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alfredoh2009 last won the day on September 15 2023

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    Guhle, Barron, Dach, Xhekaj, Kovacevic (for having an engineering degree), Suzuki, Gallagher, Beck, Kapanen

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  1. Can we move on from another “MB is 💩” discussion. It is tiring to do this all over again
  2. it was reported that Molson didn’t allow him; back when he was trying to get a new contract, MB had asked Molson to sign him and let him do a real rebuild. Molson had wanted to renew MB earlier in the season but when this came up it was reported that Molson said he was thinking about just to not bring back MB. Through out MB’s tenure he was asked to “make the playoffs and see what can happen” and he did this with his retools. It was not just MB, but Molson’s and the board’s directive too.
  3. Nah, that’ll be Gallagher or Anderson
  4. he will probably end-up somewhere else on waivers claim. I like RHP, but once the AHL prospects turn the development corner, he will become a casualty of waivers
  5. yes, plus multiple playoff runs and a stanley cup final.
  6. 🤮 it's a pass from me. this team is far from contending, and this seems as bad as that centennial movie
  7. I could not agree more. there is no need to do a trade this season, unless they want to cash-in on Savard at the trade deadline
  8. Good point. Fighting is not as valuable as it Used to br. Having someone in the lineup that is likely to win a fight if needed is very useful IFF he also plays well. Arber is that guy
  9. Article agreeing with my opinion on PV bei g a potential successor to MSL
  10. spotting? role-playing? mission-assigning? crossing-fingers & praying for best?
  11. "po-tae-toe / po-tah-to" ~~~Mr. PotatoHead~~~
  12. Bisson-Paquette covered Mailloux and others when paired with them. That is what Inwas revering to. Veterans are depended upon for that, and Mete could do that in Laval
  13. from that article, it appears he is already an AHLer and is past his NHL peek. He loved it in MTL and if he married a Quebecker it may be good for him. He may be a good option on the PP in Laval and sheltering prospects as they learn the ropes
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