. Martin is suposed to teach a system where we aren't hemmed in for long stretches at a time. This is the team's biggest failure. So far it is a failure.

Agreed. The number one issue is defensive zone coverage. The second biggest issue is the lack of a second line winger for pleks.

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You're wasting your time trying to argue with the Price supporters. They don't care about results. They don't care about save percentage. They don't care about GAA. Their guy is better because they say so...

And worst of all (in my mind) they're not entirely happy when the Habs win with Halak in nets.

Pot calling the kettle black my friend.

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You're wasting your time trying to argue with the Price supporters. They don't care about results. They don't care about save percentage. They don't care about GAA. Their guy is better because they say so...

And worst of all (in my mind) they're not entirely happy when the Habs win with Halak in nets.

Like Halak's .750 sp tonight?

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You're wasting your time trying to argue with the Price supporters. They don't care about results. They don't care about save percentage. They don't care about GAA. Their guy is better because they say so...

And worst of all (in my mind) they're not entirely happy when the Habs win with Halak in nets.

I am not entirely happy with this win either.. it was a terrible game by the habs...

Beating the leafs in a shootout is like celebrating that you picked up a 350lb girl in a bar... not something to get excited about.. more something you don't talk about...

I can't even trash talk my leaf friends after that one.. I hope the topic doesn't come up tomorrow at hockey...

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On a good note, I thought Paccioretti had one hell of a game. I would have loved to see him score. A lot of people complain about developement, but I think over time, Pac will be a hell of a player.

He has some speed, I never thought he was that fast, he is improving that's for sure. I do find he tries to pass too often though, maybe get him to fire the puck a little more.

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Agreed. The number one issue is defensive zone coverage. The second biggest issue is the lack of a second line winger for pleks.

Don't forget 1st line turnovers in their own zone. Foe two forwards that played in NJ, I am surprised by this. Gio better be on fire next game. I prefer Gomez game to Kovy, but this team looks better when Gio is on his game.

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Like Halak's .750 sp tonight?

ah.. you might want to get the calculator out...

Don't forget 1st line turnovers in their own zone. Foe two forwards that played in NJ, I am surprised by this. Gio better be on fire next game. I prefer Gomez game to Kovy, but this team looks better when Gio is on his game.

They were brutal tonight, Gomez in particular. they didn't have much speed either.. Gomez does have the flu, so I am hoping that is all it is... still. you are right.. that was not NJ hockey!

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Should we give some props to Plex who has improved his game tons since the beginning of the season, I feel like he plays better with Cammy on his line, but they cannot seem to find a 3rd for them.

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Honestly I could care less who is in net as long as the Habs win.

It's just whenever the team loses with Price in net it's Prices fault. No ifs ands or buts, failure to make the "big save" blah, blah, blah.

So far one goalie has had to steal a game this year and it was Price 2 times.

But as long as the team wins I don't care if it's Curtis Sanford getting the start. As long as the team wins.

There has not been a game all year where you could pin it on the goalie costing the team the game.

The Price supporters just get frustrated when guys come on here saying it was Prices fault that the habs lost, and then they start to nitpick Halaks game. Because it's the same thing they see when Price is in from the haters.

Both goaltenders have played fine this year, you can't fault either one for any of the teams 7 losses. (but you can thank Carey for the teams first 2 wins :P ... couldn't resist)

Yeah he had a .866 sv

lol well whatever, it's still lower than Prices season save %

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lol well whatever, it's still lower than Prices season save %

barely.. since when has a save percentage under 9 been considered good..

It is kind of funny people fighting over who is number one.. .right now, we have two number 2 goalies. Until one of them plays well enough to consistently to get over .9, split the games and focus on the problems in front.

Watch some games beside the habs and see what a hot goalie looks like.. I think people here have forgotten.

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Was I the only one that thought Maxpac should get a chance to play whith some skill guys? I really think he might be good. As he learns to play with the big guys I think he will be a top sixer. Maybe not this year, but in the next two or three.

I hate it when Kosed piucks on Gorges, but he is spot on tonight. Josh looks like he is playing well, but the forward comes out with the puck 90% of the time.

Edited by BCHabnut
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Secondary scoring came through tonight: Glen Metropolit, Guillaume Latendresse, Hal Gill, Roman Hamrlik so theres some comfort in that :)

That is a good sign.. still.. Where was AK.. invisible again.

I would like to repeat.. Hal Gil.. goal, plus 3.. he actually played well tonight so we should pat him on the back before he blows it in the next game. :)

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On a good note, I thought Paccioretti had one hell of a game. I would have loved to see him score. A lot of people complain about developement, but I think over time, Pac will be a hell of a player.


He's been slowly getting better and better for over a week now. The big difference in his case is how well he controls the puck at high speed. That's always dangerous when a 6-2 220 winger with good wheels can dangle the puck. It makes the D back up and creates things. I'd still like to see Patches throw more hits though.

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