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Congratulatory Thread


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WOOHOO! :king:

Thanks for having me here guys.

Thanks to Hannes, for realizing he needed me as Assistant. :D

Thank to Streamer, Bruins_GM, Fanpuck33 and MinnyMe for providing me with plenty of "trade approved" and "cleared waivers" opportunities. :D

Thanks to sakiqc, for putting money in HW. $$$ Talks, you the man!

Thanks to my agent, for negociating a good deal between HW and myself. I wanted to sign up with HFBoards but he convinced me to come here.

Thanks to my mom and dad, to whom I owe my quick fingers.

Thanks to my 6th grade Tap'Touche teacher for honing my keyboard skills.

Thanks to Tuomo Ruutu, without whom I'd gave up on HWL a long time ago. Hail Tuomo!

Thank you to the crazy chick who put together that Hockey Hotties web site, for providing me with countless hours of laughters in my darkess moments.

Thank you to my sponsor, Player's cigarettes. "When your shitty computer is so old and slow that simulations takes half a day, smoke a Player's... and another... and another. Hell, smoke a pack, this sim will take forever anyways!"

Thanks to my lovely wife, Jelena Jensen, for supporting my efforts. Love you honey!

Thanks to my spiritual son, Streamer, for making me realize that if I give up, the world will be overrun by mad-men like him. I love you bro'!

And last but not least, thanks to... hmmm... I guess that's it.

But before I go, I wanted to use this opportunity and this tribune that is offered to me to raise awareness abuot something very important:



Thanks, enjoy the rest of the evening!`;)

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Top Posters In This Topic

Originally posted by Fanpuck33

500 posts in one month.  Man, with HWL I'm going to lose my place as the 2nd most active poster.

Just noticed this:

Forum Most Active In: HWL (363 posts!)

That's 363 posts out of 1011. And I barely post in the hockey talk, habs talk, etc. That means about 60% of my posts are in the HWL subforums (trades, waivers, ufa's, etc.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Figured there was no better place to do this, so here it is. My 1000th post on the HabsWorld Forums. :D

It's been great being around these boards! Great to have a bunch of habs-nuttz fans such as myself to talk with.

Looking forward to the regular season starting, with many new members coming on board!

Woo Hoo, I join the 1000 club!


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You could have taken a page from my book and tried to start a memorable thread in the Habs forum, hehe. Though my plan didn't exactly work, and when I tried to merge the thread with the congrats for my 1000th post into this thread, I ended up losing the whole thing. I guess that's what I get for combining it all into one thread.

Anyways, congrats on 1000 and good luck on your quest for 2000. :clap:

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Originally posted by ap79

Congrats Leo! 1000 posts... think of all the productive things you could have done instead! :P j/k

Hahaha, interesting thought... I could have money! Hmm, well who needs money when you've got good hockey talk right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats to Leafs Suck the first HW forum member (who is not a HW collaborator) to reach the 1000 posts mark and the first to get the "Hall of Fame" status :/) :bow:

Thanks for your great participation and the interesting topics you start. Also, thanks to remind us that the Leafs suck (we'll never know it enough:P )


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Congrats Leafs Suck! I disagree with most, if not all, of your political views, but I enjoy the conversation, but political and hockey related.

Also, congrats to shortcat1 for passing the 500 post mark in a ridiculously short amount of time, given that he isn't in HWL.

[Edited on 9-22-05 by Fanpuck33]

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My own personal congradulations as well.

The heart and soul of any community is the people that keep the community alive being active and inviting to others. This is the only board I have ever posted on because it feels like home!

The best part is all the Habs fans across the world that participate here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shortcat1 hits 1000 posts!

Congrats to Shortcat1 for hitting the 1000 post mark! At this rate you're sure to pass puck7x for top honors in about a month... ;)

Seriously, great to have you on the boards! Enjoy just about all your posts. You sure you don't want to join the HWL? I'm sure you'd make a great Gm... ;).

Hope the teaching job is going good as well, as a student, I know torturous we can be for the teachers, hehe. Nah, can't be half as bad as dealing with Leafs fans right?

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Originally posted by Macaskill

Shortcat1 hits 1000 posts!

Congrats to Shortcat1 for hitting the 1000 post mark! At this rate you're sure to pass puck7x for top honors in about a month... ;)

Seriously, great to have you on the boards! Enjoy just about all your posts. You sure you don't want to join the HWL? I'm sure you'd make a great Gm... ;).  

Hope the teaching job is going good as well, as a student, I know torturous we can be for the teachers, hehe. Nah, can't be half as bad as dealing with Leafs fans right?

Thanks... 90 posts so far tonight (91 with this one...) easy to do when you hog the mike.

By the way, puck7x is meat! he's dead in the water! he's gonna eat my dust! Fozzy's whipping me (ohhh, I love it, keep doing it, Fozzy... I love to hurt for you... you're just too sweet... ahhhhh again... again... again...........................) :lol::lol::lol:

(is shortcat1 short a card in his deck? maybe he's been clubbed 2 much)

[Edited on 2005/10/3 by shortcat1]

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Congrats shortcat! How many of those 1000 posts were one-worders? And how many of them were 3 consecutive posts? Sometimes it looks like you're debating with yourself.:/) I'm not sure how many posts puck7x but you're on a great pace.

Congratz Fozzy... and congratz Teddy...

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Originally posted by shortcat1

By the way, puck7x is meat! he's dead in the water! he's gonna eat my dust! Fozzy's whipping me (ohhh, I love it, keep doing it, Fozzy... I love to hurt for you... you're just too sweet... ahhhhh again... again... again...........................)   :lol::lol::lol:


Well, I wouldnt be so sure about that. Even if you catch up to my post total remember that I can alter post totals, so if I wanted, I could put you right back down to 1. hehehe ;)

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Originally posted by puck7x
Originally posted by shortcat1

By the way, puck7x is meat! he's dead in the water! he's gonna eat my dust! Fozzy's whipping me (ohhh, I love it, keep doing it, Fozzy... I love to hurt for you... you're just too sweet... ahhhhh again... again... again...........................)   :lol::lol::lol:


Well, I wouldnt be so sure about that. Even if you catch up to my post total remember that I can alter post totals, so if I wanted, I could put you right back down to 1. hehehe ;)

and I'll tell my mommy on you. she won't be happy with you,... NO... SHE... WON'T... :mad::mad::mad:

[Edited on 2005/10/3 by shortcat1]

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