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UFA SEASON (Selänne to Anaheim)


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It's great to see Nazzy re-sign........Also, I think the Kariya to SJ rumors are false. ESPN got it from the sharks message board, saying a poster said it would be confirmed sometime today. How reliable is that?

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Forsberg a Flyer

Peter Forsberg has signed with the Philadelphia Flyers, the team that once drafted him.

With Forsberg in the team the Flyers will have to trade one or two players. Roenick and Gagne?

If Gagne is avalable then I hope we go for him.

With Gagne in the team we would be ready.

Gagne - Koivu - Kovalev

Zednik - Ribeiro - Ryder

Bulis - Bonk - Sundström

Hossa - Begin - Perezhogin

Dandeneault - Souray

Rivet - Markov

Boullion - Komisarek



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Just an update... Since the site was down...


Comments on whats happened since we've been down.

Forsberg: Damn the Flyers! Argh... Wish Peter would have stayed in the west.

Brisebois/Turgeon: LOL Avs. Though I bet Brisebois has a strong season, just a feeling.

Niedermayer: Thrilled he's going to the west.

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Forsberg will not be as big a factor as previously considered. He's still a fairly fragile player though I hope, for his sake, that this doesn't happen to him again.

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Originally posted by Prime Minister Koivu
Originally posted by jetsniper

It was made quite clear a while ago that it would be Foote or Forsberg coming back. We tried to get Foote at a cheaper salary at 12M for 4 years but with the 1.5M difference, he decided to go to Columbus. Forsberg has also told the Denver Post multiple times that he'd take a big paycut to stay with the Avs. Hejduk is most likely on his way out of Colorado too.

And when the hell did I say I expected a cup? Don't put words in my mouth. Man, whats with all the haters. We've still got enough talent to make a run anyway and with no red line, Svatos, Sakic and Tanguay are 'bout to run wild.

I'm not hating you man!

Just having a little fun.

My bad, it came across as asshole-ish but it's the internet so you never know how to take things. I'm in denial over losing Foote and Forsberg anyway so ignore me.

Well this is a Habs site, and i can't speak for everyone, but i pretty much hate all 29 other NHL teams so it should be expected to a certain degree.

I know plenty of sites where fans get along. Theres no need to bicker just because someone doesn't cheer for your team. Besides, what'd Atlanta or Columbus ever do to you? :P....just joking man, just joking

Anyway on to why we're all here, hockey. Our offers to Foote and Forsberg were pretty sad so I don't blame them for leaving but thats the world of a salary cap so I'll have to deal with it. I still kinda resent not buying out Blake though. Brisebois, I think will have a good year with us because of Blake. I don't think he'll have as much responsibility as he did with you guys (although you guys are in a much better position to know this then I am so inform me if I'm wrong)

Turgeon though is a laugher. PL said we've still got about 3-4 mil that he's willing to use in the UFA market so MAYBE we can pull something out for Palffy.

I've also heard pretty strong rumors that Gagne is headed to Montreal which would be awesome. Aside from the Avs, I'm a big fan of the Sens, Habs and Flames. Nowhere near the Avs but I try to follow them nonetheless.

I was hoping Jarome could've recruited Nieds for here but I guess we lost the cap room with the signings of Amonte (which floored me) and McCarty. Both are improvements over their predecessors (Gelinas and Nieminen).

I can't wait to get to the 2006 UFA market, it looks stronger then this years and Colorado might actually have some money to use.

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Brisebois isn't horrible as many people say. I think he will do well for you and at a more reasonable price!

Turgeon is anyone's guess. I think he was in the same boat as Brisebois, just overpaid. The guy has talent.

I'm as pissed off about Foresburg as you are! Once the rumours started the he was coming to the Habs I got excited......then boom he is a Flyer. Not to mention the Habs have to play him all the time now.

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Originally posted by Prime Minister Koivu

I'm as pissed off about Foresburg as you are! Once the rumours started the he was coming to the Habs I got excited......then boom he is a Flyer. Not to mention the Habs have to play him all the time now.

Pfff. All it means is that Komi will have more chances to eliminate Forsberg as a threat to the rest of the league. The guy is one concussion away from retirement in my opinion.

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Originally posted by Fanpuck33

Pfff.  All it means is that Komi will have more chances to eliminate Forsberg as a threat to the rest of the league.  The guy is one concussion away from retirement in my opinion.

ouch, thats dark :nono:

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Haha, I'm just kidding. I just don't think Forsberg is a huge threat any more. The guy is injury prone, and has had a number of concussions. I think his best days are behind him. If I were Bobby Clarke, I'd have stayed pat with JR.

Eric Lindros, on the other hand, is the man I would LOVE to see have his career ended by Komi. I've always HATED Lindros, and I always will.

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Originally posted by Prime Minister Koivu

Brisebois isn't horrible as many people say. I think he will do well for you and at a more reasonable price!

Turgeon is anyone's guess. I think he was in the same boat as Brisebois, just overpaid. The guy has talent.

I'm as pissed off about Foresburg as you are! Once the rumours started the he was coming to the Habs I got excited......then boom he is a Flyer. Not to mention the Habs have to play him all the time now.

With all the media coverage and peoples reaction, I thought for sure he was staying. I mean, he couldn't even go to a team I like. Forsberg with the Habs would've been AMAZING. His best days are still here, they just aren't very often. He played 39 games in 03/04 and had 55 points. He played less then half the season and was 4th on the team in scoring. It's only 2 years so who knows, maybe in 2 years the Avs will have room to sign him. I think the very least he could do for me is be a Leaf killer. Damn, I hate the Leafs.

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