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Grabovski intentionally missing the team flight


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An exciting game from Grabs. His on-ice vision is terrific - some of those passes he dished to Kovalev were superb. And his speed is excellent too.

He's got a looooOOOOOOoong way to go, but based on this one game :lol: I wouldn't totally rule out a future for him as a #2 C, replacing Koivu, who, it's becoming increasingly obvious, is definitely on the downside. (But a Pleks-Grabs combo? The mind boggles!!)

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Most of the posts here are pretty much in line with what the commentators were saying on RDS. I'm sorry, but I find these comments short-sighted.

Read between the lines in today's Gazette article about Grabovski, and you know he's headed back to Russia after this season. His comments can be summed up with, "I'd rather *play* in Hamilton, than be a spectator here," and "I will honor my contract *to the end of the season*" (when it expires).

Carbonneau does not value offensive players. Samsonov, Ribiero, Perezhogin, and now Grabovski. And then you wonder why offensive UFAs like Briere do not want to sign here. This is NOT a good trend. We WILL ultimately pay for this down the road, as players like Kovalev and Koivu get older. As to the disparaging comments... how do you know what these young guys would have turned out to be *had they been given ice time?* (And isn't it ironic to call a youngster who desperately wants to play, a quitter?!)

I would have no argument had these youngsters been playing poorly. But they weren't. And then you get a pooch like Smolinski, giving up the puck, (forget about losing battles on the boards, but) *refusing to even engage in them,* etc. getting all kinds of ice time. Has anyone noticed how our team is playing lately since this pooch has been put back in the lineup? Any line he's on is beyond bad, its terrible.

Gainey keeps drafting good young talent so that Carbonneau can alienate them and throw them away?!!! This makes sense to you? Well, it doesn't to me. Is this happening to other NHL teams? I honestly don't know. But if it isn't, then I think you'd have to agree: we have a serious problem here...

- Jack

Whoa, making a mountain out of a molehill here. This was Grabovski making a bad choice, that much is clear. And he might want to go back to Russia, we don't know that yet, but the next few months will surely have a bearing on that. And it's funny that you think there is a serious problem here with Carbonneau alienating young players; then what about the many other young players we have here who seem dedicated to the team? Chips, Price, Higgins, Komisarek, Plekanec, the Kostitsyns, Lapierre, Latendresse, O'Byrne, etc. There don't seem to be too many problems with them and the coaching staff, so wouldn't it make more sense to tentatively lay the blame for this incident with Grabovski?

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Whoa, making a mountain out of a molehill here. This was Grabovski making a bad choice, that much is clear. And he might want to go back to Russia, we don't know that yet, but the next few months will surely have a bearing on that. And it's funny that you think there is a serious problem here with Carbonneau alienating young players; then what about the many other young players we have here who seem dedicated to the team? Chips, Price, Higgins, Komisarek, Plekanec, the Kostitsyns, Lapierre, Latendresse, O'Byrne, etc. There don't seem to be too many problems with them and the coaching staff, so wouldn't it make more sense to tentatively lay the blame for this incident with Grabovski?

Agreed. I don't think we can blame Carbo for this. Even Saku said it in an interview saturday that Grabs made a rookie mistake. If Grabs isn't happy, he can go play in Russia, where the ice rinks are 60 years old and you'd be lucky to have running hot water in the showers.

Even though the kid played well yesterday, the little fv.cker should learn to shut his piehole!

Edited by Habsfan
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Samsonov was his fault, Perezhogin was his fault, Rivet was his fault, maybe even Kovalev was his fault. But Grabovski has put himself in a mess, it would have happened no matter who was coach.

exactly. As usual, I can't help but agree with you BTH...

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