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Ok. I have FINISHED Halo 3. Yea, that's right. I got the game right after class and played for 5 straight hours.... I just couldn't stop and I don't regret it either! BEST FRIKKIN GAME EVER! :clap:

Went online for a bit and played with friends.... man the online battles are going to be awesome. ^_^

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Sounds like a pretty easy game if you beat it in 5 hours.

It can be done in 5 hours but you really have to skim through it on normal, thats about it. People don't give games the attention they deserve anymore, the same thing is happening with Heavenly Sword on the PS3 right now.

Although Halo games have never been notoriously long.

From IGN's review

It should be noted that the difficulty level is a bit out of whack, though done purposefully. Bungie has to service an enormous casual crowd who (let's face it) suck at games. There are millions who will play Halo 3 and only Halo 3 this year. All they want is to finish the fight and take a nap on the couch. But at the same time, there are an equal number of hardcore gamers who have become immensely skilled at Halo over the past six years. For these folks, the single-player version of Heroic and Legendary difficulties has been ratcheted up just a tad. Many will immediately jump into Normal difficulty, and never see the more aggressive AI that calls in reinforcements and makes better use of its weapons and equipment. Frankly, Normal on Halo 3 is too easy for the average gamer and that lack of challenge may actually bore some.
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Halo is more for the online play in my mind anyway - so the 5 hours doesn't matter. Bioshock was pleasingly long though (but it's not an online game... )

I'm going to get Halo, but not right away - I'm not into that whole craze, lol. I just got Gears and I'm working on beating that first. Halo certainly looks great though, anyone else see those adds and such for it? The Believe adds.

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Actually to make it sound even better, I played it on easy. :lol: Hence why I beat it in a little over 5 hours. I so badly wanted to know how it all ends. The only part I kinda rushed through was this one level..... I shouldn't mention anything because I don't want to spoil it. However I still killed pretty much all the enemies.

I played it on normal now and I plan to work my way up through Heroic and onto Legendary soon. Obviously the higher the difficulty, the longer it's going to take.

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Apparently it was only the collector's editions in which the dics were scratched. That's right, for $10-$80 more, you can get scratched discs!


Great game though, I'm more than halfway through the campaign, but the online truly kicks ass.

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Actually to make it sound even better, I played it on easy. :lol: Hence why I beat it in a little over 5 hours. I so badly wanted to know how it all ends. The only part I kinda rushed through was this one level..... I shouldn't mention anything because I don't want to spoil it. However I still killed pretty much all the enemies.

I played it on normal now and I plan to work my way up through Heroic and onto Legendary soon. Obviously the higher the difficulty, the longer it's going to take.

There was a difficulty under Normal? Really?

I'm playing on Normal right now for the same reasons as you, I want to get through the story ASAP. It's like Deathly Hallows all over again, I feel the longer I take to get through the story, the more likely it is for spoilers to get to me.

And I got the Collector's Edition, my disc was perfectly fine.

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There was a difficulty under Normal? Really?

I'm playing on Normal right now for the same reasons as you, I want to get through the story ASAP. It's like Deathly Hallows all over again, I feel the longer I take to get through the story, the more likely it is for spoilers to get to me.

And I got the Collector's Edition, my disc was perfectly fine.

I beat the final two levels on Heroic today. ^_^

Online is sweet. If anyone here ever wants to play sometime, my gamertag is CStealth17. So yea. ;)

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Vinny, it's not as impressive if those are the ONLY two levels you beat on Heroic.


But those are the LAST two levels. Have you played the second last level? It's INSANE! :P

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But those are the LAST two levels. Have you played the second last level? It's INSANE! :P

The last levels aren't necessarily the hardest.

And yeah, I've beaten the game. It was alright. I probably died more driving the Warthog on the last level though, I found every stinkin hole they had in that level. It wasn't hard, I'm just stupid.

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The last levels aren't necessarily the hardest.

And yeah, I've beaten the game. It was alright. I probably died more driving the Warthog on the last level though, I found every stinkin hole they had in that level. It wasn't hard, I'm just stupid.

The last level wasn't that hard. Cortana is though... especially on heroic. The ranged forms are incredibly annoying. Those are the ones which the pure forms can transform into and climb walls shooting carbine like projectiles.

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The last level wasn't that hard. Cortana is though... especially on heroic. The ranged forms are incredibly annoying. Those are the ones which the pure forms can transform into and climb walls shooting carbine like projectiles.

I know, I said it wasn't hard.

Once they climb up the walls, they're not that hard to pick off. I had no problem with that level.

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I know, I said it wasn't hard.

Once they climb up the walls, they're not that hard to pick off. I had no problem with that level.

Well I'll assume you mean that by playing it on normal, so fine.

You should play with TBRC and me sometime.

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Well I'll assume you mean that by playing it on normal, so fine.

You should play with TBRC and me sometime.

No, I went back to that level on Heroic to see what you were talking about and did fine. Kinda broke a rule though, I don't like jumping ahead with levels on different difficulties but it was for the sake of the discussion, haha.

Maybe once I've finished with Basic Training. Some of the people in there are just too much fun, you can sneak up behind them for beat downs consistently. Totally unaware of their surroundings, n00bs are great. What's TBRCs tag?

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No, I went back to that level on Heroic to see what you were talking about and did fine. Kinda broke a rule though, I don't like jumping ahead with levels on different difficulties but it was for the sake of the discussion, haha.

Maybe once I've finished with Basic Training. Some of the people in there are just too much fun, you can sneak up behind them for beat downs consistently. Totally unaware of their surroundings, n00bs are great. What's TBRCs tag?

:lol: I should go in there and have some fun then. TBRC's tag is Anarchy215. We were playing online earlier today. Team Slayer FTW!

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