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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. Slafkovski looks absolutely lost. Would a few games watching help him?
  2. Allen is having another game. This team sure allows high danger chances
  3. Pearson has been very good, but Monahan has been huge so far.
  4. Haha. Ya I should have typed their names. I was being lazy.
  5. Guhle and dach are my two favorite new guys in the last 2 years. Guhle really is a stud.
  6. Wanna see him with 14 and 22 when Dvorak comes back
  7. Blowout coming I think. Habs struggled with jets forecheck. Allen bailed em out. Doubt the goalie steals thus one
  8. He was a giveaway machine last game. Needs to shoot more too. It will come. He's noticeably better this year than last when he has the puck.
  9. Guhle was the best skater on the team tonight. Allen stole that game. Monahan is good. Slavkovski had a lot of giveaways. That means he had the puck though so...
  10. Because he's been getting some dirty points lately
  11. Oh there is still a long way to go. Don't get me wrong. But the progress is noticeable I feel.
  12. It’s so visible. he looks good. My co worker saying he had a bad game. I didn’t see that at all. He is getting way more touches, and making way better choices with those touches.
  13. Perhaps I had my rose colored glasses on, but I was pleased to see slafkovski skating and protecting the puck throughout the game. I feel like, even in this stinker, he looks better than last year. The egregious stick chop was terrible, and his other penalty wasn't great. Don't get me wrong. It was a garbage game and everyone but 26 sucked, but slaf looks better.
  14. That's pretty aggressive. I agree with him. Dach hasn't, but could take that top c position. He has all of the tools. The potential is there. This is a huge setback.
  15. Dach isn't at their level yet, but 30 years of major injuries to key players is getting old. Koivu: knee. Never the same Markov: several years of knee. Price: knee. Weber: Foot ankle Other teams get decades with healthy key players.
  16. Dach injury hurts. Not just because he is so darn good on his own, but because of his influence on Slafkovsky. They seemed to have chemistry. I'm a huge dach fan. I like him more than suzuki.
  17. 1) 38 wins 36 losses 8 SO/OT wins 84 pts 2)7th in Atlantic 3)21st in league 4)4 x 20 goal scorers 5) suzuki with 82 points Ya baby
  18. I like it. A full game recap is easily found via video. I enjoyed the format of the ten thoughts.
  19. Tonight I felt like Ghule was the best hab. He had a great game. Gignac was noticeably good. I bet he gets another look or 2. Norlinder had a pretty good game. Slafkovsky has looked much better when he gets touches. Firstly he's getting a lot if touches. secondly, he's looking dangerous and making good choices when he gets them.
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