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Hitchhiking 50 States In 50 Days

Pierre the Great

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Saw these guys on MSNBC today. They just started today. Don't know if they can pull it off but good luck. How are they going to hitchhike to hawaii and alaska?

By boat would be my guess, possibly plane for Hawaii but you can drive to Alaska through Canada! They should have a few extra days if the do the 48 continental states in like 30 days!

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I hitchhiked Vancouver - Montréal way back, was a gas except for Wawa. Wouldn't do it today though...

it's hard to get a lift in a town that has a federal prison isn't it ?? :D

I drove montreal to jasper and I can'T wait to do it again... the best trip in my life

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I could very well end up driving to Denver in March for my birthday. Was gonna fly but a friend suggested driving which suits me fine because I'm terrified of heights anyway.

I took the plane and jumped in parachute but that did do anything for me...I'm still scared of going on a regular house roof or jus going up a latter.

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I could very well end up driving to Denver in March for my birthday. Was gonna fly but a friend suggested driving which suits me fine because I'm terrified of heights anyway.

Let me know when you make it to Denver! Or anyone else, for that matter!

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Ottawa to Vancouver, eh? I want to do a Vancouver to St. John's some day.

I also want to take the Dempster Highway sometime in the future. I want to see the artic ocean.

I was actually in St. John's for the first week and a half of July. It's really beatiful there. Great city, you'll love it.

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Jets it be easier for you to fly to Calgary's American clone. hehehehehe

Frontier Airline has flights from Denver to Calgary everyday. There a 'cheap' airline. First 'cheap' airline to have stops in Canada.

Looks like they never found that ride to Boston. They're still stuck in Hartford.

Calgary's American clone...never thought of it that way before, haha. You're probably right. I'll check it out but my buddy really wants a road trip. I don't know if I want to bother driving all that way though.

The purpose of the trip is probably obvious. the Sharks are in Denver on the day of my 20th birthday so I figure I can celebrate by seeing them in the Rockies. For once, I won't be cheering for the road team. :lol:

I'll definitely let you know huzer, at 20 though I doubt I'll be able to go anywhere. Stupid american rules. :P

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i want to ride a harley from toronto across to vancouver stopping at montreal, ottawa, edmonton and calgary along the way. i would love to visit lake louise.

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i want to ride a harley from toronto across to vancouver stopping at montreal, ottawa, edmonton and calgary along the way. i would love to visit lake louise.


toronto is between montreal and vancouver. lake louise is freakin awesome. from there you should drive up to jasper. the road is spectacular...

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toronto is between montreal and vancouver. lake louise is freakin awesome. from there you should drive up to jasper. the road is spectacular...

aggh right ok ill start in montreal- i wouldnt mind a trip to quebec city- i like a bit of culture- would i get rocks thrown at me for wearing a habs jersey their?

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