His play, other than offensive, is highly questionable; so bad that apparently he blows the zone before his team even has possession. There’s anticipation, and then there’s…leaving. He also is about as defensive capable as a Maple Leaf defender.
Finally, a so-far unsubstantiated rumour admittedly, he’s potentially got some deficiencies in his, um, attitude. 😉
Personally, that type of player doesn’t really interest me. I appreciate sublime skill, but not at the potential risk of the ‘team’ game. And I’ve no interest in seeing an attitude issue wreck chemistry (good riddance to even the thought of Mike Ribeiro).
As for the “Russian” aspect, please remember there’s a war going on which is likely to affect many athletes in various deleterious ways. Who knows how long that, and the political ramifications will last. I believe his father passed under mysterious circumstances, and the undertone behind that reporting is that it could have been linked to hockey.
Not saying I know anything, because I don’t, but all that has to be measured when making the choice to draft him. Defence and accountability can be taught, yes, but attitude is tougher and politics is well beyond the control of a hockey team.