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Aebischer Or Huet


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Am I the only one who thinks that Aebischer should have another shot tonight against the Pens. He played very well the other night against the Canes, I don't think we should be rattling his confidence by going back with Huet in an easy game. This guy has to get his groove going, especially since I think he will be our go to guy in the playoffs......if we make it. People seem to forget that Huet had back to back losses not too long ago where he allowed 5 goals and didn't play nearly as well as Aebischer.

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Well this is going to be the problem for the rest of the season now isn't it? Who do you play each night? If one guy struggles do you immediately go to the other guy? If a guy plays three in a row and plays well, how do you get the other guy some action?

The problem with a shared goaltending situation.....

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I believe you have to go with Huet tonight, he may in fact be the Canadiens guy come playoff time and seven days off is just too much for a guy who has played the way he has recently. He deserves the start more so, sure Aebi lost to an amazing team but this is a crucial game and the Habs must win I think Huet is the best bet for the two points.

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I believe you have to go with Huet tonight, he may in fact be the Canadiens guy come playoff time and seven days off is just too much for a guy who has played the way he has recently. He deserves the start more so, sure Aebi lost to an amazing team but this is a crucial game and the Habs must win I think Huet is the best bet for the two points.

I agree. We can put Aebi in on either Monday or Tuesday... No big deal, and certainly no disrespect to either goalie.

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Come on! you dont put your newly aquired goalie against the best team in the league and then take him out cause he got 5 goals in ... what about his stake ??/ give him another shot at least with the worst team now!

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Good I hope Aebischer is starting tonight. I really believe he will be the guy going down the stretch, I loved watching him play, he is so mobile and big in the net, something we have been missing for the last 10 years.

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mobile and big in the net, something we have been missing for the last 10 years.

Hmm? Garlon.. Garçon.. Mathieu Karon??

Quite mobile goalie.

6'2" isn't that small ;)

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I don't understand it all...Huet has been awesome, why give Aebischer back to back starts, it just doesn't make sense, I don't care if he is newly acquired or not. Huet has been fantastic, he's given up 2 goals in his last 3 starts, how do you keep starting Aebischer, I think this is a mistake on BG's part and hopefully he will not regret it. It just does not make sense. WE have back to back games on Monday and Tuesday give him another shot in one of those.

Huet will be the man down the stretch and this is the most key game of the season. A Must Win Huet should be starting.

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If Huet doesn't start tonight, it's another vote on the 'Bob doesn't know WTF he's doing' side of the checklist as far as I'm concerned. Huet has been red-hot...it's risky to let him sit and cool off.

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I would personally put in Huet, but I don't think it is such a big deal. True this is an important 2 pts (only because of other teams pulling close), but the pens are a team that we should be able to beat with either goalie... or even Danis... maybe even Halak... I personally don't care who we put in, this team should and will be the pittsburgh penguins.

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This is tough desission for BG to do, think of it everyone if you don't play abi then his moral might go down ;because he thinks that BG does'nt think hes good enough to bounce back.

But you can for sure see huet in the net against washigton when we play them.

So i have no regret with abi playing tonight unless huet doesnt start against washington.


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Who cares what Abi thinks....he is not the #1 nor will he ever be on this team. He is here to fight for playing time and play well when he does. This decision really boggles my mind. What about the effect it has on Huet? and his confidence. Not ot mention he will not have played in a long time, whever he gets his next start. As nice as some of his saves were in his start against carolina, He still gave up a crapload of rebounds and his overall play was nowhere near that of Huet. This assessment has little to do with goals against and more to do with watching him play.

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Who cares what Abi thinks....he is not the #1 nor will he ever be on this team. He is here to fight for playing time and play well when he does. This decision really boggles my mind. What about the effect it has on Huet? and his confidence. Not ot mention he will not have played in a long time, whever he gets his next start. As nice as some of his saves were in his start against carolina, He still gave up a crapload of rebounds and his overall play was nowhere near that of Huet. This assessment has little to do with goals against and more to do with watching him play.

Aebischer wasn't brought in to be our back-up. There is a very very high chance that at some point Aebischer will steal the #1 job (even if he loses it again) because of the two Aebischer is the only one that has proven he can play a complete NHL season as a starter. And yes, Aebischer is a legit starter and Huet might only be better because he's red hot - who knows. I doubt Huet will lose confidence after not starting twice in a row. He knows that he let in 2 goals in his last 3 starts (or whatever the numbers) and that there's no way he's being booted for his bad play. Aebischer on the other hand might lose confidence because he's being pulled after a 5 goal loss in his first game. Aebischer will really make things hard on himself if he loses tonight though. I just want to see this guy have an amazing game - although I sincerely hope that doesn't happen against the lowly Pittsburgh Penguins.

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At least we freed up some cap space.

Aebischer has 10 goals against in two games as a habs. Put Huet back in net and he will have 0 goals in two games.

Sorry, Aebischer.

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I'll have to eat my foot on this one. Aebischer looked like sh&* tonight. I really thought playing him against such a weak team would boost his confidence back up and get him back on track with the Montreal faithful. After this performance I think he is screwed in Montreal, this was a very important game and he decided not to show up. I hang my head in shame, for suggesting he start. Go Huet Go.

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On the Canadiens.com forum they have a lott of more patience. Can't believe people giving Aeby up already. Aeby proved to be a good goaltender, he needs time. I think Gainey shouldnt have played him. Always go with the redhot goalie. People need time to adjust, and goalies need even more time. Aeby is a good goalie, allthough he and especially OUR D costed us the game yesterday!

He was caught out of position a couple of times, that doesnt sound like the Aeby to me. He's one of the best positioned goalie's in the league. With confidence he can do a lot. I was stunned with his performance in the olympics.

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On the Canadiens.com forum they have a lott of more patience. Can't believe people giving Aeby up already. Aeby proved to be a good goaltender, he needs time. I think Gainey shouldnt have played him. Always go with the redhot goalie. People need time to adjust, and goalies need even more time. Aeby is a good goalie, allthough he and especially OUR D costed us the game yesterday!

He was caught out of position a couple of times, that doesnt sound like the Aeby to me. He's one of the best positioned goalie's in the league. With confidence he can do a lot. I was stunned with his performance in the olympics.

I think everyone realises that Aebi is a great goalie, but just needs time to find his footing in MTL. problem is... we need to be winning games right now... Tough call for BG....

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Sure Aebischer is a good goalie but am I the only one that doesn't think that he's a big part of this teams future?

If Huet will be good enough for a starting job ( He been red hot for 20 games and still has some to prove) then I don't see why the Habs should invest in Aebischer.

Yann Danis and Carey Price comming our way. Maybe Aebischer are gone this summer for an upgrade on defence?

Put Huet in the net as he is one of the best goalies in the leauge right now. There shouldn't even be a debate.

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THis team doesn't have any time to be ######ing patient with a ######ing goalie. They are in a desperate fight to make the playoffs, and this guy hasn't been solid in net. Get Huet back in there and play him every night if you have to. Aebischer is killing the confidence of this team. That Andre Roy goal was a killer, we may be able to look back on this game a week from now and say its the game that killed Montreal. Atlanta had lost and this was our chance to go up 3 points. Then Aebischer ######ing blew it.

Ride Huet right through. Sit him only sparingly. This team doesn't have time for Aebischer to find his game. Its desperation time now.

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