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HabsWorld 2010 NHL Playoff Thread


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I told you guys that Giroux was overrated


Where is he?

Maybe if they were still playing in Montreal he'd be a factor. ^_^

I know it's not a series until someone loses at home, but I'm stoked for the possibility of a sweep.

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Maybe if they were still playing in Montreal he'd be a factor. ^_^

I know it's not a series until someone loses at home, but I'm stoked for the possibility of a sweep.


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there is something wrong when you don't call a cross check, but you do call a stick check that breaks a stick...

I seem to recall if a habs D crosschecked a guy down the to ice in front of Halak, it was a penalty.. but Pronger does it every shift with no call...

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there is something wrong when you don't call a cross check, but you do call a stick check that breaks a stick...

I seem to recall if a habs D crosschecked a guy down the to ice in front of Halak, it was a penalty.. but Pronger does it every shift with no call...

Pronger has always received preferential treatment. That non-call is really hurting Chicago though.

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Is it just me or is this year's Cup Finals more boring than usual? Just doesn't feel like there's good hockey being played. :P

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Hossa curse is in full blast

That's the only explanation. If Philly wins, I'm gonna be pissed!

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Is it just me or is this year's Cup Finals more boring than usual? Just doesn't feel like there's good hockey being played. :P

I wouldn't necessarily say boring, but there's no flow to the games, way too many stoppages to really get into it. The games themselves have all been close and all competitive, it could be a lot worse.

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Laviolette is now whining about a missed high sticking call.. LOL.. oh the irony...

lol. I didn't even think of that. At least Briere returned to the game.

Sure it was a missed call, but they got another one (that Pronger embellished) moments later. For me, that's good enough to balance out the karma.

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refs are brutal in game 6.. what a bunch of soft calls.. I can't believe how they are giving philly PP time to get back into it..

They ignore blatant calls, then decide to call phantom crap to "dictate the game"... Either call the obvious stuff, or let them play... stop interjecting yourself in the game at a whim..

Ever see an interference call when the puck is in the feet of the two players? Ever see an elbow for not lifting your arm, but just skating thru a guy bent over? How about a pick where you barely move.. lol...

I swear the league wanted this match up and they want 7 games.

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My God.. they called Hossa for goalie interference????

This might be as bad a reffed game as the one the Habs played against the caps...

Even the announcers can't believe this mess... "they miss the real penalties, they call the non-penalties"..

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Richards and Carter are playing like Plekanec and Kostitsyn... How can you completely disappear like that?!

OT time! Go Flyers!

My picks:

Hartnell for the Hat trick

Byfuglien for the Conn Smythe (?)

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Good for Chicago, they deserved to win.. but how does that winning goal go in..

Its been a long time since there where two worse goalies in the finals... It just goes to show, you don't need the goalie to be your best player if you have a lot of offense and the other team has just as crappy goaltending as you.. :)

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