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Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie

Do you guys honestly not think Gainey tried? He matched Chicago's offer on Aucoin and made a push for several key players. It's not his fault if they refuse to come to Montreal.


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Althought we dont know for shure if he made a push for players,.. we can assume that he made one for Aucoin.

Aucoin would have bring-up the defensive's group at a higher level than average........yes, a better match with the good, yet limited amount of offensive talent in the team Gainey as got us with,....but it didn't happen.

So we end-up with.....an average defensive group with an average-good goaltender ( suggested by SMON) and an

average-good offensive group.....which is a little to close to being an average team.

I disagree with Roo-HA! Roo-HA! that acquiring more offensivelly gifted FA players would have compromised salary cap and the building process of the team,.. all rookies would have fund a place,.. and a more accurate place as regard to their developpement over the years with the team.

Here is an exemple, not to be taken literalery, but just to show a theoritical all out alternative within cap space at the inconfortable +37 million level.

Selanne, Koivu, Kovalev

Ryder, Demitra, Zednick

Perezhogin, Ribeiro, Hossa

Higgins, Plecanek, Begin

This is an extreme exemple and I would have been fine if only Selanne with its extremelly low cost and versatile per-year type contract would have been here to HELP........and made it a little bit more ENJOYABLE watching in the process. It is also said that we where one of the team he had in mind.....if we had approached him.

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I agree with much of your post, but I disagree with a couple of your choices for players we can live without:

1. Dandenault- he is a solid defender who can capably fill in at forward when the need arises. That kind of versatility is invaluable in the salary- capped NHL.

2. Bonk: the man has been hobbled by a groin injury most of the year, so I think we should see him healthy before evaluating his performance.

I've never had a groin injury thank God(knock on wood)

but the worst injury I've ever had was a pulled hamstring. Nothing: broken nose, broken wriist, fractured collar bone, broken thumbs, strained knee ligaments, partially torn rotator cuff or separated shoulder bothered me more than that, limited my movement more or took longer to recover from.

Muscle tears are murder. You think that you are healed, it feels great and then as soon as you go at full speed for any length of time AAARGH there it goes again.

Therefore, I have full sympathy for Bonk because I have also suffered through the agony of trying to keep playing(many, even most of us probably have).

On a related note: I sure hope Saku is completely good to go because as I said, those muscle tears are a bitch.

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I cannot understand how not having Ribeiro would help our precarious offense to improve,..unless you think its not an important part of the game.

You probably dont,....since you wish that Ribeiro would be out before even Dagenais.

Ribeiro is on pace with his production of last year at 65 points while Dagenais is way bellow his own.

Ribeiro's would have generated even more offense if he could had rely on a steady set of appropriate second line wingers............Julien needs to wake up and stop boycoting Perezhogin and put him on that line.

Its not like Julien as not done it before,..I remember him boycoting Kovalev at the end of last year, playing him on the third and fourth line while the CH kept sinking like if there was no tomorow.

Kovalev even started the Boston series on the 4th line...........Claude for God' sake !

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It doesnt appear to me that starting the Boston series on the 4th line had any lasting ill effects on Kovalev's perforamcence. Obviously, if he didnt like the coach he would not have come back

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Originally posted by PMAC


It doesnt appear to me that starting the Boston series on the 4th line had any lasting ill effects on Kovalev's perforamcence. Obviously, if he didnt like the coach he would not have come back

I am suggesting that taking away quality ice minutes to your most offensive gifted players when starting a short serie against a better team that had home ice advantage is akin to give away the first game to make a point...... and it was a lost... maybe the most intimidating lost I had ever witnessed..... Boston just steamrolled the CH from the very begining to the bitter end.

Julien had no choice but to give back the quality minutes his best player deserved....he turned-out to be the MVP of that serie....a serie in which the team had to broke a century's worth of CH's records to win.

Until that second game when Kovalev and Koivu had been reunited,...they had barely played together at all......as Julien kepted them apart during the little while Kovy had joined the CH prior to the serie..........those players had to bound PRONTO and they did.......regardless of Julien's miss-uses of them up to that point.

[Edited on 2005/12/13 by PB]

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And were not out of the water yet ... We havent seen Huet play at all in the NHl when is he gonna get his chance to show what he's got or dont got!.

funny enough Lalime has been sent down... and if ever recalled would cost around 900k instead if the 2.4 mill ... Lalime sucks but could at least be a 2nd goalie in case Huet sucks badly and or decides to go back to europe and if Danis is still too green!

Just a thought... although I'm sure other desperate teams will give Lalime a try before it's our turn..

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