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[Games Thread] Montreal vs Washington


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You don't get the point Trizzak - has nothing to do with a depleted line-up. The point being made is that you're 11 SECONDS away from winning and getting 2 points instead of 1. You play 59 MINUTES and 49 SECONDS with an injury-ridden line-up and CAN win it with them, but give it up in the last 11 seconds. I wonder where the hope really is.

Montreal was killing a penalty, Washington had the goalie pulled, and had all of it's top offensive skill on the ice. I just can't get upset about a goal being scored in that situation.

The fact that they were ahead in the game at that time was damn near miraculous. How can you expect consistent wins from this current rendition of the team? It's unrealistic to have your expectations of a team with an entire offensive scoring line replaced by grinders from the AHL be the same for a team with everyone healthy.

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I'd put AK with Gio and Gomer... and SK with cammie and plek. also, White and Pyatt = way better than Chip and Stewart

I think Cammy-Plex-AK had developed interesting chemistry in recent days. Also, I'd want to keep AK on the RW, his natural spot.

Also Pouliot needs to be placed in a position where he can succeed and use his offensive skills. I'd put him with Gomer and Gio. That line would have tons of speed.

I love the chemistry SK and Laps have had when they got to play together in the AHL and at times in the NHL. I'd put them together. Sergei K's versatility makes him valuable, you can switch him wings depending on who you want to complete the line. Pacioretty/Pyatt on the LW or Moen/White on the RW.

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Cammy is really acting as a Captain

1st, he shakes Georges up in practice

Then after yesterday's game, he said he wasn't satisfied with getting just 1 pt against a top team despite the injuries

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Cammy is really acting as a Captain

I know management has said they will pick the captain when the time is right, but before that happens I'd really like to see the players have a meeting and elect their own guy.

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I know management has said they will pick the captain when the time is right, but before that happens I'd really like to see the players have a meeting and elect their own guy.

I agree

Now is the time to have an official Captain, we need leadership

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I think we have leadership. You don't need a letter on your shirt to make it happen.


But for some reason, some players especially young ones, really wake up when the C is officially handed out

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re: leadership.

I've been thinking about it almost every game, and I really still dont see anyone who comes off as captain material. Yes, Cammy shows leadership. I was also thinking lately how Hamrlik really has stepped up and played his veteran role calmly and efficiently this season, which also shows the type of confidence you look for in a captain...

However, despite all that, having that official title and letter on your jersey, in Montreal; it's a whole entire planet. You get a huge spotlight directly on you 24/7. Carbo got traded because he flipped some paparazzis off, Keane unleashed a nasty controversy with some dumb comments, Turgeon crumbled under that pressure, Koivu became increasingly controversial as time went on. Being captain of the Habs is a heavy, heavy burden. Since Gainey left, Vincent Damphousse is the only one who filled the job without any problems or controversies.

To be Captain in Montreal requires a huge pair of cojones, but an even bigger brain.

Gotta be careful with this one.

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re: leadership.

I've been thinking about it almost every game, and I really still dont see anyone who comes off as captain material. Yes, Cammy shows leadership. I was also thinking lately how Hamrlik really has stepped up and played his veteran role calmly and efficiently this season, which also shows the type of confidence you look for in a captain...

However, despite all that, having that official title and letter on your jersey, in Montreal; it's a whole entire planet. You get a huge spotlight directly on you 24/7. Carbo got traded because he flipped some paparazzis off, Keane unleashed a nasty controversy with some dumb comments, Turgeon crumbled under that pressure, Koivu became increasingly controversial as time went on. Being captain of the Habs is a heavy, heavy burden. Since Gainey left, Vincent Damphousse is the only one who filled the job without any problems or controversies.

To be Captain in Montreal requires a huge pair of cojones, but an even bigger brain.

Gotta be careful with this one.

Koivu was never contraversial. He barely understood english when he came here. he had to adjust to a new country, master the english language, and all the french guys are mad cuz he didn't say merci

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Koivu was never contraversial. He barely understood english when he came here. he had to adjust to a new country, master the english language, and all the french guys are mad cuz he didn't say merci

Choosing white over black doesnt make the other color disappear, nor does choosing to visit only the Arctic negate the existence of the Antarctic. It's still a planet with opposite poles. Regardless of your value judgment, the reality remains that controversy frequently arose from Koivu's captaincy. That is a cold hard fact, nothing more, nothing less.

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Since Gainey left, Vincent Damphousse is the only one who filled the job without any problems or controversies.

That's only because he was part of the 'captain curse' and was traded very quickly. LOL

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That's only because he was part of the 'captain curse' and was traded very quickly. LOL

Nah. He was traded because the team was "rebuilding" and dumped anyone over 30.

Damphousse is a pretty smart, cool-headed fellow. No surprises that he got so far in the NHLPA activities after his retirement. He had the brains to handle the medias well and the balls to bring his game to another level on the ice in pressure times. That's the two main qualities a Captain has to have now.

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Koivu was never contraversial. He barely understood english when he came here. he had to adjust to a new country, master the english language, and all the french guys are mad cuz he didn't say merci

Controversies aren't made by the "offender," they are made by the offended (with a healthy dose of media coverage). If a few million people get their panties in a twist over a Finn refusing to become trilingual, then unfortunately it is a controversy.

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re: leadership.

I've been thinking about it almost every game, and I really still dont see anyone who comes off as captain material. Yes, Cammy shows leadership. I was also thinking lately how Hamrlik really has stepped up and played his veteran role calmly and efficiently this season, which also shows the type of confidence you look for in a captain...

However, despite all that, having that official title and letter on your jersey, in Montreal; it's a whole entire planet. You get a huge spotlight directly on you 24/7. Carbo got traded because he flipped some paparazzis off, Keane unleashed a nasty controversy with some dumb comments, Turgeon crumbled under that pressure, Koivu became increasingly controversial as time went on. Being captain of the Habs is a heavy, heavy burden. Since Gainey left, Vincent Damphousse is the only one who filled the job without any problems or controversies.

To be Captain in Montreal requires a huge pair of cojones, but an even bigger brain.

Gotta be careful with this one.

very good post and very correct. We need someone to take this team by the scruff and drag them to the top.

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Controversies aren't made by the "offender," they are made by the offended (with a healthy dose of media coverage). If a few million people get their panties in a twist over a Finn refusing to become trilingual, then unfortunately it is a controversy.

Anglos and Francos medias spilled plenty of ink on the account of Koivu's language, but if only it had been limited to that, as it had been in Keane's case. Think of all the cliques stories, lengthy slumps, the Ribs case, the "we're not a playoffs team" quote, etc that happened during, say, the last half of Koivu's captaincy. Take the language thing out of the equation and there was still enough material to make any captaincy appear rocky and controversial.

That is just another example that the Habs haven't had a captain whose very captaincy hadnt been second-guessed since Dampy, who wasnt even captain for a long time. Before that it goes back to Gainey 20 years ago.

My point: The Montreal Canadiens environment has extremely tough requisites for captains. There's a mold, a standard, a bar that has been set very high. It's a blessing in disguise when you really think about it. Few organization can boast about having the recipe for superb C's. They have to take the long hard winding road before having that model. We're ripe with them. The downside is that not just any joe can fill those shoes.

So rather than just having a guy get the C almost by default because he's the best of an average bunch; and then have him being shred because he just can't compare to the idealized image of what a C has to be; wait for someone to actually reached that status on his own. Dont lower the bar to meet the level of what's there now. Keep the bar high, make it an objective, a challenge for the players on the team to reach that level where they have earned that letter because they already proved they can fill the shoes.

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