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Habs @ Bruins GDT - February 4th, 2010


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This can't be on the players...bare with me. They have to be told to play this defensive style right? There's no way they are doing it on their own right? Please tell me...it has to be JM.

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And we remain mediocre... good game, bad game, indifferent, repeat...

A game like this needs to be the exception, not a weekly occurrence. At what point to they realize that they are not good enough to float for a game and win...

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I thought Gionta was going to skate between Chara's legs there....

He keeps them in it and gives them a chance most night... and two more... we stopped skating again.. going to sit on the tie

How big were those saves by Halak now?
Edited by brobin
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Rookie mistake, I'm sure the coaches will have a chat with him and tell him to fall in line with the rest and play the perimeter............ :lol:

I really lol'ed at that one. Nice.

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